1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 271is foUowing in his father's footsteps.His dad was president of ColoradoGamma in 1936. Our intramuralteams are active with the bowlingteam vying for top position in theAA League. The basketball teamis trying hard to fight back afterlosing two games by one point. Manybrothers are competing in individualsports. Anticipation is high as weprepare for elections. The retiringofficers are refreshed by the willingnessof the younger men to tacklethe coming year. <strong>Phi</strong>s from manyschools have been stopping by. Wehope that this is the spring to skiin Colorado, and that many brotherswill pay Colorado Gamma a visit.—WiUiam R. Cameron, V.P.FLORIDA ALPHA, University ofFlorida.—Florida Alpha was saddenedby the recent death of John J. Tigert(VanderbUt '04), P.P.G.C, a longtimeresident of GainesvUle. BrotherTigert was the twenty-first Presidentof the General CouncU, and a pastPresident of the University ofFlorida. Once again the fall trimesterstandings show Florida Alpha NumberOne in' intramurals. The <strong>Phi</strong>sgained the top position by winningfootbaU and track, pladng second invoUeybaU and third in water basketbaU.A joint party of <strong>Phi</strong>s, SigmaChis and Betas is scheduled forMarch 30 commemorating the MiamiTriad. Tom Adams, Secretary ofState, wiU be the guest speaker atFlorida Alpha's Founders Day Banquet.A full day of activities isplanned starting at 11:30 A.M. It ishoped alumni throughout the state,wiU plan to attend. Florida Alpha'sNewsletter, The Florida <strong>Phi</strong>, will besent to all alumni later this monthwith more details concerning FoundersDay. Brothers initiated last trimesterare: Glenn Dunn, New Bern,S.C; David Ingram, Tallahassee;J. R. Leach, Sarasota; Ed Mahoney,Bradenton; Dick Matherly, Chicago,IU.; Ron Morris, St. Petersburg; BobNiro, Daytona Beach; Bill Reid, St.Petersburg; Hal Taylor, JacksonviUe;Jim Clark, Ft. Walton Beach. New<strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Paul Eidson, KnoxviUe,Tenn.; Tom Glenn, JacksonvUle;Ed Vehling, Bob Goodman, Sarasota;Paul Rdlly, Buggs Nunery, Miami;Bob Wilcox, Coral Gables; Ed Warner,Sumter, S.C; Craig Kitchens,GainesviUe.—BiU Dingwdl, VJP.FLORIDA GAMMA, Florida StateUniversity.—Florida Ganuna has beenrecognized as the number one chapterscholasticaUy on campus. In additionto the chapter, the pledge dass,for the second year, placed firstsdiolasticaUy and had seven Plukeiasmake the Dean's list. Led by pledgeSCENE AT FLORIDA GAMMA'S ANNUAL BOWERY BALL.dass president Marsicano, these<strong>Phi</strong>keias had a 3.0 or better: Hart,Skowden, Albert, Mrachek, Whiteand Beck. <strong>Phi</strong>keias Skowden andHart were tapped into •i' H S. FloridaGamma also continues its success inintramurals. Presently our basketballteam, led by Geisenhof, DixonMeagher, Systma, Massey, Werner,Hartman and <strong>Phi</strong>keias Baxter, Albertand Morehouse, is leading the packwith a record of 7-0. Our intramuralwrestling team led by Benedetti andEvans should place in the top twoand our track team should finishfirst. We have high hopes of retiringthe over-all intramural for the twelfthtime out of fifteen years. On the collegiatesports side, we find FloridaGamma well represented as usual.In basketball, Gary SchuU, theSeminoles' center, leads the team inscoring and most rebounds, andKen Leadey leads in foul shot percentage.We are also represented byWallace and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Murphy. Inswimming Rangeley, Mauldin andKoch continue to dominate the teamhonors on the South's only undefeatedteam. On the baseballdiamond, we find Ken Creely, nationallyranked rdief pitcher, MonroeHunt, Tom Davis, Gary Nichols,and Rick Hutchinson. FinaUy intrack we have team captain AlCato who holds the university recordin the 100-yard dash and 440-yardrelay. In rush this trimester, FloridaGamma was very successful. Wegave fourteen bids and we now havefourteen new <strong>Phi</strong>keias. The electionfever has hit F.S.U.'s campus and thisyear as in the past the <strong>Phi</strong>s are veryactive. We have five men runningfor office and two of these are forthe presidency of their classes. HinesBoyd has been dected president ofOAK. SodaUy the <strong>Phi</strong>s had thdrannual Bowery Ball, which was verysuccessful thanks to Social ChairmanKoch. Our Community ServiceDay project, headed by Werner, willprove to be one of our best. We planto restore part of the TallahasseeMemorial Hospital. We would like torecognize and congratulate our chapterAdviser, Tom Wright, for writingthe new Florida State UniversityVictory Song. As a final note, wewould like to welcome Jim Applemanfrom Georgia Gamma.—Sandy England,V.P.FLORIDA DELTA, University ofMiami.—In the field of scholarship,Tim Anagnost was one of the fewtapped into Iron Arrow. He was alsotapped by Omega along with <strong>No</strong>rmBlanchard and Jack Morton. Thechapter was well represented on thedriU field by Jack Tingley and DaveGarden, who were designated asDistinguished Military Students(A.R.O.T.C). <strong>Phi</strong>s holding posts onthe Interfratemity Coundl at Miamiare Tom Spencer, I.F.C. rush chairman,and Roger Hembrough, chairman,I.F.C. sodal standards. Thechapter placed second in housedecorations during Homecoming, andcame in first in the upper fraternitydivision for floats. RecenUy initiatedand proud new <strong>Phi</strong>s Leo Leonard!,Miami; Robert Grace, Darien, Conn.;and Downing Jacobs, Wyncote, Pa.,are already running new <strong>Phi</strong>keiasDave Bergstresser, Coral Gables; BillCummings, Portland, Me.; BobDicker, Dayton, Ohio; George Manning, Elmer, N.J.; Jack Sperry,Tampa, Fla.; and Bob Spuck, Albany,N.Y. through their paces. Ou:housemother. Mom Matlack, has alreadygained recognition by becomingthe president of the HousemothersAssociation, although we

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