1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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266 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965CAPT. JAMES H. BROWN Jr., Stanford '58, shows hiswife Beverly the Association of the U.S. Army plaquehe won by being the honor graduate of the ArinyAviation Command and Staff Officers Course at the ArmyAviation School, Ft. Rucker, Ala. Captain Brown is aninstructor in the department of Tactics at the school.Woods (Nebraska '38) of the United States Navyhas assumed command of the guided missile heavycruiser USS Canberra, the flagship of Cruiser-Destroyer Flotilla 7. The cruiser commanded byBrother Woods, a 1942 graduate of the U.S. NavalAcademy, will soon be deployed to the Far East.Capt. Benjamin C. Snyder (Gettysburg '54), amember of the USAF in Europe's Outstanding Accountingand Finance Office, was cited for helpinghis unit, the 81st Tactical Fighter Wing atBentwaters, England, win the annual quality performanceaward over thirty other entries in thecommand-wide competition. . . Among USAF personnelnow on duty in Viet Nam is Capt. Ray G.Green (Duke '53), a transport pilot in a PacificAir Forces unit that is helping train Vietnameseforces in air tactics and techniques for combat.1st Lt. Robert D. Ryan (Oklahoma) participatedin Operation Ayachuco, military training exercisesinvolving seven nations of the Western Hemisphereconducted near Lima, Peru, in early December. Heis assigned permanently to the TAC Nineteenth AirForce with headquarters at Seymour Johnson AFB,N.C. . William S. Hays (New Mexico) has beenpromoted to first lieutenant in the USAF at EdwardsAFB, Calif., Where he is an air traffic controllerin a unit that supports the Air Force CommunicationsService mission of maintaining communicationsfor control of global Air Force operations.. . . Air Force Major WiUiam E. Barnes (Iowa State'49) graduated January 15 from the U.S ArmedForces Staff College at <strong>No</strong>rfolk, Va. He has beenreassigned to Vandenberg AFB, Calif... . John D.Morrow (S.M.U. '62) has been promoted to majorat the USAF Academy, Colo., where he is an instructorin the department of mathematics.Capt. David C. Kessler (Gettysburg '58) was oneof the Pacific Air Forces personnel who recentlyparticipated in a joint service training maneuverto demonstrate the fast reaction capabilities ofAmerica's "Force in Readiness" in the Far East.During the exercise, 60 Air Force transports airlifted1000 Marines and their 800,000 pounds ofcombat weapons and equipment 1200 miles overthe Pacific from Okinawa to the <strong>Phi</strong>lippines.Brother Kessler is a C-130 Hercules aircraft pilotassigned to Naha AB, Okinawa. . . 1st Lt. EdWai^dA. Peters Jr. and Capt. Charles B. Coleman III(Washington '64), both from Travis AFB, Calif.,were members of MATS element providing airliftservices for exercise Polar Strike in Alaska. . . .Capt. Ronald L. Barton (Colorado '68) was nameda winner of the Aerospace Power Study Awards inthe December 18 graduating class at the USAFsquadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, Ala., and1st Lt. Edward S. Moore U (Florida '67) was namedwinner of the most outstanding speaker' award andan athletic award at, the same graduation ceremonies.Brother Moore has been assigned to PaineField, Wash. . . . Capt. Harold D. Robinson (Ohio'56) has completed the orientation course for officersof the USAF medical service at Gunter AFB, Ala.,and has been assigned to Castle AFB, Calif. . .2d Lt. George E. Moon (Butler) has graduatedfrom the USAF orientation course for MedicalService Corps officers at Gunter AFB, Ala., and hasbeen reassigned to a medical unit at Lincoln AFB,Neb.Conrad E. McFee (Ohio State "54) has been promotedto major in the USAF at Kindley AFB,Bermuda, where he is a prosthodontist in a unitthat furnishes medical services in support of theMATS mission of providing global airlift of U.S.military forces and equipment. . . Hayne A.Thompson Jr. (Iowa State) has been promoted tofirst lieutenant in the USAF at Holloman AFB,N.M. He is an astronautical engineer. . . Capt.Nelson S. Knaggs Jr. (Cincinnati '52) has been selectedfor promotion to the rank of major in theUSAF. He is a pilot with an Air Defense Commandunit at Perrin AFB, Tex. . Capt. Charles B;'VPHIS do meet in far off places and in strange vehiclesas is shown in this photograph of Lt. j.g. John Reamer,USNR, Ohio '61 and Aide-de-camp Charles A. Hudson,Colorado CoUege '62. Brother Reamer (seated) is withthe Military Sea Transport Service and Brother Hudsonis with the Chief of the Military Assistance AdvisoryGroup, both stationed in Taipei, Taiwan. They are shownin a pedicab with its one-man power, major means oftransportation around Taipei, a dty of about a million.

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