1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 263One of four men reported to have found asunken Spanish galleon bristling with treasure isP. Bissell Shaver OI (Miami '58). The find wasmade in AprU, 1964, but was successfully keptsecret until January, 1965,^ and even now very littleinformation is available about the discovery. AssociatedPress reporters have been told the loot,valued at a possible $9 million in doubloons andpieces of eight, is stored in bank vaults while thequestion of property rights in the galleon and itscargo is clarified. Brother Shaver, formerly associatedwith his father, P. B. Shaver II (Lombard '28)in the woodworking business in Henry, 111., has recentlybeen in business with his three associates inopeiration of a boat livery and water skiing schoolin the Grand Bahamas.Robert W. Topping (Brown '59) has been appointeda representative of the Boston generalagency of National Life Insurance Co. of Vermont.As an undergraduate. Brother Topping playedvarsity football and also served as president ofRhode Island Alpha. After three years in the MarineCorps, he began his insurance career as a fieldrepresentative for casualty insurance and surety.Coleman S. Christian (Michigan '49) has assumedhis new duties as executive vice-president of theManufacture's Association of Syracuse. N. Y., afterserving for the past eight years as executive secretaryof the Industrial Association of <strong>No</strong>rth CentralOhio in Elyria. During the years Brother Christianhas resided in Elyria he has been a popular andeffective civic worker, having served on numerousboards and agencies. He has been awarded theElyria Jaycees' Distinguished Service Award.James WaUace Lamont (Swarthmore '56) hasbeen appointed a career Foreign Service officer byPresident Johnson. The appointment makes him aVice Consul and a Secretary in the Diplomatic Service.After completing his undergraduate work atRutgers University in 1957, he received an M.A.degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1960and expects to complete work for his Ph.D. degreefrom Rutgers this year. Currently Brother Lamontis attending the Foreign Service Institute in Arlington,Va., in preparation for his overseas assignment.RoUand A. Brodhecker (Indiana '21) has announcedthe sale of his 96-year-old newspaper. TheBanner, at Brownstown, Ind. The county seat paperhas been in his family since 1<strong>89</strong>7 when his fatherpurchased it. Brother Brodhecker himself boughta third interest following his graduation from IndianaUniversity in 1921. Brother Brodhecker hasbeen president of the Hoosier State Press Associationand of the Indiana Democrat Editorial Associationand is a member of the Indiana FloodControl and Water Resources Board and a trusteeof the Southern Indiana Tuberculosis Hospital.An honorary doctor of laws degree was conferredby Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis., on HowardM. Packard (<strong>No</strong>rthwestern '32), who is presidentof Johnson Wax, Racine, Wis."The citation, read by Lawrence University PresidentCurtis W. Tarr, said of Brother Packard:"Your career in the business world has demonstrateda mastery of problems in merchandising,manufacturing, law and finance, both domesticallyand abroad. Upon this foundation of technicalsuccess you have demonstrated to your colleaguesand fellow men a confirmed belief in responsibilityfor the well-being of society and the enrichmentof the Uves of its members. In so doing, you haveextended into conduct the cherished harvest of aUberal education."In an acceptance statement, Packard said thedegree for him was also a recognition of the "operatingsuccess of the Johnson Wax organization andits high regard for people as individuals."Terrence W. Thomas (Stanford '52) has beenelevated to the presidency of Arizona WholesaleSupply Co., Inc., General Electric distributor ofBROTHERS TOPPING, CHRISTIAN, LAMONT and BRODHECKER.

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