1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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264 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965consumer goods for Arizona. Formerly general salesmanager, he has been a member of the board ofdirectors since 1958. Brother Thomas is an activemember of the Phoenix $ A 9 Alumni Club.Harold H. Smith (Centre '64) joined the Centrestaff last August as admissions counselor. A counselor,king of the Carnival pageant, president of CClub and member of the IFC as an undergraduate,he also was an excellent basketball player and wasLittle All <strong>Phi</strong> for two years.David Burgher (Williams '63) has been electedpresident of the Group Representatives Associationof Dallas, Tex., a ten-year-old organization to promoteinformation on Group Insurance. BrotherBurgher is Group and Pension Department Managerfor United Fidelity Life Insurance Co.<strong>Phi</strong>Up Englehart (Washington '17) moved upfrom president to chairman of the board of theJapanese Garden Sodety of Oregon, an organizationdevoted to development of the Japanese gardenaddition to Washington Park, Portland.WUUam N. McCauIey (Cincinnati '64) is currentlystudying economics at the University ofDurham, England, on a Rotary Foundation Fellowship.He was sponsored by the Rotary Club ofCincinnati.* * *BUly Harrison (S. F. Austin '64) recently was appointedassistant manager at the Stephen F. AustinBook Store. Texas Eta Chapter Adviser John Geigeris manager of the store.WiUiam R. Horkey (South Dakota) has beennamed executive vice-president of Helmerich andPayne, Inc., Tulsa (Okla.) oil and chemical firm. Assuch he will supervise operations of the four divisionsof the company.An article in The Indiana Freemason for January tells that Governor Roger D. Branigin (Franklin "23) is the first son of a Past Grand Master oiMasons in Indiana to be chosen governor of hiistate. The late Elba L. Braiugin (Franklin '92), hiifather, served as Grand Master.Leroy R. Waldvogel Jr. (Brown '57) has beennamed zone manager for the Dayton area by TopValue Enterprise, Inc., well known trading stampcorporation. For the past five years Brother Waldvogelhas been with the Miami office of Top Valueas an account executive, sales manager, and assistantzone manager.Edward C. First Jr. (Dickinson '35), Harrisburg(Pa.) attorney, has been elected president of theHarrisburg Chamber of Commerce. He had beena vice-president and director of the organizationduring the past year.Malcolm B. Young (Wabash '62) has assumed hisduties as associate director of the Peace Corps inCosta Rica after serving for about eighteen monthsas operations officer for Central America and theWest Indies at Peace Corps headquarters in Washington,D.C.• • «Dale Netherland (T.C.U. '60) has joined theDallas office of Francis I. duPont & Co. after completingthe six-month trainirig course for registeredrepresentatives of the duPont firm in New YorkCity and passing the New York Stock Exchangequalifying examination.Charles J. Patterson Jr. (Willamette '50) hasbeen promoted to the position of director of salesof Dole Company. From his new office in San Jose,Calif, he will direct and coordinate all UnitedStates sales operations for both the company'sDole-labeled and private label products. BrotherPatterson has been with Dole since 1962.C. Irving Keith (Manitoba ,'33), charter memberof Manitoba Alpha, was appointed to the positionof Senior County Court Judge of the Eastern JudicialDistrict (Manitoba) in October, 1964. His legalspecialty, motor transport law, has led him to servealmost every Manitoba transport firm in the courseof his career. He also has had significant experiencein the field of criminal law having served as CrownProsecutor several years ago in the city police court.A garden in memory or Charles W. Hoyt (Knox'97) has been established on the Knox College campus.He had been especially prominent in a citywidebeautification project that included plantingof ever-greens and flowering shrubs.Guy Cooler (Virginia '60) is with the ProductionControl Department of Reynolds Metals' RellwoodExtrusion Plant in Richmond, Va.Ronald O. Deiss (Hanover '56) has accepted anappointment as Staff Associate with Data Dynamics,Inc., a California management and systems consultingfirm. Brother Deiss will be with the Floridadivision located at the Macdill Air Force Base inthat state.WUUam H. <strong>Phi</strong>lUps III (Mississippi '51), ownerof the Bill <strong>Phi</strong>llips Ford Company of Venice, Fla.,has recently been named president of South Sara-

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