1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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ley, N.J. At the end of the faU semester,Virginia Gamma placed fourbrothers on Honors Lists (2.50 orbetter out of possible 3.00) and sixbrothers and three <strong>Phi</strong>kdas onDean's List (2.00 or better). The <strong>Phi</strong>son Honors List are: Miles Dumville,Boyce Reid, Ronnie Turner, andDrury Stith. The Dean's List membersare: Dan Williaros, Sam Lightner,Jim Bamett, Worth Landis,John Wolff, and Don Lake and<strong>Phi</strong>keias Witten, Sheffey, and Millsap.In athletics two brpthers have attainedhigh hpnor. John Wolff wasnamed to the All-American soccerteam and Bill Baumeister was namedto the first team Little AU-<strong>Phi</strong>, All-Mason-Dixon Conference and All-Little-Eight Conference footballsquads. Two <strong>Phi</strong>s are top performerson varsity teams at the present time-John Wolff, swimming; and <strong>No</strong>rrisStrickland, baseball. In intramuralbasketball the <strong>Phi</strong>s now have a 3-0record, and the prospects for a championshipteam are very good. VirginiaGamma is also proud to announcethat three of its members—DruryStith, Sam Lightner, and John Wolff—have been selected for Who'sWho in American Universities andColleges. In the recent change in editorsot the College newspaper, another<strong>Phi</strong> gained an editorship-Ronnie Turner became sports editor.At the semester break, the year seemsto be shaping into another excellentone tor Virginia Gamma.—WorthLandis, V.P.VIRGINIA DELTA, University ofRichmond.—Plans for remodeling thelodge and second semester rush areboth in the air at Virginia <strong>Delta</strong>. Acommittee has been appointed toform plans for completely remodelingthe lodge, and to raise funds tor therenovation. Second semester rush isunderway with hopes of adding newpledges. Plans call for three smokerswith refreshments, one combo party,and concentrated selective effort bythe brothers. Field Secretary JohnDiehl added many ideas for njshwhen he visited here in February.Our fourteen pledges have completeda concentrated study weiek duringwhich they Uved together at thelodge and learned $ A © history andIpre backwards and fprwards, in pneof the most successful pledge weeksin recent history. Individual <strong>Phi</strong>sare making their marks on campus.Stran Trout has been named fraternityeditor and Bob Bulls businessmanager of The Web, the collegeyearbook; President O'JBrien has beennamed editor of the 1966 StudentDirectory, and was elected to membershipin Scabbard and Blade; JayTHE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 297Ball, Carter Younger, and MiltonEarly have gained berths on the University'scrack miUtary DriU Platoon.Bob Sanderson and Warren Vanderslicehave been tapped for r 2 E,honorary chemistry fraternity. BobBulls has been elected president ofthe Herman P, Thomas EconomicsSociety, and has been tapped intoA K * business fraternity and the Sodetyfor the Advancement of Management.—DonDale, V.P.VIRGINIA ZETA, Washingtonand Lee University.—Virginia Zetainitiated these <strong>Phi</strong>keias: Andy Blair,Charleston, W.Va.; Dudley Cocke,Virginia Beach; Doug Craig, HowardMarshall, Houston; Barry Crosby,Greenville, Miss.; Alex Jones, Greenville,Tenn.; Nelson Head, Birmingham,Ala.; Tom Howard, KnoxviUe;Dave Parker, High Point,N.C. AU these men are to be congratulatedon making their grades.Initiate Nelson Head set the universityrecord in the 100-yard backstroke.Senior Dave Geer is doing a fine jobdiving for the swimming team againthis year. Seniors Dave Adams, DaveGeer, Joe Bear, BiU Lee, John Marshall,and BiU Holliday all madethe Dean's List first semester. Theannual formal Christmas house partywas held the second weekend in December.The dance was held in thebaUroom of the Robert E. Lee Hotelin Lexington. Fancy Dress was againa great success. Featured at the concertswere the Lettermen and GaryU.S. Bonds. The <strong>Phi</strong>s, with fourother groups entertained at theMoose Lodge. On Friday, theRhythm Makers, a local group,played. Saturday the Delacardos, theMajors, and Gary U.S. Bonds providedcontinuous entertainment from5 P.M. until 2 A.M. Virginia Zeta willnot be the same without its oldestmember, BiUy Mac, who is finallyworking for Unde Sam.—DaveAdams, V.P.WASHINGTON ALPHA, Universityof Washington.—A striving torcompleteness has been evidenced bythe record of <strong>Phi</strong>s ot WashingtonAlpha these past months since schoolbegan. Husky footbaU was bolsteredto its near miss of a Rose Bowlberth by the consistent <strong>Phi</strong> starters—Jon and Jerry Knoll, Ralph Winters,Al Libke, Mike Ryan (AU-<strong>Phi</strong>team members '63-'64) and DaveWilliams, sophomore end. With fiveother <strong>Phi</strong> team members (DarreUHostvedt, Ron Clark, Stan Brand,Ole Carlson, Jeff Cushman) they wereable to obtain a better than Baverage while in competition. Winterathletics also reflect the <strong>Phi</strong>s' determinationand participation. WhileBruce Solibakke and BiU Montgomeryare basketball's varsity redshirts, the <strong>Phi</strong>keias who battle forthe Washington frosh display creditablepotential. Lance Brigham, anhonor grade student, has been THEoutstanding ' freshman basketballplayer with consistency as high-pointman. Steve Johnson and Garry Skeltoncould also leave an indeliblemark on the Husky's record. Ingymnastics, Jim David, last year'snominee for the University of Washington'sAthlete of the Year, is aprospective candidate for the nationalchampionship is his event,floor exerdse. Crew also has itsshare of this chapter's members. JohnVynne, who stroked the eight-mannedshell as the I.R.A. last year is intraining for this year's regattas. Heis backed by Rich Semon and freshmenGary Clark, Art Rounds andJohn Hotson. The University's twopredominant scholastic and activitieshonoraries initiated numerous <strong>Phi</strong>srecently. Purple Shield, the underclassman'shonorary, accepted StanBrand, Steve Clayton, Nick Lapins,and Dick Reinking thereby bringingthe chapter total to fourteen—anumber unequaled by any other fraternity.Oval Club, the ujpper dassman'shonorary, was packed with AlLibke, Larry Iverson, John Vynne,John Lundin and Jon KnoU composingone-third of the club's members.Succeeding the awesome victoryof Mike Stansbury to presidency ofthe student body last spring, WashingtonAlpha again took the broomto campus elections. Both Larry Iversonand Al Libke were chosen to thetop political posts ot Associated MenStudents' president and treasurer respectively.Concerning political orientation,it should be noted that theYoung Republican Club is composedsubstantiaUy of thirty <strong>Phi</strong>s fromwhich Stew Riley was elected presidentand Jerry Malone vice-president.FinaUy spedal recognition should begiven to Washington Alpha's <strong>Phi</strong>keiaswho got off ou the right foot byachieving the top academic standingon campus.—Ron Clark, V.P.WASHINGTON BETA, WhitmanCoUege.—With one semester completed,Washington Beta can lookback to the flrst term's accomplishmentsand be proud. For the twelfthconsecutive year, * A 9 is in a substantiallead in intramural competition.The football, wrestling, andbadminton trophies now rest securelyon our mantel, and the brotherhoodeagerly looks forward to copping theremaining I.M. trophies. Pancoast,Larson, MitcheU, and Nelson aUachieved their traditional academicfour points, and again we are in contentionfor the campus scholarshipcup. The chapter shone sodaUy also.The annual barn dance was anothersmashing success. After an apple

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