1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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290 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965OREGON ALPHA <strong>Phi</strong>s and dates drink "cokes" at the "Wine Stomp,"sponsored by the freshmen for the upper classmen.was awarded, the trophy for thepledge class having the highest combinedgrades for the year 1963-1964.Scholarship is definitely first for $ A 9at Oregon. Socially, the pledge dassWinestomp dance was the hit of theterm. In varsity athletics we find DonDuShane as a key guard on theOregon team. <strong>Phi</strong>keias Clark Meinertand Pete Hinman are whooping itup on the frosh team. Jim Staufferadds his strength to the varsity swimmingteam. We have a new and pleasantface at the <strong>Phi</strong> house now.Housemother Mrs. M. E. Briggs,previously of Telonia, Idaho, justjoined our ranks. We are certainlyglad to have her with us.—BruceE. Beebe, V.P.OREGON GAMMA, WillametteUniversity.—Oregon Gamma is presentlyconcerning itself with its mostimportant project of the year—rush.Under the deferred rush system employedat our University, we startedrush February 6. We have high hopesand are working very hard to securea pledge class that will be worthy of* A 9. The recent purchase of a newrug for our living room and loungearea is proving to be a real asset inour activities. The <strong>Phi</strong>s are continuingtheir fine work in their athleticventures, on the basketbaU court,swimming pool, and wrestling mat.At the present time Jim Smith isleading the basketball team in scoringand is being commended for bisall-around team play. Steve Neptune,Dick Heermance, Jim Hutchinson,John Givens, and <strong>Phi</strong>keia DaveGivens make up the nucleus of afine swim team. Bruce Anderson isfast becoming a mainstay of thenewly formed wrestling team in theheavyweight division. As a foUowupto last year's intramural championship,the <strong>Phi</strong>s again are making afine showing. Following a secondplace finish in football we are presentlyfighting for the basketball title.—Dean Popp, V.P.PENNSYLVANIA ALPHA, LafayetteCoUege.—The brothers of PennsylvaniaAlpha returned to schoolthis year to face a new rushing program.As part ot our new academiccalender, we had to rush in aconcentrated one week, instead of theaccustomed three week period. Onceagain we feel that we have a toppledge class, including freshmanrepresentatives in all phases otcampus lite. Our <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: RoyArps, Glen Rock, N.J.; SteveBottcher, Canton,, Ohio; Tom Dean,Narberth; Gaylor Dissinger, CampHill; Jim EngeUand, Glen Rock;Mark Gerhard, Reading; FrankGrosser, Oradell, N.J.; EdwardHughes, Pittsburgh; Allen Jaggard,Pitman, N.J.; Edward Jesser, Ridgewood,N.J.; Skip Lohman, Glastonbury,Conn.; Tom Maatta and BillTweardy, Monessen; John Magee,Easton; Mark Saker, Freehold, N.J.;Mike Spondike, Homer City; BillThygeson, <strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia. In otherphases of campus life. <strong>Phi</strong>s are verymuch in evidence. Our intramuralbasketball team lost in the finals ina very close game. Brown and Kristoffare leaders on the varsity basketballteam, while FrieseU is helpingto keep up the team spirit. Vigne,Hedden and Mercer are helping out,the wrestling team. Meanwhile mostof the other brothers are lopking forwardto spring when <strong>Phi</strong>s will beon the baseball field, led by captainGeorge Hossenlopp, the track teamand lacrosse field. Once again oursodal life has been excellent, ourpledge weekend living up to the expectationsof everyone. While Soph-Junior weekend was not as wild, weare all looking forward to MilitaryBall weekend, and our annual pilgrimageto the Poconos for ourspring I-F, where a good time isalways had by all. In this connectionwe are foUowing the capable lead ofour Social Chairman Jack WaUer,hoping that each time will be betterthan the last.—Robert H. Mannal,V.P.PENNSYLVANIA BETA, GettysburgCoUege.—After rounding outthe first semester by taking secondplace in the Homecoming float paradeand first place in Christmashouseparty decorations, PennsylvaniaBeta enters a new year and a newsemester full of hope for continuedsuccess. Gettysburg <strong>Phi</strong>s are onceagain playing an important role inthe success of winter sports teams.Guards Dave Yaties and Jim Walkerand Forward Doug Amon are keymembers of the varsity and freshmanbasketball teams, respectively. ScottHiggins, a sophomore, remains unbeatenat the 147-pound slot on thevarsity wrestling team. Dick Hughey,varsity wrestling, Craig Lord, freshmanwrestling. Jack Boals, varsityswimming, and Kit Falcon, freshmanswimming, complete the <strong>Phi</strong> ath^letes. As for other college activities.<strong>Phi</strong>s are among the most active withDave Relchert elected chairman ofthe Honor Commission. Also servingon the Honor Commission are <strong>No</strong>rmHaase, trial councilor and Craig Lord,trial board member. Scott Higginswas recently elected treasurer of StudentSenate after having served aspresident of his freshman and soph©,more classes. Doug Amon was alsoelected president of the freshmanclass. Academically, Pennsylvania Beta,looks forward to a high ranking oncampus based on first semester gradeswith four brothers having attainedDean's List and a solid overall chapteraverage. These men were initiatedin February: Lee Cummings;Troy; Dick Yersak, Feasterville;

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