1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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296 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965man at S.F.A. to be elected to Who'sWho in American Colleges and Universities.Rush is now the main thingon the agenda ot the chapter. Theprospects are very encouraging. MartinHarris was recently elected TexasEta Community Service Day chairman.The chapter is looking forwardto C.S.D. and Founders Day.—JohnRogers Morrison, V.P.TEXAS THETA, West Texas StateUniversity.—Since becoming a newchapter of $ A 9 December 12, thebrothers of Texas <strong>Theta</strong> have remainedvery busy. A Mothers' Clubhas been established, and is composedot all mothers of active members.Their schedule included aMothers' Club spread in Decemberwith all the brothers' families assemblingfor a fine banquet preparedby the mothers. Another spread isalso planned for March. Mrs, EvelynBowie is president of the Club. Thechapter is extremely proud of six ofthe brothers who took it upon themselvesto aid a famUy iu need. Thebrothers each donated a pint ofblood to the Amarillo Blood Bankin the name of a Canyon boy, RobertGlacier, who died in open heartsiurgery at Houston. The Glacierfamily could not pay for the bloodthat had been given the boy whileat a hospital in Amarillo. There WiUbe no expense to them, however, becauseof the donations of these six<strong>Phi</strong>s. The chapter is also proud ofour fine intramural basketbaU team,presently undefeated and in a fineposition to win this intramural event.Another source of great pride to ourchapter is our new group of brothers,recently added from the undisputedbest pledge class on campus. Theyare: Jim Crinklaw, Pampa; G. M.Walls, Pampa; Roy Eudy, Amarillo;WaUace Frankin, Lamesa; LarryPetty, Wilson; Mike Schale, Pampa;Randy Denson, Stamford; Jim Woods,Amarillo; Tom Martin, Alamogordo,N.M.; Bob Neslage, Pampa, RichardDaughtry, AmariUo; Gayle Baker,Amarillo; John Nelson, Amarillo;Ronnie Day, Childress; David Midkiff,Snyder; John Covington, Amarillo;Tom TumbuU, Austin; TerryMilligan, Tulia.—Wayne Storrs, V.P.UTAH ALPHA, University ofUtah.—In February the brothers ofUtah Alpha Welcomed new activemembers David Balderidge, BruceBradley, Gary Caiii, John Rupp, BillGoldberg, Cary Cloward, Wes Harris,Larry Weed, Chris Christensen, PatMcKissick, Jim MoOre, and LeonPaulos, Magna. This quarter the <strong>Phi</strong>sstarted the social calendar with a"Greaser" party in Magna. Our basement,decorated with fish nets, seaTEXAS ETA chapter was saddenedby the untimely death of <strong>Phi</strong>keiaGary King last faU. A scholarshipaward has been estabUshed in hismemory.shells, and signs, was the setting torthe second party. It was a beach partyand everyone came appropriatelydressed. Toward the end of thequarter Founders Day will be celebrated.Our fiftieth anniversary,which actually was December 31,1964, will also be celebrated at thistime. The tentative date for this occasionis March 15. This year muchemphasis has been placed on schol-,arship and it has shown in thatour grades have improved greatly.We were fourth in sdiolastic standingof the fraternities on campus. It ishoped our fiftieth year will be thebest ever at Utah Alpha.—R. J.Smith, V.P.)VERMONT ALPHA, University ofVermont.—Spirit at the Marble Palacehas been high since the intersemesterbreak which ended on January20. Kake Walk wUl be the lastweekend ot February. Our KakeWalkers, Nick Morill and "Buzzard"Dusko, look like good bets for arepeat performance of last year'swinning ways. Plans on the snowsculpture are coming along and wehope to finish in time this year. Thechapter was recently honored by theelection of Amos Eaton to the vicepresidencyot I.F.C. Our track team,wrestlers, and hand-ball players havebeen getting in shape for the comingcompetition. Last semester, our basketballteam finished third in thefraternity league. Our first formalrush program ended with a banquetand we are proud to welcome sixnew <strong>Phi</strong>keias: John Barile, NewYork, N.Y.; Kim Peterson, Pittsfield,Mass.; Doug MacDougal, Mountainside,N.J.; Nick Van Tassel, GlenRidge, N.J.; Derick Proctor, MontgomeryCenter, and Ken Morey, St.Johnsbury. February 7, we initiatedFred Gates, Flip Steckler, Ed Congdon,and Ken Quintana. Allan Wood,Province President, recently visitedthe chapter and attended the rushingbanquet. Other visitors this semesterinclude brothers from New York Beta,Virginia Beta, and Quebec Alpha,who stayed with us While they spenttheir intersemester vacation skiing.We hope that any other <strong>Phi</strong>s whoare planning to ski will drop inand pay us a visit.—Jeff Zinn, V.P.VIRGINIA BETA, University ofVirginia.—Early in December, therushing program was climaxed withthe pledging of fifteen <strong>Phi</strong>keias: SamSacco, Alexandria; Bill Peach, DaveDavis, Falls Church; George Eggleston,BiU Thompson, Richmond;Danny Leech, Waynesboro; DougMcKinney, Gretna; Ken Stepka,Chesapeake; Ben Pope, Braxton Hill,<strong>No</strong>rfolk; Tom Baker, Essex, Mo.;Dave Blair, Youngstown, Ohio; TomFinnegan, Louisville, Ky.; Tom Hoffmier.<strong>No</strong>rth Plainfield, N.J.; DaveRoot, York, Pa. With the help ofthe new pledges, Virginia Beta entertainedten underprivileged chUdrenat our annual Christmas party.The party was a great success completewith Boy Lynch as Santa Claus,and the children enjoyed the giltsand the refreshments. Since Christmas,the chapter and the house corporationhave redecorated the livingroom and replaced some of the furniture.Dave Meriwether was honoredrecently by being chosen captain ofthe Virginia soccer team for nextyear. The second semester social'calendarbegan merrily with parties, atMidwinters Dance Weekend, February19-21.—Bob Borum, V.P.VIRGINIA GAMMA, Randolph-Macon CoUege.—Through the combinedefforts ot Rush Chairman SamLightner and the whole chapter,Virginia Gamma <strong>No</strong>vember 20 had100% of the bids sent out returnedand subsequently pledged one of itsbiggest and best pledge classes. Thetwenty <strong>Phi</strong>keias, now well into theirpledge program under the directionof Pledgemaster Tom Czechowski,are: Larry Wilkinson, Cameron Gray,Wayne Overton, Bill Angus, Richmond;John Huxtable, Rol Lilly,<strong>No</strong>rfolk; Ed Neal, Danville, ScottMack, Springfield; Addison Jones,Ashland; Deal Tompkins, Vinton;it-Jim Witten, Pearisburg; David Allan; -"Steve Scott, Bill Anderson, Baltimore,Md.; Denny Gemeny, East New Market,Md.; John Long, Salisbury, Md.;<strong>No</strong>rman Millsap, Moultrie, Ga.; JohnSheffey, Westfield, N.J.; Dan Larter,Moorestown, N.J.; Paul Olson, Nut-

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