1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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CHRISTMAS, 1964, had a new meaning for Dick MaxweU of Ohio Zeta, who was tra^cally injured in an intramuralaccident more than a year ago. In the pictures above (left) Dale Barker brings Dick his special present fromthe chapter, and (center) it is presented to him by Dick Homier and Dale. At right. Brother Maxwell tries out hisgift as <strong>Phi</strong>s Paul Hoy, Jim Michalak, Don Unverferth, Dick Homier and Jack Kneisley (Santa Clans) look on.OHIO ZETA COMES TO THE AID OF A BROTHERBy Gary C. Acker, Ohio Stale '65ON December 10, 1964, the men and guests ofOhio Zeta gathered together for their ChristmasSweetheart Dinner, held annually at the chapterhouse. This was our last function before the Christmasrecess and there was a large gathering of pinmateS,alumni, and friends.Our special guest of honor was Brother RichardMaxweU, who had been injured in an intramuralchampionship football game more than a year ago.(See SCROLL page 253, March, 1964.) "Max" hadwon the championship game for Ohio Zeta, buton the last play received injuries which have lefthim disabled, except for partial movement in hisshoulders, and arms. The Christmas spirit wasalready in the air, but to have Dick at our dinnertableagain seemed to make the evening complete.After dinner, Santa Claus made his annual visitto our chapter with gifts for our housemother andothers in attendance. The biggest gift of the eveninghad Brother Maxwell's name on it. It was anautomatic, electric typewriter. Knowing that thiswas the only way that "Max" could write, the brothersin a few days had donated not only enough tobuy the gift, but also enough to supply him withpaper for life.After typing his first word, "Christmas," Brother"Max" gave a most inspirational thank-you. "I alwayswear my <strong>Phi</strong> Delt sweatshirt around the hospital,"he said. "It reminds me of the speed towhich a <strong>Phi</strong> wiU come to the aid of another. I cannot tell you what this means to me; I can onlythank you."Those of us present will never forget these words.We now know, if we had not before, the truemeaning of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> brotherhood.EorroR's NOTE: The Ohio Zeta Christmas party and thepresentation of the typewriter to Brother Maxwell furnishedthe basis for a front-page, dght column featurestory in the Ohio State Lanterri, the daily newspaper otOhio State, December 11. THE SCROLL is indebted toThe Lantern for the use of the pictures taken by LanternPhotographer Raack.The ScroU regrets to report that Oluo Gamma chapter also has a brother who recently suffered abroken neck and is paralyzed from the neck down. He is JACK DACRE who is confined in Ohio StateUniversity Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. Cards or letters from <strong>Phi</strong>s and <strong>Phi</strong> chapters wiD do much tokeep his spirits high. Write him—do it today! See Ohio Gamma report, page 286.—Ed.Coleman IK (Washington '54) had a hand in the Mariner from Burbank, Calif., to Cape Kennedy,recent successful launch of the Mariner 4 space- Brother Coleman is assigned to Travis AFB, CaUf.craft from Cape Kennedy, Fla. He was a pUot on . . A2/C Jack H. Richardson (California-Davis)the G130 Hercules transport which airlifted the has arrived for duty at Hahn AB, Germany.[267]

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