1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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284 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965TWO MONTANAALPHA<strong>Phi</strong>s and friendsenjoying theannualHawaiian Party.ketbaU and wrestling teams. Of specialinterest in chapter news was thepart played by the brotherhood in adisastrous ice storm which struckthe Schenectady area on the weekendof December 5 and 6. A group ofbrothers offered their services to theRed Cross to instaU portable generatorsand perform numerous emergencytasks for those without light andheat.' For their work, the chapterreceived much favorable pubUcityand several letters of commendation,including a letter from theDean praising the brothers "for theircommunity spirit and responsibility..and their positive effort towardhelping others in need."—Daniel V.Muller, V.P.raising money for the new wingwith the publicity. Our fund-raisingproject is coming along and we hopeto raise enough money to be able toget the new wing started in timefor next year's rush.—David S. Pearson,V.P.NEW YORK ALPHA, CorneUUniversity.—At the time of this writing,we at New York Alpha are inthe middle of a hectic but most successfulrush. We would like to takethis opportuntiy to thank all the <strong>Phi</strong>swho have so considerately recommendedfreshman men to the chapter.This thoughtfulness on their partis invaluable to a good rush program,and for this we offer oursincere thanks. We have taken greatpride in a new trophy which hasbeen instituted at New York Alpha.This award is a small part of ourscholastic program; however it holdsgreat meaning for the brothers. Itwill be awarded to the <strong>Phi</strong>keia whohas brought up his grades the mostduring the term of pledgeship. Theaward is the William G. SmitherMemorial. Bill was a brother whowas held in deepest respect by allwho ever met him. A, fifth year studentin civil engineering. Bill wason the Dean's List tor two years, amember Of TBU, Rod and Bob, XEhonorary, and was given the ChicagoTribune award for superior academicachievement and general efficiency inN.R.O.T.C. He died last spring justbefore graduation, in a, tragic autoacddent near Ithaca. Bill was asuperior student in all respects, anda great <strong>Phi</strong>. Though the tribute issmall, the respect in memory is infinite.In Coelo Quies Est. On thesports scene the <strong>Phi</strong>s have beenproving themselves again. The intramuralhockey team has continuedto compete successfully in the fraternity'league and is now anticipatinga victory in the finals. In conclusion,we join all the <strong>Phi</strong>s acrossthe continent in mourning the deathof Jim Tunnell, a truly esteemedfield secretary.—Kerry Heubeck, V.P.NEW YORK BETA, Union College.—NewYork Beta pledged tenmen February 11, the end of thefirst rushing period. The new <strong>Phi</strong>keiasare: Bob Blinn, Deerfield,Mass.; Paul Boor, Middleville, N.Y.;Jeff Smith, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; BobHeine, Summit, N.Y.; Bob Michaels,Geneva, N.Y.; Leigh Frye, Herkimer,N.Y.; Michael Myers, Thomwood,N.Y.; Robert Erianne, Englewood,N.J.; Ken Olsen, Westwood, N.J.;Charles Williams, Columbus, Ohio.This is undoubtedly the finest pledgeclass, both scholastically and athletically,that New York Beta hasseen in several years and the class isexpected to make a significant contributionto the chapter. With thecontinuing improvement of chapterscholarship. New York Beta's scholasticdifficulties appear to be lessening.Last semester, seven brothers attaineda Dean's List index—an improvementof more than 300% overlast year. The brothers have beenactive in varsity sports this year.Charles Anderson, a senior from Tappan,N.Y., received his second varsityletter in soccer last tall and currently,Ross Mackinnon and DaleSchneider are members of the bas­NEW YORK EPSILON, SyracuseUniversity.—The end of the fallsemester resulted in many highlightsat New York Epsilon. Our strengthin intramurals continued with thechampionship in football and secondplace in swimming. The basketballteam looks forward to another undefeatedseason with the help of center"Stilts" Baldwin. Also capping thesemester was the initiation ofRoberta Anderson, Robert Boyle,"Buff Buff" Hoppenstedt, JohnKaddaras, Shand O'Brian, "Shakes"Silky, and Less Wittington. OurChristmas party for underprivUegeddiUdren was again a success madeUvelier with the help of AT. Followingthis, we ended the semester withour Christmas formal. The brotherhoodis looking forward to anothergreat semester with freshman rush,headed by Dave Borst, and the returnof A. W. Heins from a vacatidn atBerkeley, Calif., who should add"spiritually."—Roger P. Anthony,V.P.NORTH CAROLINA ALPHA,Duke University.—The brothers havelaunched into rush under the leadershipof Rush Chairman SonnyMorris, and hope for another goodrush. The highlight of rush weekhas been our annual Playboy Party,entertained again this year by thefamed "Hot Nuts." Recent initiatesare: Jack Crosland, Dallas, Tex.;John Hines, Greenwich, Conn.;Richard Taft, Greenville; Ken Chatham,Springfield, Md.; Mike Todorivich,St. Louis, Mo.; Rick Rider,LaPorte, Ind.; Walt Stringfellow,Winnetka, 111. Bill Buchanan, havingmissed the intellectual challenge andbrotherhood of <strong>No</strong>rth CarolinaAlpha, "has returned to our chapterafter one semester at the Universityof Oklahoma. We wish the rest ofour transfer colony down there wouldreturn. Mike Curtis, fullback on theBlue Devils' team, has been drafted

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