1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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Burnett, and Bob Roper for theoutstanding performances they displayedin the 1965 Cotton Bowlgame. After pladng second toMississippi Alpha in the competitionfor the Founders Day Trophy lastyear, we are looking forward to aneven greater year. Watch out, OleMiss.—Roy A. Murtishaw, V.P.BRITISH COLUMBIA ALPHA,University of British Columbia.-The chapter began an eventful newyear by holding its second annualWinter Conference January 15 and16. Thirty-one actives and pledgesattended the conference which washeld once again at Harrison HotSprings, 60 miles west of Vancouver.From the meeting evolved several excellentproposals aimed at developingsome of the prindples set forthat last year's conference. Twenty-one<strong>Phi</strong>keias were initiated January 30after a very successful pledge period.They are: Doug Kendrick, DavidInsley, Ron Charles, Keith Fraser,Dave Bell, Paul NichoUs, AllenMather, Pete Carter, Pat Baker, IanPotter, Dick Anderson, KevinMurphy, Bob McQuarrie, MartyCopeland, Larry Brims, Gary Ciccozi,Ben Stapleton, Dave Kelly, JayCorder, Gary Rowles, and <strong>No</strong>rmThomas. Four new <strong>Phi</strong>keias havebeen pledged in this year's springrush. They are: Rich Bucholz, MorrisDouglas, Bob Sweet, and Mac Tyler.The intramural ice hockey team hasmade it into the playoffs once againand some very good competition ispromised for the playoff games comingup. In the first term, * A 9topped all other fraternities in intramuralathletics and was second inthe overall standings. The FoundersDay Banquet is being platmed forTuesday, March 16. The chapter ishoping that the more than fortyalumni who attended last year's banquetwill make this event an evenbigger success by bringing someonewho missed last year.—David Bensted,VJP.CALIFORNIA BETA, StanfordUniversity.-Any report about ourchapter must begin with commenton Bruce Wilhelm, who in just twomonths has come from nowhere tomake a strong bid for the nationalwrestling title in the unlimitedclass; The 245-Ib. Wilhelm is undefeatedin over fifteen matches andhas won two tournaments. Recentlyhe won 6-3 over the man who placedthird in the nationals last year.Bruce is only a sophomore but hethinks he can nab the title, andfrankly we all agree that his chancesare better than just good. A lessimportant event across the campus.THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 269ALABAMA BETA HOMECOMING DECORATIONS.but not within the chapter, wereour elections as <strong>Phi</strong>l Zonker foUowsFulton Collins as presidimt and JohnMahaffy is rush chairman. We havetaken three new sophomore pledges:Bill Putnam, George Sousa, and BobCarry, during the fall quarter. Weare all antidpating a strong pledgeclass for spring quarter pledging.We would be honored if any of ouralumni would contact us. We wantto strengthen our alumni club andwould like to have any <strong>Phi</strong>s in thearea up to dinner whenever theycan come.—Shelby H. Mclntyre, V.P.CALIFORNIA GAMMA, U.C.L.A.-Varsity athletics play an importantpart in our chapter and we havemany <strong>Phi</strong>s who make credible contributionsto the program. In footballperhaps the standout is Larry Zeno.Larry was chosen unanimously to theAll-<strong>Phi</strong> first team and did a greatjob as quarterback this year. Othernotable footballers include JimMiller, Bob Richardson, John Richardson,Charlie Davis, and initiateChuck Blazak (manager). Initiateswho were on the frosh football teamare John Erquiaga, Dick Vanis, LarryShepard, John Warner. Other notableathletes in other sports are initiateLarry Arnett, and actives DennisBreckow, Gene Comroe, Paul Hoyt,Steve Lock, and Bob Day—and<strong>Phi</strong>keia Tom Jones; all of whom arepart of a very strong and successfulBruin track team. Jon Van Scoykrepireseuts the chapter on the mightyswimming team and on the waterpolo team. Spring should bring forthmany outstanding athletic endeavorsfrom these boys—only timewill tell. SodaUy, we have had ourshare of parties and exchanges; thetwo big functions of the semesterwere the annual Toga Party and thePlayboy Party. Each was a "smashing"success in more ways than one.Everyone always turns out for thesefunctions. FaU initiation was alsoa big function and is an affair everyoneantidpates. <strong>No</strong> less than sixteenmen went through Help Week,and eleven are awaiting the bigmoment when they become brothers.They are: Larry McQuiston, JohnErquiaga, Walt Cameron, DickVanis, Gary Cranberry, Doug Thomson,Ted Thomson, John Warner,Jerry Roos, Harry Egger, LarryArnett, Eric Davey, Chuck Blazak,Bill Brainard, Rick Russ, and LarryShepard. Spring rush saw us takein six "nuggets," all of whom wethink will become assets to the chapterin days to come. And we havejust begun.—Bob Day, V.P.CALIFORNIA DELTA, U.S.C-This fall the California <strong>Delta</strong> chapterpledged 29 men. The pledge classsponsored a Volkswagen-Tote for theentire University and gave trophiesto the winners—we took second place.The event was a huge success andthe chapter was shown in action onTV and noted in the newspapershere. The chapter has won theinterfratemity sports trophy for thelast two years and if we win againthis year, we will keep the trophy.-Alan Plaia, V.P.COLORADO ALPHA, Universityof Colorado.—Colorado Alpha isseeking the nomination of its thirdcandidate for the All-<strong>Phi</strong> basketballteam this year in Charles Gardner.The 6'7" center is shocking aUsports writers with his sudden appearanceas a leading scorer averaging19 points a game in the conference.Gardner, Lynn Baker, MikeFrink, and Bob Baurs should leadColorado to a bid for another Big8 Conference Title this year. ChapAlvord is keeping the <strong>Phi</strong>s high onthe Ust in intramurals as we nowstand in third place with only a

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