1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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260 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965was named in his honor by the Hammond Boardof Education.Robert L. <strong>No</strong>rth (Iowa State '49) has been appointeda representative of the Connecticut MutualLife Insurance Company with the Jack K. GannonAgency in Seattle, Wash.WttLIAM H. BURGESS, Minnesota '39 (left) receivesaward for Outstanding Achievement from University ofMiimesota President O. Meredith Wilson.The University of Minnesota Award for OutstandingAchievement was recently presented toWUliam H. Burgess (Minnesota '39), president andchairman of the board of Electronic Specialty Co.The Award consists of a gold medal and a citationwhich reads: "The Regents of the University ofMinnesota as a token of high esteem and in recognitionof noted professional attainment by WilliamH. Burgess, perceptive student of business administration,innovator of a courageous and effectivebusiness policy, skillful organizer and expert entrepreneur,responsible citizen of his community, deemhim to be worthy of special commendation for outstandingachievement." Brother Burgess who, withhis family, attended several of the events of thePasadena General Convention, also extended thehospitality of his lovely home to general officers ofthe Fraternity at that time.David E. Bain (Duke '61) has been appointedgeneral agent at Erie, Pa., for the Connecticut MutualLife Insurance Company. He has been withConnecticut Mutual since 1952 and recently hasbeen agency supervisor in the company's Buffaloagency. In his twelve year career, he has won thecoveted National Quality Award of the Life InsuranceIndustry six times.Howard H. "Bo" Callaway (Georgia Tech '48),Republican Representative from Georgia (See THESCROLL, January 1965, p. 178) has been named totwo party committees in the House of Representatives.They are the Republican House Committeeon Committees and the Republican CongressionalCommittee. Both are non-legislative. However,Brother Callaway was also named to the 10-member Executive Committee of the CampaignCommittee and it is believed he is the first freshmanlegislator ever selected to serve on that committee.Navy pilot Lt. (j.g.) Tucker Taylor (Union '61),son of the Rev. and Mrs. George A. Taylor, Chestertown,Md., bagged a triple crown in naval aviationMay 23 when he became the first man to record300 arrested landings aboard the first nuclear aircraftcarrier Enterprise. He was also the first pilotHarry M. Gerlach (Miami '30), Director of Admissionsfor Miami University and currently scholarshipCommissioner of 4> A 0, has been made amember of the selection committee for NationalMerit Scholarships. The committee includes sixteenadmissions officers, personnel deans and counselors.This appointment is recognized as an extremelyimportant one in the field of Americanhigher education and is considered a high tributeto the regard in which Brother Gerlach is held inthe area of college admissions.Donald K. Gavit (Wabash '18) was named Kiwanianof the Year by the Hammond (Ind.) KiwanisClub for his "outstanding club and civic work."Brother Gavit is retiring after 29 years as businessmanager of the Hammond public schools. He iscredited with expert finandal management whichhas made possible Hammond's vast expansion of itsschool building program. One of the finest newschools in the nation, a junior-senior high schoolTUCKER TAYLOR, UnionBags a triple crown.

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