1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 299WISCONSIN BETA'S undefeated interfratemity basketbaU team. Kneeling: Steve Wickland, Tim Knabe, DonSkinner. Standing: Bob Schoenwetter, Gary Heitpas, BiU Hobbins, Steve Bernsten. (Right): The chapter's new classof <strong>Phi</strong>keias.dinner and presents at the house.To round out the year, the foUowingmen are new initiates: Doug Fredricks,Coudersport, Pa.; George Gantzer,Wheeling; Bob Harler, Moundsville.—RobertKyle Bush, V.P.WISCONSIN BETA, Lawrence University.—Withthe completion of firstterm, Wisconsin Beta is proud to announcea substantial increase in itsgrade point average. Led by the individual3.0 (straight A) performancesof Tim Knabe, Dick Mewaldt, andSteve Bernsten, our overall averagerose to 1.73, which is weU above theaU men's average, and third in fraternityrankings. Our seniors had afine 2.1 average. After another finerush program, led by Co-ChairmanJim Lynum and Bill Prange, we wereproud to pledge 25 outstanding men.The new <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Chris Anderson,West Bend; John Biolo, GreenBay; Brian Bock, Appleton; TomCalloway, A.ppleton; Jerry Clifford,Winnetka, IU.; Louie Cornelius,Neenah; John Edstrom, Winona,Minn.; Cliff Goerke, Waukesha; JoeGraff, Elmhurst, 111.; Gary Hietpas,Appleton; Pat Kenney, Menasha;Denny Kirchoff, Schiller Park, IU.;Ken Koskelin, Wyocena; Bob Krohn,Wauwatosa; Jay Mancini, Hillsborough,Calif.; Chuck McKee, Appleton;Paul Mead, Yokohama, Japan;Dave Mielke, Milwaukee; Mike O'Fallon,Westchester, 111.; John Schade,Brookfield; John Schulenberg, Appleton;Steve Simon, Shorewood; DickSmith, Lyons, 111.; Chip Taggart,Appleton; Steve Wilson, Rock Island,111. With the addition of <strong>Phi</strong>keiaEdstrom, we now have three Edstrombrothers in our chapter. Leading thevarsity basketbaU team to one of itsfinest seasons in recent years are cocaptainsEarl Hoover and Tom Steinmetz,each with an 18 point average.Other varsity <strong>Phi</strong>s seeing much actionare Rick Kroos, Bill Prange,<strong>Phi</strong>l Strong, and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Mike O'Fallon.Representing the <strong>Phi</strong>s on thewrestling team is Jack Robertson,and on the swimming team are JohnFirmin, Tom Thomas, Chase Fergusen,and Sandy Johnson. In interfratemitysports, Wisconsin Beta is onits way to its fifth consecutive supremacytrophy. Currently, the basketballteam is in first place, undefeatedand unchallenged. The bowling andhandball teams should also producehigh point finishes. Among recentsocial activities has been our pledgeformal with the <strong>Theta</strong>s, and an active-pledgeparty which ended in acomplete winter house cleaning,thanks to our energetic pledge class.Enthusiasm is high, and a successfulending to a fine year is expected atWisconsin Beta.—Don Skinner, V.P.WISCONSIN GAMMA, Ripon College.—Becauseot the system ot deterredrush here at Ripon, WisconsinGamma has just acquired its pledgeclass for the current year. We arevery happy with this class and feelwe are very fortunate consideringthe limitations placed on us by thecollege administration this first semester.The <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Bob Celihowski,Oshkosh; Tom Fanning,Sparta; Kirk Gentling, Rochester,Minn.; Randy Glendinning, Westport,Conn.; Robin Hering, Green Bay;Jim Heyen, Barrington, IU.; ScottMathot, DePere; Scott Mubarak,Tomah; LaVern Pottinger, <strong>No</strong>rwalk;David Sinnish, Longmeadow, Mass.;Michael Zuehlke, Oshkosh. WisconsinGamma again has brothers in variousimpprtant pffices pn campus andgood representation on Ripon's athleticteams. Nine <strong>Phi</strong>s and three <strong>Phi</strong>keiashelped the football team shareMidwest Conference honors. The basketballteam is npw being led by sixbrothers, four of whom are on thestarting five. Jim Cahoon, Doug Ankerson,Roger Beck, Paul <strong>No</strong>el, KarlDeblitz and Dick Kuehl make theRedman basketbaU team a strongcontender for their third straightconference title. At this time springsports are ready to begin and Ripon<strong>Phi</strong>s will also participate in theseactivities. The Student Court andStudent Senate are also organizationsin which Ripon <strong>Phi</strong>s hold activepositions. The I.M. season is now beginningto get under way again aftersemester break. In the fall, the I.M.footbaU team went undefeated torthe fourth consecutive year and weare hoping for similar performancesin basketball, voUeybaU, softball, golf,tennis and track. The highlight otthe year was the receiving ot theTom Harmon-Grantland Rice Trophy,which was awarded to JackAnkerson at the half-time of ourHomecoming game this tall. Thisoccasion will remain in the mindsot every <strong>Phi</strong> present because of thehonor it brought to the chapter andthe honor given a fine athlete.—SteveFinley, V.P.WYOMEVG ALPHA, University ofWyoming.—After a fall semester fiUedwith many activities, the lone chapterof Wyoming is looking forwardto another semester of friendship andsound learning under the leadership ofpur newly dected President, BiU StPut.First pn the prpgram fpr the springsemester is Help Week, sppn tp befpUpwed by the initiatipn into the(See next page)

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