1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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Wheeler, Paul Shoemaker, ThomasGift, WiUiam <strong>Phi</strong>Uips, LouisvUle;Richard Perrine, Charleston, W.Va.;Bruce Sawyer, James Boyd, SamShouse, Lexington; Steve Deats,Akron, Ohio; John Prather, Somerset;WiUiam Stewart, Olmsted Falls,Ohio; Michael Stamper, DonaldCrumbo, New Albany, Ind.; FelixByran, HopkinsviUe; Douglas Newton,Denver, Colo.; John Feaster,Chesterfield, Mo.; Greg Southgate,South Fort Mitchell; Jack. Leuz,Camden, N.J. The brothers are lookingforward to dbmmunity ServiceDay, and at the present we are planningto return to the distressed areasof Appalachia, the scene of last year'sproject. The chapter and alumniwiU celebrate Founders Day with abanquet during, the first week inApril. AU alumni are cordially invitedto attend. The spring semesterwill be ended in grand style withthe spring formal, which will be heldthe latter part ot April at HarringtonLake.—Anthony Ambrose, V.P.KENTUCKY ZETA, Kentucky WesleyanCoUege.—Kentucky Zeta beganher first year as a chapter of * A 0January 9. We sincerely hope thatwith the aid and guidance of oursister chapters and the leaders ofour Fraternity, that Kentucky Zetamay become one of the truly greatchaptet^ of * A e. Our rush program,under the direction ot James Johnson,began formal rush with a partyfor the rushees at the home of GarlandHoward in Owensboro. Theparty provided a very good opportunityfor us to become better acquaintedwith the prospective rusheeswhom our members have been incontact with during the first semester.The <strong>Phi</strong>s were first in scholarshipamong the Greeks as they posted anaverage above the aU men's averagefor the first semester. The I.M. teamis currently in second place in overaUcompetition and is out to betterits position with basketball competitionjust beginning.—Winston WUkins,V.P.LOUISIANA ALPHA, Tulane University.—LouisianaAlpha recentlymarked its seventy-fifth anniversitywith a large celebration at the fraternityhouse. Alumni, actives andfriends of the Fraternity all gatheredto honor the heritage of LouisianaAlpha and its 730 members over thepast three score and fifteen years. Acocktail hour, dinner and dancingmade for an enjoyable and memorableevening for all. We would Uke to extendour thanks to all the alumniin this area who helped to make thisevent a success. Louisiana Alpha hashad a very successful post-season rushTHE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 279and has pledged five additional mensince rush week last September. Ourtwo newest additions, Mac Brabhamand Bruce Young, are members ofthe varsity footbaU squad. RichardSherman, another recent addition,has distinguished himself scholastically.The chapter was also extremelyproud when two brothers, Jim Scottand Barrett Jones, were awarded theN.O.P.D. Safety Award for a recentheroic action. We are happy to announcethat Capt. Robert L. Henry(Kent State '51) of the A.F.R.O.T.Cunit has been appointed faculty adviserto Louisiana Alpha. We lookforward to a long and pleasant associationwith Captain Henry. LouisianaAlpha was also extremely pleased,with the appointment of Joe Clarkas Province President. The secondsemester began with a testimonial inhonor of our prolific and legendarycook Marty Lewis who has servedthis chapter faithfully. Plans arebeing formulated for our FoundersDay banquet to be held Wednesdayevening. March 10, at the VistaShores Country Club. We are lookingforward to the visit of Stan Brownof the General Coundl who willcome to New Orleans from Los Angelesto speak on this important occasion.We encourage all <strong>Phi</strong>s in thisarea to attend and antidpate an enjoyableevening for all.—H. E. Weid-Udi, Jr., V.P.LOUISIANA BETA, LouisianaState University.—Louisiana Betadosed another successful semesterwith the annual Christmas party forneedy diUdren. This year we, withthe help of A F, entertained a groupof blind children at the chapterhouse. Everyone really got the Christmasspirit while decorating the houseand planning the party, whichseemed to be thoroughly enjoyed byall the children. In the athletic field,Louisiana Beta is doing very:,.wellagain this year and is setting itssights on the Sweepstakes trpphy. Ourbasketball team walked away withthe champipnship, spprting an undefeatedseaspn and pladng <strong>Phi</strong>keiaRpnnie Ness on the All-Star team.This, coupled with our efforts infootball and golf, puts us well onthe way to our goal. In varsity sportsthis spring, we will be representedby Rip Corkey, who is doing very wellon the track team; and Rex DarUng,who is again expected to be a greathelp to the teimls team. ScholasticaUy,Louisiana Beta did quite weUlast semester with several of thebrothers making a perfect 3.00 averageand others making the Dean'slist. Those with perfect averages areJohn Cox, Byian Levy, James <strong>No</strong>len,and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Gary Poleynard. Althoughthe second semester is justbeginning, we expect to cpntinue Purleadership in campus activitiesunder the guidance pf Rpger Evans,newly elecfed; president. Our sodalcalendar, .is-:;fiUed with several events,including plans for our Foiinders DayBanquet, which we hope will be assuccessful as our twenty-fifth AnniversaryBanquet last year. Also includedin our plans are our annualspring parties, the Good Ship <strong>Phi</strong>and Skid Row Ball.—J. Wayne Smith,V.P. "!_MAINE \LPHA, Colby CoUege.-As the <strong>Phi</strong>s Taegan their second semester,they welcomed back the waywardLeon Ross, a Colby <strong>Phi</strong> whoattended Rhode Island School of Designfor a year. AcademicaUy, MaineAlpha appears to have finished eitherfirst or second among ten fraternitiesand weU above aU men's average,although offidal standings havenot yet been made available. In athletics,the chapter intramural bowlingteam, John Carnochan, JohnGreene and John Vermillion and<strong>Phi</strong>keia Tom Armistead, is currentlyin second place. Sophomore KenBrowing is a member ot the varsitybasketball squad. During the thirdweek ot January, Maine Alpha washonored by a visit from ProvincePresident Alien W. Wood, who traveledwith chapter President AndyCornwall and Vice-President JohnGillmor to the University of Maineto explore the possibility of formingMaine Beta. During his stay at Colby,Brother Wood noted an absence of<strong>Phi</strong>s from the house. This was due toColby's January Plan of IndependentStudy. <strong>No</strong> classes are held duringJanuary. Students pursue study projectsof their own choosing; manyColby students find it necessary toleave campus to pursue their projects.Two such students were <strong>Phi</strong>keias BobChurchill and Joe Fine who traveledthe drcuit ot Southern universitiesmaking a study of the philosophy otAmerican college students. This tripgave them the chance to meet <strong>Phi</strong>sfrom other chapters and to observethe operatipns pf other chapters. InFebruary, Maine Alpha began theinitiation of brothers. Because thechapter was unable to initiate tortwo years, brothers are outnumberedby pledges and social members.Alumni have contributed generouslyto a fund to provide the chapter withritualistic and initiation equipmentso badly needed. Support from recentalumni has been espedaUy heartening.—JohnGillmor, V.P.MANITOBA ALPHA, Universityof Manitoba.—Lite is busy at ManitobaAlpha; we have two hockeyteams, two basketbaU teams, threecurling teams and a voUeybaU team

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