1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 273league. The varsity basketball teamis being led in scoring by Reevesand Wilcox. Open house was heldFebruary 4, and was considered thebest of the year. New Officers wereinstalled this quarter and BenWhitley is the new president. Everyoneis looking forward to the SweetheartWeekend featuring "Doug Clarkand the Hot Nuts," and the cowboyparty in the spring will be a majorrush function.—John R. Manning,V.P.GEORGIA DELTA, Georgia Instituteof Technology.—FaU quarterGeorgia <strong>Delta</strong> brothers and pledgesproved outstanding in every phaseof campus life. President "Butch"Harris was tapped for ANAK, mostdistinguished leadership honorary atTech; Harris, Bruce Fitzgerald (editorof the newspaper) and JohnWilUams were named to the coUegiateWfto'j Who, and George Reddienwas elected chairman of theI.F.C. Honor Board. <strong>Phi</strong>keia MarshalSchreeder was chosen freshman classpresident, while his pledge brothersFhilUp Copk (3.8 overall out of 4.0)and Kerry Clayton (3.6) were namedto * H S. In varsity^ football, GerryBusseU was an All-American defensivehalfback. Initiated in the fallwere Terry Griffin, Greensboro; RickHudson, Atlanta; and W. J. Blane,Roanoke, Va. Georgia <strong>Delta</strong> also welcomedJame Boswell, who affiliatedfrom Georgia Alpha. Four new <strong>Phi</strong>keiasare Ken Bonifay, Macon; LarryBell, Salem, Va.; John Trask, Ogelthorpe;and Jack Stafford, Dublin.In December, we gave our annualChristmas party for the MethodistChildren's Home. Carey Webbplanned the event and Mike Frankeplayed Santa Claus. Brothers andpledges coUected over $325 in theAtlanta Jaycee Empty Stocking FundDrive. Social ' highlight of the faUwas a houseparty held the weekendof the Tech-Tennessee football game.<strong>Phi</strong>s were weaker than usual in fallintramural athletics, with only athird place finish in volleyball, butstrong basketball and paddleballsquads should keep us in contentionfor the athletic trophy. <strong>Phi</strong>s invarsity sports this spring are: CharlieMason and Bruce Fraser, track;Butch Harris and W. J. Blane, baseball;and Robbie Horak, John Cavin,and Lary Sears, golf. Our Mothers'Club plans an open house for parentsApril 4.-John Y. WiUiams, VJP.GEORGIA DELTA Christmas party for children from Decatur MethodistChUdren's Home. Shown with the youngsters are Ted Waters and MikeFranke (Santa Claus).pledged John C Crowser, TwinFalls. Two <strong>Phi</strong>s, Jack MacDonaldfrom Willamette and BiU HolUfieldfrom Whitman, have affiliated withour chapter. We are now in theprocess of setting up a new scholarshipprogram to help further IdahoAlpha scholastically. Our best sportsare coming up this semester, so weshould finish high in intramurals.Plans are also being made concerningour initiation banquet and danceto be held March 27, as well asplans for our Spring Cruise, CommunityService Day, and our annualOrphans' picnic—Steven J. Swendberg,V.P.ILLINOIS ALPHA, <strong>No</strong>rthwesternUniversity.—Under the able leadershipof Jim Redmond and JohnGregory and, of course, our housemother,Mrs. Mayde Joss, Homecomingweekend turned out to be verysuccessful. The faU quarter I.M. programended with the <strong>Phi</strong>s on top,wiiming the intramural swim meetbut having to settle for runner-upin the footbaU competition. ScholasticaUy,Illinois Alpha fared veryweU with an overaU active cumulativeof 2.6. The pledges were notfar behind with a 2-3, enabling 23 ofour 26 <strong>Phi</strong>keias to be initiated.Congratulations are in order for TomMyers who has just signed with theDetroit Lions. Jim Cununins is startingfor the Wildcats on the basketballteam and Mike Weaver, whoplayed AIl-American ball in highschool, is starting for the freshmanteam. Terry Smith, Kurt Imrie, andIDAHO ALPHA, University ofIdaho.—The men of Idaho Alphadid weU in scholarship and are currentlyamong the leaders for thecampus intramural trophy. This comingsemester should bring new honorsto the <strong>Phi</strong>s of Idaho Alpha. WeILLINOIS ALPHA'S NEW LNITIATES (AND FRIENDS).

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