1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 287and Fred Sturm, Akron. This pledgeclass brought to 1083 the numberof men who have signed the Bondat Ohio Epsilon. The chapter is nowunder the leadership of Rpger Hagstrom,newly elected president torspring semester. Spring rush, underthe direction ot Nick Dimitroff,George Prough, and Tim Enright,co-rush chairmen, was not completeat deadline time, but from all indicationsit appears that Ohio Epsilonwill again have a very finepledge class. For the fourth consecutivesemester the <strong>Phi</strong>s led the campusin scholarship with a 2.62 acciunulativeaverage. December 20 we hadour annual Christmas party withATA for chUdren afflicted withcerebral palsy. Jon Lombardi playedSanta Claus and the party was agreat success for both the AlphaGams and the crippled children. LoveFeast, the annual winter meeting,was held at the University Clubagain this year and was well attendedby both actives and alumni. The bigtopic of discussion was the proposedhouse expansion which wiU probablytake place within the year. In intramurals,the <strong>Phi</strong>s are well on theirway to winning their fourth consecutiveI.M. trophy with victoriesin both volleybaU and bowling. Invarsity swimming we are well representedby Paul Boggs and Ed Steinmetz,who are both having outstandingseasons, and Ted Mallo and JimColeman who are lending their support.The second semester again findsa large number of <strong>Phi</strong>s holding keypositions in campus publications,organizations, honoraries, andR.O.T.C—George Porosky, V.P.OHIO ZETA, Ohio State University.—OhioZeta initiated the 1964-65 school year with noteworthy accomplishmentsin sports, activities,and scholarship. Don Unverferth ledthe highly rated Buckeyes to an8-2-0 season record. <strong>Phi</strong>keia "Kip"Whitlinger, son ot Warren Whitlinger(Ohio Zeta '36), earned aposition on the Buckeye basketballsquad this season until he was forcedto drop out of competition for anoperation on his arm. The firstpledge team tied the first active teamfor the number one, undefeated positionin the "Red One" intramuralfootball division. Michael Cavotta, anew initiate, is a top contender torthe Big Ten shot put record thisseason. And <strong>Phi</strong> Don Langford is doingwell in broad jump and 70-yd.low hurdles. Approximately fiftyfathers filled the house in our <strong>No</strong>vemberDad's Day activities. Other activitiesincluded, the Homecomingdance. Shipwreck party. ChampaignFormal, and, weather permitting, aOHIO ETA'S housemother, "Mom" McCorkindale, shown with two of herboys in her new apartment in the new chapter house. She has been withOhio Eta since 1959."<strong>Phi</strong> Ski Spree." Richard MaxweU,paralyzed just one year ago, receivedan electric typewriter for Christmas.Gary Acker is running for studentbody president. Despite our manyactivities, we continued to remainin the top one third of 44 fraternitiesin scholarship. Recently weinitiated: Richard Baker, Wilmington;Robert Chambers, LawrenceCurtis, James Harris, Bruce Heine,Richard James, Robert Morton, EdwardViolet, Columbus; MichaelCavotta, Robert Henderson, JamesTalmage, Cleveland; William Bing,Barberton; Forrest Brandt, Dayton;Robert Clayton, Eaton; Charles Gill,Richwood; <strong>Phi</strong>llip Gravengaard, Toledo;John Kelly, Youngstown; andJay Lee, Cincinnati.—Dale Barker,V.P.OHIO ETA, Case Institute ofTechnology.—At the annual FallSports Award banquet. <strong>Phi</strong>s walkedoff with seven ot 25 football lettersand three of six cross-country letters.Receiving football awards were:Larry Flora, Joe Junia, Gary Lawrence,Les Loushin, Bob McLeod,Steve Padgett, and Steve Penn. Letteringin cross country were: DennisEvenson, John Papp, and GrantStern. Brother Stern was also honoredby bdng dected captain of next year'ssquad. The most important event tooccur during tall semester was thecompletion of our new house. At acost of nearly $500,000, the newhouse provides luxurious Uving andsocial facilities tor 48 men and ourhousemother. Having settled downin the new home, the brothers arelooking forward to rush. With thenew deferred, msh program at Case,spring semester will be the only timefor freshmen to pledge. We have hadtwo open houses first semester, andhave found many freshmen interestedin fraternities in general, and * A 9in particular. As a result ot thisenthusiasm, we hope to get one ofthe biggest and finest pledge classesin Ohio Eta's history. A top featureplanned for April is an alumni banquethonoring Arthur Schlesinger.Brother Schlesinger is one of theoriginal founders of Ohio Eta andthe oldest living Case Tech alumnus.—Richard Bertolo, V.P.OHIO THETA, University of Cincinnati.—Thebrothers of Ohio <strong>Theta</strong>have been very successful in intramuralcompetition as we have wonchampionships in football and voUeybaUand are currently undefeatedin basketball. We also hold firstplace in the point standing for theall-university I.M. championship.Brothers who have attained campushonors include George Morgan, recentlyelected treasurer ot the I.F.C.and Ron Alexander, recently tappedfor Metro, an upperdass servicehonorary. Brother Alexander is alsoacting as treasurer of the senior class.Our social program has included theannual <strong>Phi</strong>keia Camival, which isgiven by the actives for the <strong>Phi</strong>keiasand the sorority pledges, aswell as numerous exchange dinnerswith the sororities. The brothers arealso looking forward to the annualMother's Day Sing which we havewon four times and placed twiceduring the past seven years. We arealso planning another movie whichwe hope will be as successful asour two previous movies have been.Having recently completed the remodelingof our present chapter

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