1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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undefeated in basketbaU. We are alsovery proud of the work being doneby John Mason in the ScarletMasque, Wabash theatrical group.We recently iniriated fifteen membersof the class of '68. The new initiatesare: Ben Brouhard, Ed Cox, Indianapolis;Russ Dukes, Dugger; JimEdgar, Charleston, IU.; Dan Edmonds,.Lebanon; Terry Henderson,Steve Matthews, Brownsburg; SteveHenry, Michigan City; Tom Howard,Naples, Fla.; John Leahy, Bedford;Greg Markwell, Tarentum, Pa.; JimPowers, Peoria, 111,; Roger Senkbeil,Cindnnati, Ohio; Randy Slickers,Lafayette; Dan Susie, Houston, Tex.Rush Chairman John Miller wouldappredate any information fromalumni concerning next year's prospectivefreshmen.—Rich Polk, V.P.INDIANA GAMMA, Buder Uni.versity.-The men of Indiana Gammahave extended 'their services to thecommunity of IndianapoUs. We arestriving to bring about a closer relationshipwith its residents and businessmen.In the preceding months,we have been clowns in a parade,assistants to a local radio station,and have sung Christmas carols forthe downtown merchants. We areespedaUy proud of our work withthe Y.M.C.A. They needed both alarge sum of money and manpowerto keep functioning; we suppUedboth of these needed elements. As aresult, the Y.M.C.A. is well on itsway to helping more young men. Weare also proud of our finandal adviser,<strong>Phi</strong>l Kappas, who was recentlyelected vice-president of the IndianaBar Assodation.—Lon Showley, V.P.INDIANA DELTA, Franklin College.—RobertShafstall has beenelected president for the spring semester.This fall, the Indiana <strong>Delta</strong>intramural football and tennis teamscaptured the fraternity league bywinning every game. In intramuralbasketball, Indiana <strong>Delta</strong> has notlost a game as yet this season. Wehave hopes that we will do as weU inthe rest of intramurals and will beable to capture the intramural trophyagain this year. The <strong>Phi</strong>keias areplanning to entertain the activechapter with their annual pledgedance; the theme this year is "CaveMan." Indiana <strong>Delta</strong> is also hopingfor another first in scholarship forthe fall and spring semesters. Weare very proud to announce that thenewly elected Governor of Indiana,Rober D. Branigin, is an alumnusof Indiana <strong>Delta</strong>—graduating in_1923,and we are very pleased that wewere able to nominate him for the"<strong>Phi</strong> of the Year" award.—KennethYonng, V.P.THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 275INDIANA GAMMA <strong>Phi</strong>s dressed as clowns for IndianapoUs parade. Theyare (standing) Bob Harrison, Barry Yantis, Steve Harpold, Joe Kenny, JimLyon, Don Thompson, Kent Harris, Larry Golumb, and (kneeling): SteveSchneider, Al Seefeldt.INDIANA EPSILON, Hanover College.—Inall areas the <strong>Phi</strong>s are nearor on top. Our exceUent scholarshipwas the talk of the campus. Weboasted a 2.84 average to far outdistancethe other fraternities in therace for the scholarship cup. ThirteenHanover <strong>Phi</strong>s made the Dean'sList with a 3.5 point average or better.We also did well in rush underthe leadership of Rush ChairmanJohn Barnard, and ended up with26 fine <strong>Phi</strong>keias: Bruce Abts, Columbus;John Babbs, Steve Howard, BillSchilling, Cincinnati, Ohio; RogerBrinkman, Chip Hixson, Bill Jennings,Bob May, Bill Porter, Chicago,III.; Sparky Casini, Mishawaka; DougDeatz, Louisville, Ky.; Jim Floyd,Lexington, Ky.; Don Handy, JohnWoods, Bob Woods, Indianapolis;Steve LaBarbara, Shelbyville; MarkLampe, Ft. Thomas, Ky.; Tom Mac-Farland, Wyoming, Ohio; Ben Peternell,Tom Jamison, Ft. Wayne; MikeRex, Ligonier; Van Schenck, Washington,D.C; Steve Taylor, Greensburg;Dennis Wells, Ottawa, Ohio;Cy Young, Mt. Sterling, Ohio; JimCunningham, Crawfordsville. In intramurals,Hanover <strong>Phi</strong>s have thenumber one and two teams in basketballand were high up in theother sports. On the varsity basketballteam, the <strong>Phi</strong>s were well representedby starters Jim Holland aridJon Bruce, sixth man Jim Hoyer andfreshman Steve LaBarbara. Meanwhile,<strong>Phi</strong>keias Bob Woods is the<strong>Phi</strong>s' contribution to the varsitywrestling team.—Jon Bruce, V,P.INDIANA ZETA, DePauw University.—IndianaZeta started the secondsemester with three pledges making*H2, requiring grades of 3.5 orbetter on a four point scale. Thethree are John Douglass, Jay Marshall,and BiU McGraw. Also, onefourthof the pledge class was overa three point. On the basketballcourt the chapter is represented byMorgan Everson, who is the leadingscorer for the DePauw cagers. TheI.M. team, backed by Steve Kelly,Steve Hadley, Bill Alcott, JerryBloomstrand, and Bill Evans is nowin a two-way tie for third place leadinginto the semi-finals. The chapteris proud to announce Chuck Leiningeras the new managing editor ofThe DePauw, student newspaper.Greg Mutz and Steve Young, rushchairmen, announce the pledging ofsix men for the start of the 1965-66pledge class. They are: Rich Handschuh,Doug Gregor, Chicago, IU.;John Selby, Fairmont; Chris Linn,Carl Grouse, Indianapolis; John H.Lundbald, Cincinnati, Ohio.—GeorgeMarsh, V.P.INDIANA THETA, Purdue University.—Thespirit of the last semester,as typified by the A basketballchampionship and softbaU and squashdivisional championships, was tops.The Homecoming open house,spurred by the victory over Illinoisand a joyous group of alumni, was atremendous success. Letterman WaltGahm, footbaU; Bill Harmon, football;and Dennis Rydjeski, soccer,ended seasons with excellent records.The successful semester was celebratedwith a scholarship dinnerhonoring the Dean of FreshmanEngineering, Dr. Spalding, as guestspeaker. But the semester was notaU studies; relaxation came in the

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