1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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262 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965mof/, msmnmNTFOI THKE i-sws'rs»BROTHERS VAUGHT and HARNETTIn Miami, Fla., are two <strong>Phi</strong>s with a lot in common.Lt. Commander WiUiam C. Vaught (Miami-Florida '52) presented his "old" lieutenant insigniato newly commissioned Lt. (j.g.) Jack Hartnett(Miami-Florida '56). Both were brothers in theBond at Florida <strong>Delta</strong>; both are sons of <strong>Phi</strong>s; bothare twelve-year veterans of the U. S. Coast Guardand formerly were enlisted men; both were recentlyordered to active duty for a short periodto attend a Reserve conference of commandingofficers, executive officers, and training officers atKey Biscayne, Fla.Brother Vaught was recently appointed assistantdean of University College at the University ofMiami, Coral Gables. He is the son of the lateWiUiam Jordan Vaught (Southwestern '14).Brother Hartnett is vice-president of HartnettInsurance and Real Estate, and is a practicing attorneyin Miami. He is the son of Fred Hartnett(Union '24), Coral Gables.Georgia International Life Insurance Co. has announced the appointment of Joseph R. White Jr(Michigan '53), Counsel for the Company. BrotheiWhite, who has been associated for the past' si?years with the law firm of King and SpaldingAtlanta, Ga., did undergraduate work at the University of Michigan and received his law degreffrom Vanderbilt University. He was associate editor of the Vanderbilt Law Review and president olthe Bar Association there. In 1964, he was are?chairman of the Vanderbilt Living EndowmeniCampaign.* , •* *Richard L. Harmon (DePauw '44) has beenelected vice-president of the San Diego (Calif.)Public Relations Club and the San Diego Count)Chapter, Public Relations Society of America,Brother Harmon is manager of technical informationfor Cohu Electronics, Inc., in San Diego.John Packer (Davidson '61) has been installed aspresident of the National Student American Medi;cal Association (19,000 members) and is also presidentof his senior class at Bowman Gray School olMedicine.Col. Oliver D. Loomis (Knox '35), vice-commandantof the Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., retiredin December, 1964, after thirty years of active militaryservice. His duties have included serving asprofessor of Air Science at Colorado State UniversityAFROTC, base commander of Langley AFB,and service in the Pentagon and at Elmendorf AFB.John C. Weigel (Lombard '08) is the author of"Lombard Remembrances," a largely historicalmulti-page story that appeared in the autumn,1964, issue of the Knox Alumnus.Major Gen. WiUiam Cassidy (Iowa Sp.) has beenconfirmed as the new chief of the Army Engineers.He is commanding general of the Army EngineerCenter at Fort Belvoir, Va.John LoweU Pratt (Dartmouth '29) is co-authorof The Official Encyclopedia of Sports, a new andcompletely comprehensive encyclopedia covering 33sports and the Olympics.Lt. Col. Leslie Crozier Wood, U. S. Army (Ret.)(Georgia '32) has been appointed publicity directorfor the Greater Clearwater (Fla.) Chamber of Commerce.Brother Wood, a resident of Clearwatersince 1962, where he is program chairman for the* A 9 Alumni Club, entered the Army in 1932 andserved until 1962. He served with ,the cavalry untilthe close of World War II when he was transferredto Special Services.In recognition of the dedication and service ofVernon M. Welsh (Knox '13) to Knox College, andhis leadership as a member of the Board of Trusteessince 1939 and as chairnian since 1950, a dinnergathering in his honor, sponsored by the Presidentand the Board of Trustees, was held <strong>No</strong>v. 20, 1964,at the Drake Hotel in Chicago.Dr. Stenson DiUon (Colorado '22), a past presidentof the Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists, washonored by the Society with a plaque for distinguishedservice to the orthodontic professionover the past thrity-five years. Brother Dillon wason the staff of the University of Southern Californiafrom 1926 to 1943 and was instrumental in establishingthe graduate department of Orthodontics.He has been active on numerous committees forthe American Association of Orthodontists and forthe Padfic Coast Society of Orthodontists, which heserved as president in 1951.

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