1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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280 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965MANITOBA ALPHA delegation attending instaUation of Miimesota Betachapter at Mankato meet the Vice President of the U.S.! Shown, left toright, are: Don Paterson, Bob Moody, Jim Roche, Ken Harvey, HarleyMcKay, Frank Peta, Vice President Humphrey, BiU Brock, Pete <strong>No</strong>bel,Brian Curley, Ian Sutherland, and Larry Haffner (kneeUngin front).entered in interfratemity competitions.The football team, led by DaleHubble, Ron Oberth and Jim Grantwon the LF^C competition last <strong>No</strong>vember,defeating A T 14-13. JimGrant supervised our 100% partidpationin the annual Red Cross BloodDrive arid, in conjunction with this,John Berringer, Chuck Meighen andJim Pappas were named to representsororities in the Cormusde Kingcontest. Jim Duncan organized oursecond annual Christmastime snowsculpture at a local hotel; from thiswe received $100.00 which was turnedover to the Christmas Cheer Board.Jim Pappas supervised the * A 9snow sculpture on campus for universityWinter Camival Week. BoHelliwell and Art Monk directed ourefforts in raising $98.00, twice asmuch as any other fraternity, forthe university-sponsored Mardi Grascharity weekend; our entry was agiant wheel of fortune. A number ofbrothers went down to Mankato,Minn., for the installation ceremoniesof Minnesota Beta last fall. Individualbrothers continue to dominatecampus life at Manitoba. ChuckMeighen is captain ot the intercollegiateBisons hockey team; BoHelliwell is on the executive of theuniversity Winter Carnival committee;Jim Duncan is Senior Stick ofEducation; Jim Fenwick was awardeda $200.00 N.R.C scholarship for continuedstudy towards his sdencedoctorate at University of BritishColumbia; Ron Oberth is presidentot I.F.C; Willy Parasiuk was chairmanof the U. of M. Conference onCommonwealth Affairs held on campusfor four days in January. <strong>Phi</strong>lMurray, John Wilson, Chat Mitchell,Jim Fenwick, Pete Erlendson, LarryHaffner, Dave Johnson, John Harvey,Ross Mclntyre, Dune McCaig andBill Dotten are travelling in Europe;Butch Rattray is teaching scienceat an English-speaking school inSwitzerland. Our most recent brothers(as of January) are: Jamie Boyd,Kent Christie, Bob Dolan, GordHome, Brock Mason, Jim Pappas,Murray Robertson, Gerry Roshick,Dave Sharpe, Druval Westcott, BobWilkes, Bill Harvey, Bruce Cromb,Winnipeg; Pete Duncan, Doug BiggsRegina, Sask.; Barry Fraser, Toronto,Ont. The chapter recently pledgednine men; present active membershipstands at 54.—Ned D. Brown, V.P.MARYLAND ALPHA, Universityof Maryland.—After fall sports victoriesin tennis, horseshoes and crosscountry, the brothers and pledges ofMaryland Alpha moved into theintramural basketbaU season withhigh hopes ot taking the fifth of thelast six intramural trophies. Withthe season half over, * A 9 remainsundefeated, winning the last 30 ot 31games. In varsity basketball, also, the<strong>Phi</strong>s are holding their own. Of fourteenmembers on the Terrapin team,seven are brothers or pledges ofMaryland Alpha. <strong>Phi</strong>keia Jay Mc-Millen and Brother Gary Ward areranked second and sixth in theAtlantic Coast Conference scoringcolumns with 20.6 and 18,9 averages,respectively. Maryland Alpha is lookingforward to an outstanding springsemester. Twenty-tour <strong>Phi</strong>keias willbecome brothers. For their WorkWeek project the <strong>Phi</strong>keias renovatedthe basernent in the fraternity house,painting- and relighting the downstairs.Those to be initiated are: LouAnderson, John Beebe, Robert Baikauskus.Jack Bloomquist, JohnBowMn, John Bullock, Jack Clark,George Cosper, David Dodge, Edward, Donnelly, WiUiam Franklin, RichardHarrington, Joseph Harrison,Gary Kelley, Paul Lissy, GerryMoneypenny, Eric Lampe, RichardMortimer, James P. Muldoon, NickSchaus, WUliam Smith, Henry Vineyard,Ric Wise, William Baylis, andHarry Rice.—John W. Snyder, V.P.MASSACHUSETTS GAMMA,M.I.T.—We enter the second termconfidently planning to strengthena present admirable position. Plansare underway to take first placeat the M.I.T. Spring Charities Carnivalas the <strong>Phi</strong>s have done everyyear of the carnival's existence. Takingthe first place trophy at AU-Techsing is another expected honor; thechapter has lost the trophy only oncein recent years, and should make uptor that with a particularly outstandingeffort this year under thedirection of Dave McMillan. Davewas recently elected to the BatonSociety, M.I.TI's music honorary, andnow represents that group on theactivities CouncU, ithe 80-member associationot M.I.T. clubs mn thisyear by Brothers Epps. Elsewhere incampus activity, Scott Davis addedthe vice-presidency ot. the freshmanclass to pur collection of studentgovernment offices, whilp DougSpreng and Pat Winston camethough with the presidency and vicepresidency,respectively, of Eta KappaNu, MIT scholastic honorary. DonSivers and Juergen Hahn were selectedfor a seven-man committeewith the heavy responsibility oforganizing MIT's tall intercollegiateconference, expected to be one of themajor college conferences of the comingyear. Athletically, Rob Wessonhas just been elected cro§s countrycaptain, and swimmer Jay Groves hascracked again the 400-yard free stylerelay record his team set last spring.Cash Peacock, swimming team captain,is expected to bring home asimilar honor. Wrestler <strong>No</strong>rm Hawkingsremains undefeated and has agood shot at the New Englandchampionship. Academic strengthcontinues high. Senior Pat Winstoncarries a straight A record into thelast term stretch and heads Tau BetaPi honorary. More than 55 per cent

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