1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 261BROTHERS LEE, CRIMMINS, COPELAND, and BECK.to log 100, <strong>No</strong>v. 23, 1962, then repeated the trickAug. 11, 1963, when he became the first flier tomake 200 arrested landings. Brother Taylor wasone of the Black Lancers of Attack Squadron SixtyFour. After five years' service with the Navy, BrotherTaylor is now attending Yale University.<strong>Phi</strong>s have been featured in recent editions of twomagazines. Dr. Vernon Alden (Brown '46), presidentof Ohio University, was the subject of a study of acollege president in Life magazine, while FredHargesheimer (Iowa State '40) and BUI Harrah(U.L.CA. '34) were featured in articles in Januaryissues of The Saturday Evening Post.Richard C. Lee (Iowa Wesleyan '31), who hasbeen executive vice-president of the Capital CityState Bank, Des Moines, Iowa, was elected presidentof the 35 million dollar bank at its annual meetingJanuary 13.Brother Lee became the seventh president in thebank's 95-year history. He joined the advertisingsales department of the Des Moines Register andTribune in 1935 and served in an executive capacityuntU 1960.From 1942 through 1945 he served with the antisubmarineforces of the Navy in the Atlantic theaterand the amphibious command in the Padfic.He holds the permanent rank of lieutenant commanderin the retired reserve.In 1951 he was elected a director of the bankand vice-president in charge of new business developmentin 1960 when he joined the bank's staff.He became senior vice-president in the commerdalloan division in 1962 and executive vice-presidentin 1963.Roger H. Crimmins (Miami '55) has joined RossRay, Inc., Detroit and New York AdvertisingAgency, as account executive on the American SeatingCompany, American-Industrial Division andWyandotte Chemicals Corporation Accounts. Hewas previously with MacManus, John and Adams,Inc., and the J. Walter Thompson Company's Detroitoffice. Brother Crimmins is currently presidentof the Birmingham (Mich.) Junior Chamber ofCommerce and has been active in a number ofDetroit civic and business organizations, includingthe # A 9 Alumni Club of Detroit. He is listed inthe 1965 edition of "Outstanding Young Men ofAmerica."• • «Hal Copeland (Southwestern-Texas '52) is thenew president of the <strong>No</strong>rth Texas chapter of thePublic Relations Society of America. Brother Copelandhas engaged in public relations work since1952 and has headed his own firm since 1957, pioneeringnew communications techniques in televisionaudience buUding and youth marketing. Oneof his best known projects was the Miss TeenageAmerica television pageant and the year-rouridMiss Teenage America merchandising and scholarshipprogram. He is also the originator of theCampus Relations Network for distribution of careerinformation among high school and collegestudents.The General Motors Acceptance Corporation haspromoted J. Stewart Beck (Washburn '31) to theposition of vice-president in charge of branch operationsin the Eastern United States. Since 1962,Brother Beck has been regional manager for theDetroit area. Following his appointment in theKansas City office in 1936, he has served in variousadministrative offices including that of manager inboth the Pueblo and Miami areas and also as regionalmanager with headquarters in New YorkCity.• • •Fred Messersmith (Ohio Wesleyan '48), whosepainting called "Shore Birds" was selected by theMead Corporation for their famous coUection in1960, has had that painting named 1964 "Paintingof the Year" by Mead. This means that the picturewas reproduced in full color for distribution to15,000 Mead customers, friends and museums lastChristmas. Brother Messersmith is chairman of theStetson University Art Department, DeLand, Fla.

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