1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 265sota County's Committee of One Hundred, Inc., anon-profit Florida corporation.Howard E. BritteU (Colorado '39) has beennamed assistant agency manager for Padfic MutualLife's Fresno (Calif.) agency. Since he joined thecompany in 1950, Brother BritteU has been amember of the company's top sales honor groupfor eleven years and has also earned the life insuranceindustry's National QuaUty Award eleventimes. He graduated from the University of Colajradocum laude in Business. i.Rex Bradley (Iowa State '60) has his own Uvestockauction in Red Oak, Iowa. Brother Bradleyattended Arizona before transferring to Iowa Statewhere he was graduated.Thomas O. Dobbins (West Virgina '56) has recentlyjoined the staff of McKinsey & Company,Inc., management consultants in Washington, D.C.He was fonnerly employed as a project manager forthe Advanced Research Projects Agency, Office ofthe Secretary of Defense and prior to that assignmentwas with the Bureau of Naval Weapons, Departmentof the Navy.A graduate in chemical engineering of West Virginiaand Ohio State, a law graduate of GeorgeWashington University, Brother Dobbins is alicensed professional engineer.' He has authoredseveral articles on rocket propulsion and the book,'Thermodynamics of Rocket Propulsion and TheoreticalEvaluation of Some Prototype PropeUantCombinations."In his new position he will be responsible forconducting studies of management operations forbusiness and government.Raleigh R. Shaxrock (Cindnnati '56) has beennamed Man-of-the-Month, nation-wide, by PadficMutual Life. Assodated With the Gantz Agencyin Cindnnati, Brother Sharrock has been one ofthe company's top twelve representatives for threeconsecutive years.J. Robert Boyle (Ohio Wesleyan '47) has beennamed controUer of CEIR, Inc., a public relationsfirm of Arlington, Va. Following graduation fromOhio Wesleyan, Brother Boyle secured a master ofarts degree from Columbia University. Since 1963he has beeti director of contract administration forCEIR and previously had been director of contractsfor Booz-AUen Applied Research, Inc., and had alsoheld executive positions with Pan American WorldAirways and the U.S. Government.BRIEF ITEMS about PHIS with the COLORSCapt. Nelson J. Gough (Colgate '57) was presentedthe USAF Medal at a spedal awards ceremonyat Hurlburt Field, Fla. Brother Gough, whospent six months in Viet Nam, was cited for meri-:torious achievement during aerial flights. He nowis assigned as a combat control commander withthe Tactical Air Command's exclusive aid commandowing at Hurlburt. . Lt. Col. ElUs P.George (Richmond '42) received the Legipn ofMerit, one of the highest U.S. peacetime medals,at Headquarters, USAF, Washington, D.C. He wasdecorated for his exceptionally meritorious serviceto the U.S. as assistant to the USAF ComptrollerJin the Pentagon. He was cited spiedfiGally for his.'Outstanding leadership and professional skill duringa three-year period in which he improvedfinandal management and substantial savingsIthroughout the Air Force. . Three <strong>Phi</strong>s, Lt.WiUiam M. Gormly (Dickinson '63), Lt. BruceRoberts (W & J '63) and Lt. John Sam Rike (TexasTech '64) discovered they were aU <strong>Phi</strong>s at a partyof the 1st Battalion of the 2Ist Army in Korearecently. Brother Gormly has returned from Koreaand is now stationed at Fort Bliss, Tex. BrothersRoberts and Rike are scheduled for return in latespring.Capt. Jack H. Griffith Jr. (Virginia '59) is attendingthe Advanced Career Course at Fort Benning,Ga. and served for the past three years with theI Armored Division at Fort Hood, Tex. For hisservice at Fort Hood he was awarded the ArmyCommendation Medal. Lt. Paul M. Marek(L.S.U. '64) is now a platoon leader in the 8thMilitary Police Company iii Bad Kreuznach, Germany,after having completed the MP Office BasicCourse at Fort Gordon, Ga. . Capt. Mark W.DWIGHT R. DINSMORE, Iowa Wesleyan '35 (left) hasbeen promoted to colonel in the USAF, He is assignedto the office of the Secretary of the Air Force in thePentagon as deputy chief of the public informationdivision. ROBERT A. SMITH, S. F. Austin '64, is atthe Naval Air School at Pensacola, Fla., attending Pre-Flight School. He will receive his commission in Apiil.

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