1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 285as a first choice by the BaltimoreColts for his Unebacking prowessdespite his late-season shoulder injury.Mike Bryant's campaign torM.S.G.A. vice-president was successfullycompleted by his election. JohnHolder continues to add wins to hisundefeated record in wrestling forhis third season. He has been chosenco-captain of the team. We sharewith John Hines the pride of seeinghis father, the Rt. Rev. John E.Hines, chosen as the Presiding Bishopof the Protestant EpiscopalChurch. The I.M. footbaU teamshowed itself very strong, climaxingthis season with a tie against thechampionship Law School team.However, in having lost to lesserteams, we were unable to secure thechampionship this year, as it wentagain to the Law School. Bill Wellshas graduated this semester andheaded for Washington, D.C, possiblyto attend law schpol and work.The brothers will miss his stabilizingelement.-Bob White, V.P.NORTH CAROLINA BETA, Universityof <strong>No</strong>rth CaroUna.—<strong>No</strong>rthCarolina Beta, under the leadershipot Dick Jonas, faces its first majortask of the second semester in preparingfor deferred rush, which confrontsaU fraternities at U.N.C thisyear for the first time. George Wainwright,rush chairman, worked mostof the summer and the tall towardthis important week, and he, alongwith the rest of the chapter, looksfor a great pledge dass. Our housemanagers Steve Bell and Butch Winsteadhave organized work days tostraighten the house. We have allparticipated in some capadty andthe house seems to be in excellentcondition. Our social schedule, underthe leadership of Jim Coleman andEddie Bagwell, reached new heightstor the spring. There has been awide variety ot parties planned includingthe usual hay ride, beachtrip, and notorious luau. Even withthe absence ot pledges during thefirst semester, we continued to leadin intramurals by capturing the footballcrown for the second consecutiveyear and the Grail mural basketbaUtrophy. Standouts so far havebeen Easy Ed Williams and BobbyReagan who have contributed amajor part to bPth victpries. Recognitionmust also go to Dick Steelewho won intramural wrestling forthe third consecutive year. AcademicaUy,for the first semester weremained among the top in the fraternitycompetition.—Holden Thompson,V.P.NORTH DAKOTA ALPHA, Universityof <strong>No</strong>rth Dakota.—New initiatesat <strong>No</strong>rth Dakota Alpha areKen Mellem, Gary Sterud, BrianSmith and Ross Johnson. <strong>Phi</strong>keiasrecently pledged are: Brian Brewer,Winnipeg; Dale Mcloch, Grafton; andRick Swenson, Devils Lake. Mid-yeargraduates included the likes of Toots(Schmoo), Crow, Foo, Mag, Hummer,Floyd, Rod, Spider and Link. Withnames like those, how can they miss?Pete Boyum was named to serveas a Grey Gown at the graduation.Dan Storsteen (<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota '62)is a current member of the U. S.National Hockey Team. Mati Parresand John Burckhard are membersof the varsity basketball team. The<strong>Phi</strong> pep band is again the offidalSioux hockey band and performsvrith questionable skill but plentyof noise at home hockey games.<strong>Phi</strong>keia Steve Bauman is a varsitywrestler and Darral Skramstad playswith the U.N.D. hockey team. Fraternityaverages for the first semesterhave not been released yet but theoutlook is good with several membersgetting outstanding averages. <strong>Phi</strong>sare currently in second place inintramurals by four points, but witha strong finish we should have notrouble winning another all-campuschampionship. Tobar is back fromthe Navy and is getting everyonefired up for the second semester.Butch Storsteen and Brian Smith arehitchhiking through Mexico. Wewish them luck.—Peter Boynm, V.P.NOVA SCOTIA ALPHA, DalhousieUniversity.—Since our last communication,many noteworthy events haveoccurred at <strong>No</strong>va Scotia Alpha. On<strong>No</strong>vember 10, eight new brotherswere initiated: Mike Ashton, DavePrecious, Dave McClymont, BrianColeman II, Alan Peters, RobbieMacKeigan, Dave Rogers, and JohnNapier. At Christmas time an extremelysuccessful banquet and partywas held with more than fortyalumni in attendance. New Year'sEve was also celebrated by a largenumber of brothers, pledges, andtheir guests. As the new term commenced,the largest pledge dass inthe history of NSA began its periodof pledgeship under Brother Stewart.In aU, there are seventeen <strong>Phi</strong>keiasiii this new class. February 5 and6 were the dates of our annualWeekend festivities which featureda ball and a banquet and, underBrother Maris Anderson's guidance,an exceUent program was enjoyedby all. The highlight of the banquetwas a visit and address byAllen West Wood, president of AlphaProvince. In terms of varsity sports,the <strong>Phi</strong>s are weU represented on theDalhousie hockey team by Cruikshank,McClymont, McMaster, and<strong>Phi</strong>keia Ling. Brian Coleman, II,is the team's manager. Recently aNEW YORK ALPHA has institutedthe WilUam G. Smither MemorialAward, which is presented annuaUyto the <strong>Phi</strong>keia who improves hisgrades the most during period ofpledgeship. The trophy memoriaUzesa beloved brother, BiU Smither (inset),who died tragicaUy last springin an automobile acddent.tremendous renovation was carriedout on the interior of the chapterhouse under the foremanship ofBrother Wright. He had a combinedforce of 47 brothers and pledgesto carry out the necessary improvements.On February 13, BrotherHayman arranged tor the chapterto host a group of twenty-five tothirty bUnd boys for a tobogganparty, followed by cake and pop atthe house. Social events continue tohighlight this term as numerousparties including the Pledge Partyare coming up in the near future.—David C. McMaster, V.P.(See cut next p:^e.)OHIO ALPHA, Miami University.—Rush took place during February,and because it started one weeklate, this issue ot THE SCROLI. is duebefore we can report our new pledgeclass. The <strong>Phi</strong>s at Miami want tothank all loyal alumni tor the recommendationsreceived this year. RushChairmen Roger Smith and AndyMikula are heading up a successful

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