1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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SHORT SHOTS from the ALUMNI FIRING LINEScribner Birlenback (U.C.L.A. '27), Los Angeles,board chairman of Transcon, was elected presidentof the Western Highway Institute at the annualmeeting of over five hundred representatives ofthe trucking and associated industries. . John C.Thompson (Oklahoma State '48) has been appointedvice-president of Peerless ManufacturingCo., Dallas, Tex. The Rev. Robert R. Ball(Kansas '54), minister of John Knox PresbyterianChurch, Tulsa, Okla., and a former president of theKansas Association of Future Farmers of America,was the featured speaker at a meeting of 100 4-HClub and 100 FFA members who have been growingCornish Rock broilers under the aegis of 200 businessmenof Tulsa who paid $11 apiece to underwriteeach youth's project.Dr. Carey Croneis (Denison '22), chancellor ofRice University, delivered the Commencement addressat Spring graduation ceremonies at the Universityof Arkansas. . George L. Wright (Cincinnati'37) has been appointed regional superintendentof agencies by the Standard Life Insurance Co.of Indiana. . Waldemar Weichbrodt (<strong>No</strong>rthwestern'22) has been elected president of the Washington(D.C) chapter of the American Society ofAppraisers. He has been an official of the FederalHousing Administration for over twenty years. . . .Col. Joseph M. Turner (Whitman '32) recently assistantto the chief of the Contract Placement Divisionof the U. S. Air Force has been appointedassistant to the president of Aero Geo Astro Corp.of Alexandria, Va.Donald K. David (Idaho '16) was honored by hisalma mater when he was nominated to the Universityof Idaho Hall of Fame. Brother David hasgained fame in both business and education andis currently vice-chairman of the Board of Trusteesfor thc/Ford Foundation. . . . Jaines J. Nance (OhioWesleyan '23) has returned from Vienna, Austria,where he was an American delegate to the InternationalMonetary Conference. During his tripabroad, he visited a number of the major Westerncountries for a first-hand study of their economiesand the impact of the Common Market on bothmember and non-member countries. . . James H.Anderson (<strong>No</strong>rthwestern '46) is a representative inthe Providence general agency of National Life InsuranceCo. of Vermont. He formerly was associatedwith Textron, Inc., and was in Paris as the firm'sdirector of European operations. He also has beenwith the Electrical Terminal Corp., Warwick,R.I. . <strong>No</strong>rman O'Halloran (Oklahoma State '52),Oklahoma Natural Gas Co. sales consultant in OklahomaCity, has been promoted to Muskogee districtmanager for the company. He is a former presidentof the city Junior Chamber of Commerce.Sam Clammer (Colorado State '26), prominentWashington (D.C) attorney, is president of theOklahoma State Society of the District of Columbia.Recently he entertained the Society and manyjtnerabers of Congress at a western cook-out at his[28]country place. Sunbeam Farms, near Dickersoa,Md. . . A. L. Beck (Michigan State '48), sales managerfor domestic wholesale LP-G sales for TuloraaGas Products Co., has gone to Baton Rouge, La.,on special assignment attached to General GasCorp., a large LP-G firm in that area. He has beenin Tulsa the past five years. . Joseph W. Epkins(Illinois '60) ranked 21st in life insurance sales inthe nation for the State Mutual Life AssuranceCompany of America for 1963. He is an associateof the Walter C Leek Chicago Agency. . Theodore'H.Erbe (Maryland '36), CLU, partner in T. H.Erbe Co., Baltimore, Md., and life member of theMillion Dollar Round Table, was awarded a specialplaque for his life production leadership amongall Travelers Insurance agents in the Nation andCanada, June 22.Candidate for Alumni Trustee for VanderbiltUniversity is Charles Barham, Jr. (Vanderbilt '24),resident of Charlottesville, Va., president of BellairEstates, vice-president and treasurer of EquitableRealty and vice-president of Jefferson Hills Corp.. . Neil Armstrong (Purdue '56) was the indirectsubject of an article in a recent edition of TheLyre of A X 12, entitled "Speaking as an Astronaut'sJames C. Rikhoff (Ohio State '63) has been appointeda public relations manager of the OlinMathieson Chemical Corp. at the corporation'sheadquarters in New York City. Brother Rikhoffjoined Olin in 1959 as a public relations assistant.After graduation from the American Institute forForeign Trade in 1957, he was a member of theexport division of the American Hospital SupplyCorp. until joining Olin.• • •Ken Billings (Stanford '57) has been named presidentof Dick Price, Inc., a business investmentfirm in Dallas. JHe was formerly executive vicepresidentof the company and is one of its directors.He is also president of the Billings Corporation, anarchitectural hardware distributorship in Dallas andPresident of Billings Southwest, Inc., in Houston,Texas.BROTHERS RIKHOFF and BILLINGS

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