1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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294 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965THE STROLLERS of South Dakota Alpha seem to think their kick is agood deal, but the Dakotans believe it more of a joke. The StroUers are,from the left: Larry Paulson, Dave Raber, BiU Wittrig, and Barry Rush.The Dakotans (trio at right), looking on in laughter Denny Gruenhagen,LoweU Hanson, and Ron Englebretdi. StroUers is an honorary dedicated tothe preservation of vaudeviUe, and Dakotans is an honorary whidi sponsorsHomecoming, and the Miss University Contest.started for our Community ServiceDay project. In order to strengthenrelations with the alumni, plans forthe alumni banquet and several lessformal gatherings have been finalized.—Jim Kincaid, V.P.TENNESSEE BETA, University ofthe South.—Tennessee Beta initiatedWilburn Welles CampbeU, Charlotte,N.C, and <strong>Phi</strong>Up Arthur Wilheit,GainesviUe, Ga., February 7. We havealso affiliated Dennis Gentry Austin,who came to us from Georiga <strong>Delta</strong>at Georgia Tech. In student organizations,Doug Milne has recentlybeen elected secretary-treasurer of thesenior dass. Doug Meyers is the presidentof the student government aswell as being a nominee tor Who'sWho. Bill Baker heads the dramaticsclub, and gave a brillant performanceas Brutus in the club's presentationof "Julius Caesar." The president ofthe Glee Club, Jim Koger, is makingplans for his organization to givea concert tour in England duringspring vacation. In varsity sports,Wilbur Wood is the past captain ofthis year's football squad and DavidDarst is just completing his seasonas captain ot the swimming team.In basketball, Tennessee Beta hasTom Ward, consistent high scorerfor the varsity during the entire season.On the social side, Don Crichton,social chairman, has completed plansfor our midwinter spectacular, acast of thousands engaging in bacchanalianrites on a scale equal tothe splendors of the latter RomanEmpire. Academically, TennesseeBeta has consistently remained at thetop of the scholastic pyramid, andthis semester has proved to be noexception. In this respect, we wereespecially aided by the uniqueachievements ot Graham, Hynson,and Pate. We also welcome backanatomical student Kyle Duncan,who has returned to the mountainafter an extended leave of absencegranted by the University for biologicalstudy.—John P. Thornton,V.P.TENNESSEE GAMMA, Universityof Tennessee.—For the first time oncampus, formal rush was conductedduring winter quarter. TennesseeGamma gained eight new <strong>Phi</strong>keias.They are: Robert Smartt Galbraith,James Michael Harb, John RobertPage, Knoxville; Larry James Hahn,Ann Arbor, Mich.; Carl Grady Moore,Jr., Alexandria, Va.; Gerrard SligerRamsey, Thomas WiUiam Taylor,Maryville; Daniel Baxter Tankersly,Bells. January 17, Tennessee Gammainitiated seven new brothers. Theyare; Dave McClellan, Mark Cunningham,Jeff Hickman, Dave <strong>Phi</strong>llips,Danny Delozier, Don Harris, RobMiddlemas. Intramural participationhas been very successful. During fallquarter the <strong>Phi</strong>s won first place intennis and bowling while finishingthird in swimming and second involleyball and during this quarterthey won first place in basketbaU,the only event thus far. This putsthe <strong>Phi</strong>s in first place in intramuralcompetition. For the third consecutiveyear, 9 A $ is in the finals for AU-Sing. All-Sing is' an annual competitionbetween singing groups of thefraternities and sororities. Our firstyear in competition we won firstplace in small group and last yearwe won first in intermediate group.Thus far we are ot four finalists inlarge group competition. During December,the <strong>Phi</strong>s placed secondamong aU fraternities in the annualcoUection of money for the KnoxvilleJournal Milk Fund, the proceeds ofwhich go toward buying/ milk forunderprivileged famiUes at Christmas.We are espedaUy proud of thissince it was our first time to participate.We are especially proud of thehuge trophy we won tor the mostschool spirit.—Scott Costner, V.P.TEXAS BETA, University ofTexas.—Texas Beta has completed itsmost successful fall semester. Our social,scholastic and intramural activitieswere better than ever. We endedour fall social season with our annualChristmas formal and faculty reception.The reception was a successwith an impressive number of professorsand parents attending. TheTexas <strong>Phi</strong>s do this once a year, andfeel that it is one of our most benefidalparties, creating an opportunityfor meeting more University officialsand bettering our relations withthem. Our Christmas formal was, asusual, a great deal of fun and wasenjoyed by everyone. In intramurals,our A and B football teams progressedas far as the league finals beforebeing eliminated. We are proudot these teams and the fine job andhard work our Intramural ChairmanJohn Waid, has done. Mike Gammonis doing an outstanding job for theLonghom varsity basketball team.Scholastically, Texas Beta did exceptionallywell. Although final tabulationshave not been published, wefeel that we will rank close to thetop. We have just completed formalspring rush and pledged Danny Pollard,Overton; Jeff Mayfield, Houston;and Chico Armistead, San Antonio.We urge all alumni to begin sendingus their recommendations tor prospectiverushees and also that theycome to see us at any time.—JohnC. Oliver, V.P.TEXAS GAMMA, SouthwesternUniversity.—For the second consecutivesemester, Texas Gamma has won

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