1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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278 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965KENTUCKY ALPHA-DELTA proudly presents its intramural footbaUchampions. The team was undefeated, untied, and imscored on!recently initiated these <strong>Phi</strong>keias: MaxBolene, Brent Esco, Mike Foster, DanHare, Mike Holmes, Vern Razak,Steve Shouse, John Travis, Wichita;Brad Asbill, Otis; Dan Haley, California;John Roth, Sedalia, Mo.;Scott Glenn, Ashland; Tim Rath,Mooreland; John Shannon, Liberal;Steve Thomas, Honolulu, Hawaii.Highlights of first semester includea first place win for best Homecomingdisplay in the fraternity division,as well as a first in over-all division,which includes sororities and independentorganizations. CharlieHolmes, Dan Hunter, Gerry Hudson,Craig Lawrence, and Chuck Meedsled the outstanding effort on Homecoming.In addition to our twoHomecoming trophies the brothers ofKansas <strong>Delta</strong> fought their waythrough an unbelievably hard schedulein intramural football to takesecond place in the fraternity division,and a second also in the alluniversityintramural football championship.Presently we are involvedin intramural basketball competitionand doing quite well. <strong>Phi</strong>keias TimRath, Scott Glenn, and team CaptainHerb Krumsick, as well as Don Harrington,and Max "Paper Tiger" De-Weese assisted the Shockers varsityfootball team in the season's victories.Presently <strong>Phi</strong>keia Jamie Thompsonis scoring points for the W.S.U. basketballteam, and helping us maintainour ranking in the nation's topthree. <strong>Phi</strong>s Rick Vliet, Darrel Mc­CooI, Jim Harris, and Gary Lincolnrepresent Kansas <strong>Delta</strong> in our I.F.C.and Lincoln was elected I.F.C. president.Our sodal calender includednumerous parties, among them ourmost successful were the annual Hellparty and our elegant Christmas formal.Our second semester SodalChairman Larry Conyers has bigplans for our upcoming social programwith numerous parties and, ofcourse, the sweater dance and springformal. Our housemother, Mrs.Charles Jones, and our cook, Mrs.Peterson, are completing their eighteenthand starting their nineteenthyears of greatly appreciated service.Recently we celebrated the tenthbirthday of Podnuk, our belovedboxer mascot and prominent campusfigure. Scholarship Chairman MikeNelson is initiating a new scholarshipprogram which should prove to behelpful in raising our grades to tophonors on campus in this next semester.Still recovering from the annualsemester break trip are JerryLewis, Steve Clark, Rich Vliet, DarrelMeCool, Marc Ostertag, RobertTurner, Larry Conyers, Mike Welch,John Benjamin, Paul Lueker, JimWinans, and their dates. <strong>Phi</strong>s towatch for in spring sports are championDick Carpenter in javelin;baseball player Bib McCalla; golfersJohn Benjamin, Ian CampbeU, andJim Harris; and tennis champ NedStoll. Spedal recognition should begiven to <strong>Phi</strong> Max DeWeese for hisoutstanding promotion work andcharity drive for a local rest homefor elderly ladies, the Hi Ho RestHome in Wichita.—James E. Harris,Jr., V.P.KENTUCKY ALPHA-DELTA,Centre CoUege.-Having just completedone of the finest rush programsin many years under thedirection of Rush Chairnian GregSteele and President Fred Higgins,Kentucky Alpha-<strong>Delta</strong> is proud toannounce its new pledge class for1965. The <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Jim Barkley,Greenville; Gary Cooper, Louisville;Roy Cotcamp, Newport; Paul Counts,Bellvue; Jim Coy, Richmond; JohnDuff, Bowling Green; Jim Ishmael,Bob Wyatt, Lexington; Rich McElheney,Covington; Tom Marquardt,Augusta; Dick Sanders, Cambellsville;Stan Snyder, Hawesville; Ted Stafford,Wurtland; LoweU Thompson, Ashland;Bob Webster, Danville; MikeReese, Hartsviile, Tenn.;, Bob Hamilton,Cleveland Heights, Ohio; SteveDixon, Decatur, Ga.; Kevin Conner,Barrington, R.I.; Chuck Cochran,Chevy Chase. This fall the <strong>Phi</strong>s accomplisheda first at Centre by completingthe intramural footbal!season unbeaten, untied, and unscoredupon! Needless to say we areall very proud of this mark. <strong>No</strong>wthat the basketball season is wellunderway the <strong>Phi</strong>s find themselvesonce more in the thick of things,having suffered only one loss, andthat being by one point in a doubleovertimethriller. The prospects forthis year's overall intramural championshipare very bright indeed. Thecollege basketball team, while havingan off season after last year's greatteam, has still received much helpfrom big Denny Walts, a juniorstarter. Also doing a fine job isjunior John Thompson and freshmanstarter Rich McElheney. Otherfreshmen who are expected to developinto future starters are RoyCotcamp, Paul Counts, Ted Stafford,and Stan Synder. Academically, although-thefirst semester fraternityaverages are not yet available, KentuckyAlpha-<strong>Delta</strong> should again, aslast year, rank high among the leadersat Centre.—Ed Guttery, V.P.KENTUCKY EPSILON, Universityof Kentucky.—The chapter has finishedthe faU semester with a 2.51 ona 4.0 system which ranked us fourthamong twenty fraternities on campus.This makes the fourth consecutivesemester that the <strong>Phi</strong>s have been inthe top five. We are also proud toannounce that Keith . Hagan, whowon the Arthur R. Priest award lastfall, has been named most outstandingGreek man on campus duringGreek Week. The <strong>Phi</strong>s competed wellin fall intramurals and are lookingforward to the spring activities. Onceagain the brothers hold leading positionsin campus honoraries and steeringcommittees, and are taking anactive part in the university's centennialprogram. This spring wepledged nineteen men who havebeen acclaimed the best pledge classon campus: Ed Gatterdam, John

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