1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 295the Houston Alumni Club TravelingTrophy awarded to the pledge dasswith the highest scholastic averagein the state of Texas, In campus politics,Dick Shook has been elected tothe presidency ot the Honor Coundlwhile Mark Dawson has been namedto the office ot Student Senator torthe freshman class. Dane Evans andDick Shook are newly elected membersof Blue Key, while Mike Spiekermawas named /to Who's Who inAmerican Colleges and Universities.Led by Bill Brock, Texas Gammais conducting the March of Dimescampaign on the University campus.With BiU Baker as Santa Claus,Texas Gamma held its annual Orphan'sChristmas Party at the ChUdren'sHome in Austin. In the fieldof campus sports, Texas Gamma wonthe football championship tor theeighth consecutive year and also wonfirst place in volleyball. We are lookingforward to a highly successfulbasketball season with the finest teamever at Texas Gamma. We are happyto anounce the fourth annual Parent'sWeekend to be held March 13.It will include a Mothers' Club meeting,reception, and dance.—John I.Walker, V.P.TEXAS DELTA, Southern MethodistUniversity.—Texas <strong>Delta</strong> continuedits outstanding accomplishmentsduring this rush season bypledging these men: Clint Adams,Jerry Alexander, Bobby Clark, JohnFritsche, Andy Harris, John Higganbotham,<strong>Phi</strong>l Hunke, John Jackson,Mike Madigan, Stan Moore, TonyMoore, Tim Troy, Dallas; Jim Grissen,David Drake, San Angelo; BobBegert, Canyon; Ed Davis, Naperville,111.; Lou Fouts, Tyler; AlbonHead, Ft. Worth; Dick Irons, BigSprings; Mike McCann, Coffeyville,Kan.; Jack Moore, Memphis, Tenn.;Malcom Morris, Houston; GeorgeMoss, Natchez, Miss.; Joe Parker,San Antonio; Rod Russell, OklahomaCity, Okla.; Sid Spain, Homestead,Fla.; Paul Wessells, Jacksonville, Fla.The chapter held an orphans' partypreceding the Christmas hoUdayswhich was enjoyed almost as muchby the brothers and <strong>Phi</strong>kdas as byour guests. Mrs. Virginia Padgett otBirmingham, Ala., has been well receivedby Texas <strong>Delta</strong> as new housemother.Ray Hunt set an outstandingexample as president of the chapterfor the spring semester by posting aUAs scholasticaUy for the past semesterwhich, inddentaUy, moves his academicrecord to 16 As achieved inhis last 18 courses attempted. Texas<strong>Delta</strong> is looking very optimisticallytoward again winning the all-universitytrophy.—Jim Pickett, V.P.TEXAS EPSILON, Texas TechnologicalCollege.—During the tall semesterall members of Texas Epsilonwere busy participating eagerly incollege and fraternity activities. Oneot the major projects of the year wasthe building of a float for the annualHomecoming parade. During thehalt-time program of the Homecominggame, Texas Epsilon was awardedthe first place trophy for the outstandingfloat. Joe GuUedge designedand supervised its construction. Allthe brothers enjoyed such social successesas the Good Ship <strong>Phi</strong> dance,Christmas dance, and dinner party.Particularly well received was aChristmas party at which members,rushees, and their dates decorated aChristmas tree, sang carols, and exchangedgifts which were later contributedto an orphanage. The varsitybasketball team at Texas Tech lookslike a * A 9 chapter meeting. Threestarters are <strong>Phi</strong>s Harold Denney, <strong>No</strong>rmanReuther, and Billy Tapp. Twoother members are <strong>Phi</strong>s Bobby Measelsand Russ Wilkinson. HaroldDenney was a unanimous choice AU-Southwest Conference selection lastyear. The spring semester at TexasEpsilon began with the election ofnew officers, and the initiation oftwenty new members. Selected tolead the chapter for the remainderot the year was President LeeteJackson. As the new semester began,the <strong>Phi</strong>s at Tech concluded their tallrush program. Bob Murray was rushchairman and his tireless efforts wererewarded with an excellent pledgeclass. New officers, new initiates, andnew <strong>Phi</strong>keias aU promised a semesterof fun, activities and brotherhood atTexas Epsilon.—Russ Wilkinson, V.P.TEXAS ETA, Stephen F. AustinState CoUege.—Texas Eta is proud toannounce the initiation ot BiUGandy, Steve Groth, Harold Stanley,Toby Young, Mike Stringer, MikeSchneider, and Lester Hunter. DickieSherrill was initiated earlier in theyear. The chapter was deeply saddenedat the death of Pliikeia GaryKing. In his memory the <strong>Phi</strong>kdaClass estabUshed the Gary KingScholastic Award for the <strong>Phi</strong>keiawith the highest scholastic averagefor each semester. Rufus Denson,dressed as Stanta Claus and backedby the brothers, entertained variousneighborhood children surroundingthe campus. Under the direction- ofChorister Bob Wise, Texas Eta wonflrst place in the annual ChristmasCaroling contest. The chapter hashad several outstanding sodal eventsdirected by Dwight Smith, sodalchairman. Among these events wasthe annual Christmas party and theShipwreck party. Texas Eta is proudto announce that it will have theKingsmen ot "Louie, Louie" tamein concert on April 30. Texas Eta'spride was raised even higher whenBill Ricks was elected ,president ofthe I.F.C. and the only fraternityTWO VIEWS OF TEXAS DELTA'S PARENTS' HOMECOMING BRUNCH.

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