1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 277tered Varieties, producing the "PinkStetson." Plans are under way toproduce a Veishea float capable ofwinning the coveted Sweepstakestrophy this spring. The annualpledge Bowery wiU be held the secondweek of March to start springquarter with a sodal success.—TomBrown, V.P.IOWA DELTA, Drake University.—The <strong>Phi</strong>s at Drake were representedin virtually every phase ofcampus leadership. Banks led thecampus as president pf the Student-Faculty Cpuncil. Schaefer is presidentof the Young Demos. Banks, Mehling,Stone, Forsell, and Tyler are activein Circle K. Stone is the co-editorof the Oracle, the Greek newspaper.Many of the brpthers are membersof various committees and othercampus prganizations. Iowa <strong>Delta</strong>captured the Drake School Spirittrophy for the fifth consecutive semester.Scholarship did not go unnoticedat Iowa <strong>Delta</strong>. By placingsecond in the aU fraternity averageand far above the aU men's average,we remained tops in scholarship. RichVehlow and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Charlie Seel arerepresenting Drake on the cindertrack. The diapter had many communityservice projects diuing thepast semester, which was highUghtedby the aimual Christmas party forDes Moines area underprivileged children,at the Polk County Children'sHome. Iowa <strong>Delta</strong>'s main concernfor this coming semester, as it hasbeen since installation in 1961, isadequate housing. Our Des MoinesAlumni Club is giving their all-outsuppprt tp pur situatipn, and thechapter hppes tp be in a new hpusingsituatipn by the beginning pf thecoming fall semester. —Robert Stone,V.P.KANSAS ALPHA, University ofKansas.—The A football team captureddivision honors and the Abasketball team is undefeated in fouroutings. Varsity athletes Steve Renkoand Sid Micek were instrumental inKU's football success and sophomoreRon Franz is seeing a lot of actionfor the basketball team. Dave Richwinein swimming, John Guyot intennis, and Rob Looney in track wUlall be competing this spring. Inaddition, we have twelve <strong>Phi</strong>keiasout for freshman sports. New <strong>Phi</strong>keiasare: Rod Johnson, Wichita;Ralph Jphnson, Dayton, Ohio; ScottKincaid, Pittsburg. "We received thesecond place trophy for our Homecomingdecorations and enjoyed avery active social life beginning withthe Harvest party. Homecomingdance, Christmas formal, and theChristmas Kiddie party for under-KANSAS DELTA chapter went on ski trip to Breckinridge, Colo., recently.Pictured above are: Darrel McCooI, Jerry Lewis, Rushee Mike Eatzenmeir,Steve Clark, Paul Lueker, and Richard VUet.privUeged chUdren. Plans for thecoming semester include a Fathers'Weekend for the Kansas State-KUbasketball game, the Miami Triad,and of course our annual SouthernMess in early May.—G. W. Frick,V.P.KANSAS BETA, Washburn University.—Themen of Kansas Betaonce again are maintaining their usualtop scholastic standing on campus.Owe chapter has won the I.F.C. ScholasticTrophy for the last two semestersand plans to continue thistradition, Washburn University's fineconference-leading basketball team ismanned by three starting <strong>Phi</strong>s. Thishot shooting <strong>Phi</strong> trio has racked upas high as 66 per cent of points scoredin a game. One of the <strong>Phi</strong>s, Ron Ford,is the team high scorer and anotherstarting <strong>Phi</strong>, Gordon Hibbard, iscaptain of the team as well as presidentof Kansas Beta. With the endof the first semester 23 phikeias madetheir grades and qualified scholasticallyfor initiation. Steve Kruse andDave Nelson were selected for Who'sWho in American Colleges and Universities.Kruse, Dave Turner, andDennis Hawver, were selected fromthe student body to chair committeeson the Student Union Activity Board,which is responsible for all sanctionedcampus activities. These brothersand other <strong>Phi</strong>s on campus whoare leaders in scholastics, campuspolitics, athletics and socializing oncampus are representative of the typeof year we have had and are havingat Kansas Beta.—Dennis Hawver, V.P.KANSAS GAMMA, Kansas State.-Kansas Gamma has been selected asa finalist in Harlequinade, the campusproduction known previously asY-Orpheum. We will be heading forfirst place with <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Delta</strong>.Harlequinade will be held March 26and 27, and all alums are invitedto come back and visit. Contact thechapter for information concerningtickets, etc. Our first semester was abusy one. We understood several projectson our own to fix up the house.We revamped mainly the downstairsportion of the house into an attractivelounge and TV-recreation room.The alums of Kansas Gamma areassisting us on several projects thissemester. With the aid of alumnifunds, we are going to pave ourparking lot this spring and add avolleyball court and basketball area.The alumni are also going to provideus with a large new commercialrefrigerator and they will have theUvlng room redecorated before endof school year. It's this kind ofalumni support that keeps this chapterstrong. New pledges since lastreport are Brad Taylor, Mission;Mike Tarry, Mulvane; John Yust,and John Wallingford, Wichita. KansasGamma is proud of Brother JimHoffman who has helped spur theK-State basketball team to victory intheir last few outings. Don Riedland <strong>Phi</strong>keia Mike Tarry are promisingtrack prospects, while Bill Ratliffis one of the Big 8's leading diversand <strong>Phi</strong>keia John Kegley is a goodprospect for the swimming team. Toround out the semester, the <strong>Phi</strong>s willbe competing closely in intramurals,and working hard on scholarship.The <strong>Phi</strong>s know how to relax, however,with several parties planned.—Ron HuU, V.P.KANSAS DELTA, Wichita StateUniversity.—With the end of the fallsemester and the begiiming of thespring, Kansas <strong>Delta</strong> is involved in aconcentrated rush program, headedby Marc Ostertag. Under the supervisionof President Steve Clark, we

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