1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964 29Wife," by Janet Shearon Armstrong. . . HamiltonR. Catlin (Arizona '40) vice-president of TucsonGas and Electric Co., was named chairman of thespecial gifts division of the United CommunityCampaign. ... J. Karl Justin (M.I.T. '48) has beenmade an Associate of the New York firm of Fordyceand Hamby Associates, architects.Boisfeuillet Jones (Emory '34), special assistantto Health Education and Welfare Secretary Celebrezze,has resigned his position. Brother Jones,who has been an assistant for health and medicalaffairs since early 1961, will return to private lifein Atlanta, Ga. . . . The Standard Life InsuranceCompany of Indianapolis has announced the appointmentof George L. Wright (Cincinnati '37) asRegional Superintendent of Agencies. Will H.Hays, Jr. (Wabash '37) is serving as an alumnitrustee for Wabash College. He is currently mayorof Crawfordsville, Ind., seat of Wabash College. .Charles Hoy Steele (Randolph-Macon '64) of Vienna,Va., won top academic honors at R-M's 132ndcommencement exercises. He received the MurrayMedal for scholarship, awarded annually to themember of the graduating class having the highestacademic average for his entire degree course. Steeleis immediate past president of Virginia Gamma.BRIEF ITEMS about PHIS with the COLORS2d. Lt. Larry D. McClellan (Oklahoma) has beenassigned to the 28th Artillery as a platoon leaderin Battery A, 1st Battalion, near Mainz, Germany.George R. Moore Jr. (Mississippi-Florida State)has been promoted from 2nd Lieutenant to 1stLieutenant at Fort Lawton, Wash. . Majs. DonaldN. Russell (Michigan State '51) and William D.Hays (Idaho '49) were graduated, the former fromthe 38-week regular course and the latter from theassociate course at the U.S. Army Command andGeneral Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kan.Brother Hays has been assigned to the Seattle SubsectorCommand, Fort Lawton, Wash. . 2d Lt.William L. Lund (Minnesota) completed an artilleryofficer orientation course at the Army Artillery andMissile Center, Fort Sill, Okla., in June.Journalist 2/C Richard Meckel (Washburn '53),USNR, flew to Europe and Africa in June for sixteendays of active duty with Naval Air ReserveTransport Squadron VR-883 of NAS Olathe, Kan.Based at Rota, Spain, he was sent to cover storiesin Cadiz, Seville, Gibraltar, Naples, Pompeii, theAzores and Kenitra, Morocco. At Morocco, BrotherMeckel covered the presentation by VR-883 of$30,000 worth of medical supplies to the Moroccangovernment—part of the United States' people-topeopleprogram of gifts to foreign nationals. He andthe two Navy photographers assigned to the cruisereceived letters of commendation following theirreturn to the United States.Lt. Col. James S. Garrison (Oklahoma) is directorof air crew training with a unit of the Pacific AirForces, Headquarters, 315 th Air Division at TachikawaAB, Japan. In April, his unit participated ina joint U.S.-ThaUand-Australia-New Zealand militarytraining operation.Air Force Capt. Charles K. Humbert (Ohio State)was awarded the U.S. Army Commendation Medalin Bangkok, Thailand. He received the medal formeritorious service as administrative officer of theAir Force section at Headquarters, Joint U. S. MilitaryAdvisory Group to Thailand in Bangkok.Larry G. Schlotfdt (Kansas State '63) is servingin the United States Army, presendy based at FortRucker, Ala.Among U. S. Air Force personnel now on duty inViet Nam is 1st Lt. John A. Milford (Akron), anintelligence photo-radar officer in a Pacific AirForces unit responsible for helping train Vietnameseforces in air tactics and techniques for combat.Col. Thomas S. Ryan (Duke-Syracuse) has beenassigned as chief of the Air Attachd Division atHeadquarters, USAF, in the Pentagon. ... 1st Lt.David E. Moser (Willamette) has been named amember of the Ohnstead (Pa.) AFB pistol team for1964. . . 1st Lt. Richard H. Bauer (Syracuse), anavigator with a Military Air Transport Service(MATS) unit at Travis AFB, Calif., flew supplymissions to Alaska to help relieve disaster conditionsfollowing the earthquake. . Thomas J.Hutchison (Kansas State) has been selected for promotionto the rank of lieutenant colonel in theUSAF. He is commander of Air Force Systems Command's3242nd Communications and ElectronicsMaintenance Squadron at Eglin AFB, Fla. . . 1stLt. Charles E. Freeman (Cincinnati) has arrived forduty at Langley AFB, Va., after a tour of servicein France. A tactical fighter pilot, he is assigned toa Tactical Air Command (TAG) unit at Langley.Capt. Frederick R. Danlton (California) hascompleted the rigorous USAF Survival and SpecialTraining School at Stead AFB, Nev., and has beenassigned to Fairchild AFB, Wash., for duty in aunit of the Strategic Air Command (SAC).2d Lts. Wray W. Eeatherstone Jr. (Idaho) andBrian H. Barron (Iowa State) have entered USAFpilot training, the former at Laredo and the latterat Reese AFB, Tex.Commissioned 2d Lieutenants on graduation fromOfficer Training School, Lackland AFB, Tex. andtheir assignments: <strong>Phi</strong>llip L. Carson (Southwestern),to Fairchild AFB, Wash.; William C Zimmers Jr.(Denison), Amarillo AFB, Tex.; Charles K. HackettJr. (Colorado), Vance AFB, Okla.; Harold W. CainJr. (Kentucky), Lowry AFB, Colo.; Robert W. Harmon(Richmond), Laredo AFB, Tex.

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