1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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in the 1965 publication of Who'sWho Among Students in AmericanUniversities and Colleges. DuringDad's Weekend, the chapter won secondplace in the athletic competition.Again, the <strong>Phi</strong>s ranked high inscholastic grade average this semester.Missouri Beta is looking forwardto an even better spring semester,with the initiation of sixteen pledgesand our annual Community ServiceDay activities.—Gus Pinanolis, V.P.MISSOURI GAMMA, WashingtonUniversity.—Election of new officersmarked the end of a most successfulfall season with Jim Eckoff takingover as president. Missouri Gammaushered in the Christmas season witha <strong>Phi</strong>keia toy drive lead by pledgeclass President Paul Henderson. Followingthe vacation, our formal washeld January 9 at the Claymont Bathand Tennis Club. Prior to the dancethat evening a cocktail party washeld at the home ot Bob Reichardt.The credit for a most successfuldance shoud be given to John Rickand his committee for a job welldone. At the moment, MissouriGamma is holding down secondplace in overall intramural standingshaving posted a 4-1 basketbaU recordand a possible tie for the championship.With wrestling, vplleyball,and badminton coming up, the <strong>Phi</strong>sshould move into the number onespot in intramural standings. TomMcCbnneU, Wayne Campbell, JackBiggs, Dave Luedde, Rick Fraunfelder,and Bob Walters form thenucleus of the basketbaU squad andare all anticipating the Tri-ProvinceTournament in early March. As thespring sport season approaches,sprinter Jack Biggs and middle distancemen Bob Gielow and WayneCampbeU are working out for thetrack team while catcher Tom Mc­ConneU is warming up for the comingbaseball season. Jim Eckpffi andJack Biggs were chosen recently forthe Thirtene Society, the juniormen's honorary. A most impressiveand dynamic initiation ceremonywas held February 14. With PresidentJack E. Shepman of the GeneralCouncil as the honored guest,Missouri Gamma initiated ten<strong>Phi</strong>keias into the brotherhood ot$ A 9. The new initiates are: DickArnold, Mark Beckemeir, Bob Billings,Bob Black, Paul Henderson,Bob Matlock, Pete Peterson, Howard<strong>Phi</strong>llips, Chris Quinlan, and SteveShicht. Initiation day began withFraternity worship at the Churchot St. Michael and St. George, followedby a light brunch and thenthe initiation ceremony. Over thirtyfivealumni attended to witness theceremony once again and renew oldTHE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 283acquaintances. FoUowing the ceremonya dinner was held at the ClaymontBath and Tennis Club wherealumni, actives, new initiates, andUniversity officials relaxed and enjoyedthemselves. Credit tor such awell planned day should be given toBill Blank and the Special EventsCommittee. Missouri Gamma greatlyappreciated the visit of PresidentJack E. Shepman and wishes tothank him again tor this consideration.—JackBiggs, V.P.MONTANA ALPHA, MontanaState University.—We're proud ot thebrothers at Montana Alpha! Thisyear in footbaU eight <strong>Phi</strong>s—RogerSeeley, Bob Benzley, Dan Smelko,James Salvo, Jim Nlelson, RogerClemens, Dave Enger, and BrentRusseU—lettered for the MontanaState University Grizzlies. Nine<strong>Phi</strong>keisa played on the gridiron forthe frosh "cubs." Roger Seeley andBob Benzley received honorable mentionon the Big Sky ConferenceTeam. Five <strong>Phi</strong>s make up the backboneot the University's freshmanhardwood team. They are Jim Searles,Terry Robinson, Greg Hanson, JonVan Heuvelen, and Tim Phaler. AlLarson is guiding the <strong>Phi</strong>s towardanother all-intramural trophy. Themen from Montana took , first inswimming, second in intramuralfootball and went undefeated involleybaU. With tour tilts left inthe basketball schedule. Coach RussHuggins is working for an undefeatedseason. The Hawaiian partywas a huge success in <strong>No</strong>vember andthe Installation Ball was held February13. Three men from our chapterwere chosen for Silent Sentinelseniormen's honorary. DaleSchwanke, Dan Foley, and GeorgeCole received this honor for theirparticipation in campus affairs.Dennis Minemeyer, Jack Martin,Gene O'Hara, Bill Schwanke, andJim Tangen were tapped as BearPaws, a sophomore men's honorary.A recent evening discussion provedquite interesting. Several facultymembers were invited to discuss thepros and cons of the tratemity system.The discussion was handled informallyand several suggestions werebrought forth concerning problemsthat are present in the nationalGreek system. President Bernd"Whitey" Schulte has informed thechapter that construction will beginthis spring on a new house forMontana Alpha. The active chapteris combining its efforts with alumnifor early completion.-George Cole,V.P. (See cut next page.)NEW MEXICO ALPHA, Universityof New Mexico.—We are nearthe top in intramurals with firsts inbowling and squash and many secondsand thirds to help along. Oursocial calendar was full and theannual Blue and White a worthymatch tor the best we have everhad. In spite of all the outside activitywe somehow managed toweather finals and end up with oneot the best grade points on campusand hope to be able to do the samenext semester. Our CommunityService Project has been very successfuland has also helped us inMISSOURI GAMMA initiation banquet was highUghted by presence ofJack E. Shepman, P.G.C, who gave a talk on responsibiUties of Fraternityto community and camptis. Shown with Brother Shepman (second fromleft) are: Missotffi Gamma President Jim EckoS, Chapter Adviser A.WaUace MacLean, Province Pres. WiUiam WhiUow, and Chairman of spedalevents committee, BUI Blank.

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