1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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292 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965burgh; Bruce Rosen, Oil City; RodgerSchwartz, Jamestown, N.Y.; DaveShannon, Butler; Dave Shutoff, Erie;George Taaffe, Whippany, N.J.; JimTrezise, Rochester, N.Y.; and JohnZacharias, Pittsburgh. In other news.Chapter Faculty Adviser Jay Luvaas(Allegheny '48), associate professor ofHistory at the college, has publishedhis third book. Education of anArmy, a history of British militarythought from 1815 to 1940. Hisfourth book, one on Fredrick theGreat, will be published later thisyear. In spite ot his work as an educatorand an historian. Dr. Luvaasfinds time to maintain an intenselyactive Interest in the chapter. Chorister<strong>Phi</strong>l Jones has the chapter hardat work preparing for the annualI.F.C. Greek Sing. Pennsylvania <strong>Delta</strong>has taken first place in this contestfourteen times during the past fifteenyears.—Chuck Ungar, V.P.PENNSYLVANIA ZETA, Universityof Pennsylvania.—Penn Zetaended last semester in fine stridewith our traditional Christmas FormalWeekend. The festivities centeredaround a thirty-five foot treeplaced in the stairwell. The agendaincluded a formal banquet and dance,an orphans' party for some of <strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia'sneedy diildren, and FrankWalker as "Santa Frog." Penn Zetaalso finished second out of 36 ininterfratemity football, losing in thesecond overtime of the playoff gameby a matter ot inches. The firstmonth of our spring semester hasbeen highlighted by the skydivingexploits of Ed Gafvey and TonyRoberts. On their first try, both <strong>Phi</strong>ssuccessfully parachuted from 3000feet above southern New Jersey, althoughGarvey had practiced beforefrom the third floor. Warmerweather and recurring challenges areexpected to coax more <strong>Phi</strong>s into theair in the future. In January thechapter initiated <strong>Phi</strong>l Wilding-White,Troy, N.Y., and affiliated Jim Freerman, formerly ot New York Epsilon.Rush was successfully completed inmid-January with the pledging of<strong>Phi</strong>keias: Colin Hanna, KennettSquare; Hans Bennendijk, Springfield;Pat Deegan, Saltsburg; JohnKramer, Milwaukee, Wis.; Pat Semegen,Hudson, Ohio; Art Muir,Aurora, Colo.; John Altman, KansasCity, Mo.; BiU Sandri, Greenfield,Mass.; Chip Kowalcyk, Port Chester.N.Y.; Mac McCurdy, Mountain Lakes,N.J.; Gardner Young, Spring LakeHeights, N.J.; Mike Crow, DaUas,Tex.; Ned Kriz, Annapolis, Md.;Tom Sutkowski, Binghamton, N.Y.Among the freshmen are found representativesot the crew, swimming,and fencing teams, the campus choirA FIRST?The <strong>Phi</strong>keias of Pennsylvania<strong>Delta</strong> at AUegheny were responsiblefor what is beUeved to be a "<strong>Phi</strong>Delt First." On a recent pledge raidthe <strong>Phi</strong>keias kidnapped visiting fieldsecretary Devon Weaver and hid himin the basement of the freshmandormitory. Upon his release fourhours later Devon expressed appredationat his quick acceptance as"one of the Brothers."and dramatic organization, the studentjudiciary, the tutorial society,and the University radio station. Thespring production of Penn's Maskand Wig club, the oldest all-maleburlesque group in the nation, willfeature in its cast <strong>Phi</strong>s Frank Bradley,Jos6 Beauchamp and Jim Gacioch.The Penn Zeta <strong>Phi</strong>s have beenimproving academically and EdKushma has been elected to HENhonor society.—Daniel S. Stone, V.P.PENNSYLVANIA ETA, LehighUniversity.—As rushing enters itsfinal week, the brothers of PennsylvaniaEta are already undoubtedlyassured of the finest pledge class oncampus. Studded with athletes, scholars,and freshman leaders, the pledgeclass will be formally taken in at theclose of rushing. Athletics are, asusual, dominated by <strong>Phi</strong>s. Bill Stuart,wrestling at 137 lb., is undefeatedand is considered a safe bet for theE.I.W.A. championship. Bill also hashis eye on the N.C.A.A. championship.This spring will find four Lehigh<strong>Phi</strong>s starting on the varsitylacrosse team, including Captain RickBom. George Sherwin was recentlyelected a co-captain for next year'ssoccer team. In intramural sportsPennsylvania Eta again is in strongcontention for the all-university trophy,having captured both the individualswimming championship andthe all-university swimming relaystrophy. Socially, the Lehigh <strong>Phi</strong>s arelooking forward to another enjoyablesemester with special emphasis onI.F.C. weekend, Houseparty, andMiami Triad weekend. Recent initiatesare Richard Baggelaar, Roslyn,N.Y.; Richard Utzinger, Plainfield,N.J.; and George Bussman, NewHaven, Conn.—Robert J. Bradley,V.P.PENNSYLVANIA THETA, PennState University.-The first half ofthis academic year has been extremelysuccessful tor Pennsylvania<strong>Theta</strong>. Over 75 alumni returned torthe Homecoming football game andattended a banquet at the chapterhouse. Although Penn State lost thegame to Syracuse 21-14, the alumnienjoyed the performances of GaryWydman and John Deibert, both onthe AU-<strong>Phi</strong> second team. In intramurals<strong>Phi</strong> teams have gathered enoughpoints to hold fifth place ot 55 forthe fall term. So far this term thebasketbaU team is undefeated in sixoutings and with the swimming andbowling teams, hopes to boost thechapter into the top spot for theall-around trophy. Socially, the <strong>Phi</strong>shave had three sorority mixers anda combined jammy with the A T chaptersince the Christmas break. Theannual pledge formal honoring theclass just initiated was held February20. New brothers initiated in theJanuary 20 ceremony are: Gary Cluff,Springfield, Vt.; Edward Gabriel,Newfield, N.J.; James Haas, Tonawanda,N.Y.; Brian Hondru, <strong>No</strong>rthPlainfield, N.J.; David Lewis and<strong>Phi</strong>lip Williams, State College; JamesLitterelle, Mineola, L.I., N.Y.; GaryMinnig, Lancaster; John Runnells,Scotch Plains, N.J.; David Teller,Mount Lebanon; Michael Thompson,John Schvirartz, Pittsburgh; JohnThompson, Lafayette Hill. Congratulationsto these new <strong>Phi</strong>s. Rush isnow in full swing to pledge anotheroutstanding class. Finally, the chapterwould like to welcome its newlyappointed adviser, Mr. Bill Leonard.David Barton, V.P.QUEBEC ALPHA, McGiU University.—Thisyear's rushing program,led by Bob Clibbon, was one ot themost successful in recent years. Inearly December, 25 ot 26 pledges wereinitiated. The freshman brothersare: Ron Barrie, Alex Patterson, Russ,Briggs, Al Lanthier, Jim Clift, GordTidmarsh, Dave Lowe, Jon Osborne,Jim Crocker, Jim McGerrigle, HarryGriffiths, Bruce Randall, Nick Florian,Mel Johnson, Brian Whiston,Tyke Statton, John Harvie, JockCraig, Tracy Bond, Tory Higgins,Charlie Nims, Colin McKinnon,Richard Bickley, Ted Rattray, andBarrie MUls. The I.F.C. footballsquad was victorious this seasonboasting a (6, 0, 0) record throughstalwart efforts of Reid, Bird, Hyland,EdmisOn, Williams, and innumerablepledges. In basketball BruceRandall again leads the varsity team.Prospects for the Blue and Whitemachine in I.F.C. swimming, hockey,basketball, and bridge are most optimistic.The initiates' party, featuringthe usual "subtle" freshman skit, washeld in early December. Santa Loomisofficiated at the Christmas party, theclimax of the 1964 social season.After a most enjoyable three weekholiday, the clan gathered in Januaryfor the election of officers. The re-

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