1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 2<strong>89</strong>ONTARIO BETA men at work painting and deaning the Protestant Orphans' Home in London as part ofcommunity service program. Left: Terry Sulyma and Keith Simpson. Center: Paul Howard, John Howatson, RossAmos, and George Clark. Right: Paul Rivers with one of the youngsters.chapter also held a quiet Christmasparty and exchanged small gifts withtheir dates. In intramurals, our AbasketbaU team finished the seasonlosing only one game in its leagueand making the playoffs. The <strong>Phi</strong>sreturned from the swimming meetwith a first in diving thanks to theefforts of Steve Green, and <strong>Phi</strong>keiaDon Emmons broke an intramuralrecord in the 40-yard freestyle. Ourwrestling team is starting to workout and looks as if it may comeup with some unejcpected victories. Incollege basketball Larry Hawk is onhis way to Big Eight Conferencehonors for his third year, while ingolf Roger Brown is the number twovarsity golfer. The chapter wassaddened to hear of the death ofJim Tunnell as this was the lastchapter that he visited. <strong>No</strong>w thechapter is looking forward to theannual pledge Gangster party, weUknown on the O.S.U. campus.—MikeHyatt, V.P.ONTARIO ALPHA, University ofToronto.—Rushing at Ontario Alphawas highly successful this year andseventeen pledges have been initiated.These include: Peter Anderson, PeterBraaten, Donald Durward, Ian Grinnel,Ross Hopkins, Peter Kieran,Mark MacDonald, and David Wilson,Toronto; Dick COckrill andBrian Thatcher, St. Thomas, Ont.;John Coffey, Brantford; John Knox,Hamilton; Chuck Minett, Rochester,N.Y.; Jim Minett, Oshawa; BrianMorrice, London; Marcel Poiement,Sarnia; and Peter Brown, Chatham.The activity of the chapter has beenkept at a consistently high levelwith our traditional footbaU partiesin the fall, and the theme partieswhich are held throughout the year,including a "toga" party near theend of February. In addition, thenewly formed and aptly named Committeefor Cultural Enlightenmenthas been advancing the intellectualdevelopment ot the chapter by providinga number of highly interestingand challenging events. An occurrenceot particular significance inrelation to fraternities at the Universityof Toronto is the expansionof university facilities—an expansionwhich entails the expropriation ofthe chapter houses of many fraternities.Our chapter house, however,situated as it is on the peripheryof the campus will, in all probability,not be affected. To advance to amore optimistic subject, an increasingnumber ot brothers have beenturning up at the chapter houseminus their swords and shields. Theparade began with Brother Josling,our past president, who, displayingexcellent leadership qualities, seemsto have convinced another sevenbrothers to follow suit.—RonaldSlaght, V.P.ONTARIO BETA, University ofWestern Ontario.—This year hasproven, so far, the most successfulof Ontario Beta's three-year life. Of27 bids sent out, 27 affirmative repUeswere received (the best recordof any chapter on campus) and wewere pleased to initiate 26 of thesefine men in December. They are:Ross Burnett, Tony Chisholm, MikeDoran, P. J. Fennell, John Howatson,Al Jamieson, Graham Lute, KeithSimpson, Dave Smart, Toronto; BiUAnderson, Tillsonburg; Bob Bvirrows,Beamsville; Kirk Cheney, Stratford;Mike Dickens, Oshawa; Chuck Loopstra,Hamilton; Al MacLennan,Sarnia; Tony Mitchell, Woodstock;Pete Pain, Burlington; Paul Rivers,Forest; Pete Rutland, <strong>No</strong>rth Bay;John Sarsfield, Oakville; TerrySulyma, Edmonton, Alta.; <strong>No</strong>rmLeigh, Pete Nichol, Rick Rose, TimThompson, Ken Oborne (pledgepresident), London. Scholastically aswell, Ontario Beta has had a goodyear. The chapter stood second ofeight fraternities in the I.F.C. scholarshipcompetition, having an averageof 1.667, the best yet. The I.F.C.sports cup was also awarded to * A 9this year, and as things stand now,we are in a good position to winit next year, too. Service to thecommunity has remained high on theFraternity's list of activities this year,as in the past. The brothers paintedand repaired the Protestant Orphans'Home of London, and partidpated inthe I.F.C.'s blood drive and HeartFund Campaign. In addition, severalbrothers hope to aid the CanadianCancer Society drive by visiting highschools during the next several weeks.Plans are going ahead for increasedalumni participation in chapteraffairs, and we soon hope to be ableto report the formation ot an officialalumni club. The incorporation otan alumni reunion into WinterWeekend proved quite successful.Finally, the chapter is pleased to announcethe election of its new executiveofficers for 1965-66. They are:Mike Deacon, president; Ken Oborne,vice-president; Graham Lute, treasurer,and Paul Howard, secretary.—Dave Davis, V.P.OREGON ALPHA, University ofOregon.—Everything is going ourway, after completing a fine fall term.We added seven great men to ourpledge class in Dale Laird, Portland;Gene Clark, Beaverton; ClarkMeinert, Mark Meinert, Waldport;Jay Haskell, Salem; Tom Lemer, JohnHoUem, San Remo, Calif. We wonI.M. football, both I.M. volleyballA and B, and did well in wrestlingto give us 438 out of a possible475—the highest I.M. points recordedat Oregon for a faU .term. Ourgrades improved inmiensely placingus in the top third of aU fraternities.At the I.F.C. banquet recentlyheld, among other trophies * A 9

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