1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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286 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965NOVA SCOTIA ALPHA CHAPTER AT DALHOUSIE, FEBRUARY, 1965.rush program so that this pledgeclass will continue in the fine traditionof Ohio Alpha. One ot thehighlights of the first semester wasHomecoming when we welcomedmany alumni, including Bill Mullikan,Olympic swimming star. Thisyear was rounded out with theannual Christmas formal. At theparty the <strong>Phi</strong>s presented Mom Heppeswith a new sweetheart pin anda set of books. The pinplants thenpresented her with a charm bracelet,and they gave the brothers abeautiful wall clock. The <strong>Phi</strong>s areagain distinguishing themselves insports. Captain Bob KUnk and JohnGehring have led the track team intheir best season as Captain BruceThompson and All-American TerryBamett are leading the swimmingteam to a victorious season. Leadingthe basketbaU team is Jeff Gehringwho will probably become the secondall time high scorer in Miami's history,Gehring was featured two weeksin a row in a national sports magazine.Sports Illustrated. Again the<strong>Phi</strong>s are striving for the goals ofacademic excellence, campus relationsand keeping the <strong>Phi</strong>s on topas always. A recent dinner guest atthe house was Brother and ActingPresident Wilson.—Bob Tookey, V.P.OHIO BETA, Ohio Wesleyan University.—OhioBeta welcomed sixteennew brothers January 31. Membersot the class ot '68, this classdisplayed a wide array of talents andabilities in scholarship, athletics,campus leadership. The new initiatesare: Carl Heise, Winona, Minn.;Chip Vignone, Farmington, Conn.;Dick Splete, <strong>Phi</strong>l Cummins, Marion;Pete Degreen, Chagrin Falls; ChrisEnsign, Shaker Heights; Steve CroU,Chatham, N.J.; Doug Crosby, Bridgewood,N.J.; Gary Smith, Whippany,N.J.; Don Ryals, Youngstown; JohnMoorhead, Finley; Tip Nichols,Elyria; Dave Johnson, Yellow Springs;Jim Jarvis, Wheeling, W.Va.; LoweUVorpe, Troy; John Soper, Lake Forest,IU. With the arrival ot thesecond quarter, the chapter electednew officers with President DickOleksa heading the slate. Second termrush has started, and we are happytp announce a new <strong>Phi</strong>kda, JoeJohnson, Finley. In addition tochapter activities, the brothers arealso making their mark on campus.The intramural basketball team haswon its league title with sevenstraight wins. In conference athletics,in basketbaU, Barry Clemens brokethe conference career scoring recordand in swimming, John Bruce brokethe Wesleyan pool record for the100-meter breaststroke. With Songtestfast approaching, the brothersare preparing to defend their numberone rating from last year.—Robert Pfeiffer, V.P.OHIO GAMMA, Ohio University.—Tragedy recently struck OhioGamma in the form of an auto accident.Mike Boyle (Ohio '66) waskilled. Ken Dacre was severely injuredbut is now recovering, and JackDacre suffered a broken neck and isnow paralyzed from the neck down,Recovery is possible but high spiritsare essential. Letters from you wouldhelp maintain his present courageousspirits. Please write a card or letterto him in care of either 10 W. Mulberry,Athens, Ohio, or Ohio StateUniversity Hospital, Columbus, Ohio.We are looking forward to a verysuccessful spring rush. A good springrush will be underscored by ourinitiating ten good men this semester.;The new initiates will be:Dan Kaczor, Cleveland; Bob Lyons,Cleveland; Mike Metzga, GarfieldHeights; Blaze Pietrafese, WarrensviUe;Tom Resch, Kenton; DaveRobinson, Bellefontaine; Frank Simone,Lakewood; Wayne Sot, Parma;and Joe Vicic, Cleveland. Cominglip is Coed-Prom, Greek Week, TorchSing, and J-Prom. We usually placein these and we are not planning onmaking this year an exception. Lastsemester, we placed third in Homecomingfloats and maintained ourposition in campus activities byputting several brothers in office.—WiUiam Blair, V.P.OHIO EPSILON, University ofAkron.—Ohio Epsilon recently welcomednineteen new men into theBond: Gene Desvernine, Bermuda;Peter Toto, Nile, Ohio; Louis Seller,Cuyahoga Falls; James Guarino,James Hackett, Richard Johnson,Daniel Klais, James Konnecker (OutstandingPledge), Robert Krueger,Charles Mellor, James Miller, KennethMiller, Harry Movesesian, DavidNiam, Charles <strong>No</strong>lte, William Shuman,James Smith, Edward Steinmetz,

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