1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 281FLASH! Massachusetts GammaChapter finished third scholasticaUyamong 36 living groups at M.I.T.of the brothers made the Dean'sList. High grades helped BrothersSpreng and Ritsko land summer jobsin Germany. Suds Hood and BillKampe were elected to scholastic honoraries.-PatrickWinston, V.P.MICHIGAN ALPHA, Universityof Midiigan.-The brothers of MichiganAlpha have already headed intoan active and busy spring semester.In rush, we pledged thirteen fineyoung men, who have already shapedinto a fine pledge class. Our spring<strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Bill Cilluffo, Detroit;Neil Englehart, Grosse Pointe; DonEvans, East Tawas; John Ewing, Detroit;Fred Grove, Utica; Terry Hahn,Grosse Pointe; Steve Hartkop, GrossePointe; Bill Jury, Ferndale; MikeKoeller, Ann Arbor; Rick Lavers,Stamford, Conn.; Bob Simpson, Aiea,Hawaii; Bob Stepp, Shaker Heights,Ohio; Bill Walter, Western Springs,111. Prior to winter rush, we initiatedpractically our whole fall pledge dass.The new brothers who signed theBond are: SmiUng Bob Melum, TomBlack, Rich Worsham, Tom Lindow,Reve Silva, Chuck Gainey, Del BertWinn, Bob Malecek, Mike Bebow,Jerry O'Neill, Frank Groves, BruceCarsons, Jack Brooks, Pete Bauer,Terry Conway, Dick Dworsky, andJerry <strong>Phi</strong>lips. These new initiates dida fine job in the winter rush andshould be great assets to the chapterfor the next few years. A party forthe new pledges and a great Hawaiianparty started our sodal calenderrolling for the semester, and intramuralathletics was given an impetusby our relay team of BillFree, Al Pontello, Mike Harroldand anchor man Jeff Amold turningin the fastest time in the interfraternityrelays.--Robert M. Estes, V.P.MICHIGAN BETA, MichiganState University.—Through an allouteffort ot every man ot the chapterour winter term rush was onceagain most successful on campus.The <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Thomas Jordan,Sioux FaUs, S.D.; John Messier, RoyalOak; Ron Kenealy, Birmingham;Tim Wilcox Allegan; John Devine,Mt. Pleasant; Ted Crary, East LongMeadow, Mass.; Charles Atkin, EastLansing; Dick Wagner, Dayton,Ohio; James Evans, Cleveland, Ohio;John Baker, Dick Bush, Lansing;Robert Arndt, Hazel Park; RogerHanlin, St. Louis, Mo.; Russ LaBargeRoseville; Tom McCaffery, Palatine,IU.; Joe Schmid, Algonac; RickGreene, Darien, Conn.; Thomas Harney,Evanston, IU.; Jack WunderUc,Traverse City; Randy SchWerdt, St.Joseph; Tom CuUigan, Ithaca, N.Y.Many of the chapter members attendedthe instaUation ot Michigan<strong>Delta</strong> at General Motors Institute inFlint, the weekend of February 12through 14.—Stuart E. Forrist, V.P.MICHIGAN DELTA, GeneralMotors Institute.—Prior to our installation(<strong>No</strong>vember 7), the GeneralMotors Institute Interfratemity Councilheld the annual Sweetheart BaU,at which Miss Patrida Louise Hagedon,representing Michigan <strong>Delta</strong>,was crowned Queen of the SweetheartBall. She reigned over the Ball andreceived gifts from the InterfraternityCoundl. Miss Hagedon is asophomore majoring in ElementaryEducation at Ohip State University,and a member of A A A, along withher office as secretary ot her dprmitoryand editor of her dorm paper.Pat is 19 years old, has brown hairand brown eyes, stands five feet,four inches, and weighs 110 pounds.Brother Jerry Anthony, her escort,is sponsored by Delco-Moraine in theGeneral Motors Institute CooperativeEngineering Program. His presentstatus is a sophomore.—JeffAlumni Secretary.WaU,MINNESOTA ALPHA, Universityof Minnesota.—Minnesota Alpha hasstarted a successful winter quarterby placing second in All-Par forGreek Week in which the <strong>Phi</strong>s capturedfirst in Sodal Service and firstin Olympics. In Social Service weentertained the patients at MinnesotaState Hospital in Hastings, and inOlympics we won the chariot raceand the tug-of-wag. The <strong>Phi</strong>s ofMinnesota really worked to set upthe annual AU-<strong>Phi</strong> basketbaU tournamentwhich was held Saturday, February27. We invited our brothersfrom the University of Iowa, IowaState University, Iowa Wesleyan,MASS. GAMMAbrothers hold presidentialgavel inboth Tau Beta Piand Eta Kappa Nu,MIT scholastichonoraries. PatWinston (left) headsTau Beta Pi, andDoug Spreng, EtaKappa Nu.<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota, South Dakota, LawrenceUniversity, Makato State, Manitoba,University of Wisconsin andRipon College. There was a partyto top it off and presentation of thetrophies for the winners. We hostedover a hundred <strong>Phi</strong>s and it was agreat get-together to join in brotherhood.We are leading in points torAll-Par in sports. We were first inintramural football this fall, and wehave two strong basketbaU teams inI.M.s now. We were pleased with theannouncement that two of our <strong>Phi</strong>swere on the AU-<strong>Phi</strong> football team.Our congratulations to end KentKramer and fullback Mike Reid. Wewere pleased to have another * A 9chapter (Mankato State) initiated inour state. I know every chapter willbe proud to have them with us. Wegive them a firm backing and ourconfidence that they will be leadersin aU <strong>Phi</strong> projects.—Stewart J.Maples, V.P.MINNESOTA BETA, MankatoState CoUege.—Minnesota Beta, thefirst chapter to be installed in ^ A 9since the Pasadena Convention, hasresumed making an even biggername for itself on the campus. Afterits istallation, <strong>No</strong>vember 22, 1964,Minnesota Beta became involved intwo charity events for the communityof Mankato. For Thanksgiving,35 underpriviUged chUdrenwere the guests of the Fraternity atthe house for a turkey dinner withaU the trinunigs. Santa Claus madea triumphant appearance with funand presents for aU, induding a fewweU deserving actives. The eveningended with a magic show and ventriloquistact by a talented memberot Minnesota Beta, Randy Schostag.The local daily newspaper, the MankatoFree Press, covered the event.The Minnesota State Mental Hospitalat St. Peter was the next targetfor Minnesota Beta's charity affairscommittee. A vareity show was madeup of Randy Schostag and the ever

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