1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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gime flourished under the capableleadership of President Geoff Hyland.At this point, past President JosephP. Williams should be commendedtor his fine efforts. The arrival otsnow fostered the inevitable "BallisticsLaboratory." Brothers led byWilliams and Kenny were the ableparticipants and most managed tojoin the distinctive Five Dollar Club.A most successful fraternity formalwas recently held at the "Ritz." Upcomingevents include Winter Camivaland spring rushing. After that. . only six weeks .to final exams I—Eric C. Walter, V.P.THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 293SOUTH CAROLINA BETA, Universityof South CaroUna.—Havingcompleted a highly successful fallsemester at South Carolina Beta,plans are now being made for theactivities of the spring semester. Thespring formal and Community serviceDay are being anticipated andplanned for along with a series ofvarious activities ranging from the"beach weekend" to intramurals. Atthe top ot this list, however, standsspring rush. This semester we arelooking forward to an even moresuccessful rush than the faU rush inwhich 22 new <strong>Phi</strong>keias were addedto ,the roster. With the end of thissemester we have only one regret andthat is the loss through graduationof Fisher who served as pledgemasterand Stanley who served as president.We are exremely proud of our recordduring the tall of '64. In intramurals,we took first place in swimming withthe outstanding performance ofWayne Tucker, Jay Jones, and PaulKnapp, who led in points scored.Overall the <strong>Phi</strong>s offered tough competitionto all challengers. In theHomecoming parade the <strong>Phi</strong>s, workingwith another fraternity andsorority, placed third among thefloats entered. After being rated inthe top four in fraternities scholasticallyfor the previous semester we areanticipating hopefully our scholasticstanding tor this semester. New officerswere elected with the close ofthe semester and <strong>Phi</strong>l Smoak is thenew president.—John Huntley, V.P.SOUTH DAKOTA ALPHA, Universityof South Dakota.—South DakotaAlpha is now busy with thebooks as the second semester is infull swing. Proud of their improvedscholarship, the <strong>Phi</strong>s are workingeven harder, and aiming at evenharder goals. <strong>Phi</strong>keia Keith Uhl hasdistinguished himself as a memberot * H 2. He joins three active <strong>Phi</strong>sin those ranks. Strollers, one of thetop three coUege vaudeville groups inthe nation now has a total ot sixSOUTH CAROLINA BETA officers. First row (left to right): John Huntley,vice-president; <strong>Phi</strong>Uip Smoak, president; Sam Ross, warden. Secondrow: Bob Moore, Ubrarian; Jim Coleman, chorister; Tom Odom, alumnisecretary; Dan Whitehurst, pledgemaster and chaplain. Missing: Lee Neeley,secretary, and Paul Knapp, historian.<strong>Phi</strong>s in their membership with BillWittrig, Dave Raber, and Larry Paulsonnew members. Dakotans, anotherservice fraternity, has five <strong>Phi</strong>s intheir ranks with most recent additions,LoweU Hanson and DennisGruenhagen. Two of our <strong>Phi</strong>keiashave distinguished themselves on thefootball field. Tim Mahan and MikeBrooks started with the frosh teamlast fall, and were considered to beteam leaders. "I expect great thingsfrom Tim in both football and baseball,and Mike shows signs of a greatfootball player," commented headU.S.D. football mentor Marv Rist.Very busy lately is Dan Kelly who isa member of the varsity basketballsquad. Dan is a junior, and is expectedto see a great deal of actionnext year. Mike Hanson was chosenas a member of Scabbard and Blade.Barry Rush is getting in shape forthe track season, and the indoorcompetition, as is <strong>Phi</strong>keia FrankHoy who presently holds the universityrecord in the 440 relay and the880-yard run. Pete SuUivan waS givena promotion on the staff ot the studentnewspaper. He was moved fromsports editor to news editor tor thesecond semester. Sullivan also editedthe <strong>Phi</strong>cry, a news letter to alumniof South Dakota Alpha. This was thefirst edition of the <strong>Phi</strong>cry in severalyears, and has received great alumniresponse. With this in mind the activechapter sees a greatly improvedrelationship with the alumni.—BiUWittrig, V.P. (See cut next page.)TENNESSEE ALPHA, VanderbUtUniversity.—Since the start ot thesecond semester the chapter's energieshave been directed toward pledgetraining activities. Thirty <strong>Phi</strong>keiaswere formally pledged, Sunday, February1. This ceremony was followedby a banquet given for the <strong>Phi</strong>keiasby the chapter, and pledge trainingactivities began in earnest the nextday. The chapter has been keenlyinterested in this spring's pledgetraining activities, tor the whole programis in a state ot flux which,when completed, will make <strong>Phi</strong>pledge training at Vanderbilt themost dynamic on campus. Ot evengreater interest to the chapter is thework being done by the special Committeeon Objectives and Performances,which is drafting a series otrecommendations to the president onways to increase the chapter's driveand initiative. It is hoped thatthough such actions ways will befound to continue and to strengththe chapter's position of leadershipat Vanderbilt. In athletics, the chapteris in exceUent position to win itsthird intramural trophy in four years.It looks as if the basketball trophyagain will be ours, and strong performancescan be expected in handball,bowling, sottbaU, and wrestling.If performances in these sports are upto par, the <strong>Phi</strong>s wiU bring the allintramuraltrophy back to its properresting place. The social calendarfor a full spring has already beencompleted, and plans are also being

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