1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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298 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965WASHINGTON BETA'S Cleaver Nelson as he put finishing touches on hisart project, "Odiome." Believe it or not, he took first place in the annualVern Kinsinger modern art contest at Whitman.cider and doughnut pre-function,115 brothers and their dates adjournedto the gigantic Klobusickyballroom for an evening of squaredancing to the live music of "Pops"McCoy and his all-accordion band.The barbershop ball (planned bySocial Chairman Dennis Johnson)followed the barn dance. After growingbeards for one month, the brothersof Washington Beta were shavedin the basement by their dates. Bob"Frog" France took home the firstprize—a year's subscription to theAtlantic Monthly, and George Spencerwon the booby prize—an autographedpicture of Al Zack. Invarsity athletics. <strong>Phi</strong>s took four outof the five post-season footballawards. Doug Graham was votedoutstanding player; Mike Nienstedt,outstanding lineman; Andy Pollard,inspirational player, and Rick Mauseth,"workhorse trophy." Dave Snowis now captaining the basketballteam and is again in contention forconference scoring honors. CleaverNelson, a <strong>Phi</strong> avant garde artist,won the Vern Kinsinger trophy forhis study in wood and metal whichhe entitled "Odiome." Social ChairmanGeorge Spencer has promisedthe Fraternity a whopping big socialfunction at the plush and lavish JeffersonPark Fieldhouse, Larry Richardswill return from his tour ofMadagascar where he was studyingprimate defects, and Jim Cottle looksforward to his Pacific <strong>No</strong>rthwest debatetour.—Steve SchiUing, V.P.WASHINGTON GAMMA, WashingtonState University.—WashingtonGamma was fortunate enough to beginthe spring semester with fournew <strong>Phi</strong>keias. Added to our 1965pledge class were Pete Lemcke, Tacoma;Mike Fowler, Seattle (bothstandouts on the frosh football team);Fritz Hughes, Clarkton; and JoeGauthier, Tacoma. We are sorry toreport that Dr. Bruce McFadden wasunable to continue as chapter adviserbecause of strenuous academicpressures. However, we are proud toannounce the appointment of KenMyklebust, lawyer and prominentPuUman alumnus as our new chapteradviser. On the athletic scene. BobKeppel, junior from Spokane, wasnamed to the 1964 Ust of track andfield AU-Americans by the N.C.A.A.coaches board. Bob is an excellenthigh jumper, with consistent marksnear and above the 7' range. WashingtonGamma is well representedon the basketball court with JDennisKloke and Tom Tommervik holdingdown the back court positions on thevarsity. In addition, <strong>Phi</strong>keias JimMcKean and Doug Kloke securedstarting berths on the frosh team andhave shown exceUent promise towardfuture varsity performance. WashingtonGamma has a well roundedsocial calendar tor the spring semesterthat includes the initiation formal,the Klondike dance, the MiamiTriad dance, and the spring cruise.—Bob Mauseth, V.P.WASHINGTON DELTA, Universityof Puget Sound.-This 1964-1965school year has followed several patternsthat have become traditional atWashington <strong>Delta</strong>. With official compositegrades for living groups stillunavailable, we have maintained ourusual scholastic exceUence with eighteenactive members earning at leasta 3.0 grade average. In intramuralathletics we have remained near thetop, aided by our volleyball team,which was undefeated for the fourthtime in the past five seasons. Themen of Washington <strong>Delta</strong> have alsocontinued to make their presence feltin intercollegiate athletics. Andy Pazaruskiwas the starting center on theLogger football team, and Bruce Teatsand Gary Dyer have turned in outstandingperformances for the swimteam. <strong>Phi</strong>s Gary Birchler, Skip Post,Dave <strong>No</strong>rmile, and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Don Gustafsonare on the varsity basketballsquad. Post has played several particularlygood fioor games, and Birchler,a sophomore starting center,scored 25 points and grabbed 20 reboundsin a single game earlier thisseason. We are also very proud otDan Mullen and John Gruen forbeing honored as the University ofPuget Sound Homecoming King andthe Dream Man of A 4> respectively.Mullen is also senior dass president.The highlight ot our winter socialcalendar was an overnight ski tripand dance at Snoqualmie Pass. Washington<strong>Delta</strong> proudly greets newly-initiatedBrothers Bill Simons, Jon Enz,Jack Ehrsam, Gordon Kallio, JackAllen, Dave Kettering, and Bob Hammond.—TomSpring, V.P.WEST VIRGINIA ALPHA, WestVirginia University.—Because WestVirginia Alpha is currently on sodalprobation, we have turned our endeavorsin other directions, particularlytoward scholarship. Steve Rawejpre-med senior, attained his fifthconsecutive 4.0 (Straight A) averagethis past semester. Brother Rawe hasalso made the Dean's List every semesterhe has been in coUege. Unofficialestimates of the chapter'saverage should place West VirginiaAlpha well above the all men's average.<strong>No</strong>t to neglect athletics, thechapter won the intramural archerymatch with the shooting skills ofDick Ashworth and Bob Keller. Weare hopeful of success in the forthcomingintramural basketball season.Bob Camp, meanwhile, is the leadingscorer and rebounder on the varsitycage team, and Jim Roberts is astar performer on the gymnasticsteam. The brothers made Christmasenjoyable for three underprivilegedchildren from the Morgantown area.The children were given a turkey

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