1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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282 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965MISSOURI ALPHA <strong>Phi</strong>s at Aspen, Colo., for skiing over semester break.popular folk singing group on campus,the Wayfairs consisting of DonBarclay and Jack Otterness. The audienceparticipated in singing Christmascarols and afterward, cigarettesand candy and two radios were givenaway to the men's and women'swards to supplement the stereo givento the hospital two years ago by thechapter. Refreshments and a dancefollowed the carols. A good time washad by all and an invitation was extendedfor next Christmas by thestaff of the hospital. All the brothersseemed to have survived the holidaysin good shape with two ofthem graduating in December. Attentionturned to Snow Week Festivalthat comes annually at the end ofJanuary. With about eight inches otsnow on the ground the atmospherewas definitely set for a great SnowWeek. Different areas of competitionincluding Snow King and Queencompetition, a Variety show. FrostDay activities involving broomhockey, dog sled races and a tug-ofwar,and snow sculpturig depictingthe theme of this year's festival,"Winter's Sno' Fun." Other activitiesin the week include band concerts,ski shows and a Snow Ball dancewhere the winners ot the Frost Day'sevents are given their trophies. MinnesotaBeta was proud to have takenfirst in the Snow Sculpture contest andthe tug-o-war. Seconds were securedin the dog sled races and broomhockey. The sixth annual VarietyShow was presented by MinnesotaBeta. It is the main featured eventot the week other than the SnowBall. The show was expanded thisyear to include fifteen acts instead ofthe usual twelve. The acts rangedfrom pie throwing skits to Russianfolk dancing. The show was originallystarted by $ A 9 six years ago,since there was no show during theyear which displayed the talent hereat Mankato State College. Since thenit has risen to be one of the year'smost attended functions. A beautifulset of trophies was given away to addto the glamour of the show. TeryLarkin was the master of ceremonies.A Charity Carnival is coming up inspring quarter so advance plans arebeing drawn up for that with AAA.—Greg Scherman, V.P.MISSISSIPPI ALPHA, Universityof Mississippi.—The brothers of MississippiAlpha have just completeda very successful semester and arelooking forward to an even betterspring semester under the leadershipof new President Edwin Holt. Beforethe Christmas holidays the Ole Miss<strong>Phi</strong>s hosted about 350 members ofthe faculty at a faculty tea. We alsohad our annual underprivileged children'sparty where David Fenstermacher,dressed as Santa Claus, gavepresents to forty underprivilegedchildren from Oxford and LafayetteCounty.' We already have several activitiesplanned for this semester,and from the looks of things we Willprobably be kept pretty busy. Our1965 rush program will be set in motionMarch 20, when we have a weekendof rush parties highlighted bythe Rebel's intersquad football game.Also on our agenda is CommunityService Day, a spring formal, intramuralathletics, and Ivy Leagueweekend. Heber Ladner, Floyd Melton,and BiUy Sumrall were recentlytapped by 0 A K honorary. We hopethat any alumni will please send usrush recommendations.—Johimy Keesee,V.P.MISSOURI ALPHA, University qfMissouri.—Missouri Alpha boastsmany gains and experiences duringthe past few months. The chaptergrade average has risen over lastyears's and 65% of our pledgesmade the required two point. Ournewly appointed Rush Chairman,<strong>Phi</strong>l Jones, has initiated an aggressiverush program in hopes of attaininga new group of pledges tomatch that of last fall. Practice hasbegun for the Interfratemity Sing,and the prospects for sweepingspring intramurals look good. Thechapter was proud to have twobrothers. Butch Allison and KenBoston, named to the AU-<strong>Phi</strong> footbaUteam. Due primarily to theenergy of an outstanding alumnus.Col. Edward L. Jenkins, the chapterwas presented a flag Which has previouslyflown over the capital Buildingin Washington, D.C The brothersare also enjoying the furniturewhich the alumni rejuvenated andreupholstered. It is a tremendousincentive for the chapter to knowthat our alumni care how we aredoing, and are willing to help wheneverpossible. The entire chaptermourns the death of Byron Spencer,an old and faithful friend of thechapter, who passed away in KansasCity. Fourteen of, the <strong>Phi</strong>s visitedAspen over semester break. Ourinexperienced skiers left an indeliblemark on the face of Colorado's slopeswith somewhat unorthodox approachesto the sport. But laughswere more plentiful than bruises, andbumps gave birth to a promisingannual event.—Temy Green, V.P.MISSOURI BETA, WestminsterCoUege.—The past semester has beenanother banner semester tor MissouriBeta. Many brothers and pledges wonawards at the annual WestminsterDad's Day Convocation. The FreshmanScholarship Award was presentedto <strong>Phi</strong>keias David Shutte,Enid, Okla., and Richard Stoll,Chickasha, Okla. * A 9, national honoraryhistory fraternity, extendedmembership to Steve Bransford andEugene Weber. * P E, local pre-medicalfraternity, awarded membershipto Edward Baldwin, Dick GuUck,and Bob Hudson. Z T A, local scholasticfraternity, awarded membershipto Eugene Weber. Steve BransfordWas selected to be a member ofa two-man team to represent WestminsterCollege at United NationsSemester in New York. Political ScienceAssociates selected tor membershipKen Bridwell and EugeneWeber. OAK awarded membershipto Eugene Weber. Ken Bridewell andEugene Weber were selected by afaculty-student committee for listing

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