1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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WITH PHIS IN THE WORLD OF SPORTSBy Dr. John Davis, Jr., Washburn '38With Contributors: Ken Hansen, New Mexico '55; Lothar A. Vasholz, Colorado '52;Clarence W. Walls, Oregon '12"According to Hoy"Carl B. "Rube" Hoy (South Dakota '19) has beennamed "Mr. South Dakota" by a noted sports authorityat the University of South Dakota.oped. With admirable simplicity—and much wisdom—Mr. Hannum demonstrates how this may be accomplishedthrough self-realization. Yet this is nota "how to" book in any ordinary sense of theexpression.SURVIVAL IN THE CITY by Gene Accas (Syracuse'45); Ideal Consultants Inc., New York.Dlustratedl Shows you how to make your homebreak-in proof; defend yourself if attacked. Tellshow to cope with telephone cranks; travel safelyon foot, in car, subway, or bus. Dozens of real-lifetips and hints for survival in the City. A guide topersonal safety.WATER AND MAN'S HEALTH by Arthur P.Miller, C.E. (Penn State '18); Office of Human Resourcesand Social Development Agency for InternationalDevelopment, Washington, D.C.Drawing upon his long experience in that aspectof public health endeavor which pertains especiallyto the environment, Mr. Miller has evolved an approachto a consideration of this relationship whichshould result in a better understanding of it. TheAgency for International Development, through itsCommunity Water Supply Branch, has been able tomake this addition to the general literature in thehope that it will • serve to the benefit of all humanity.BIG BOWL FOOTBALL by Fred Russell andGeorge Leonard (Nebraska-Alabama '36).George Leonard of the Nashville Banner sportsstaff covers football, and other sports, for his paper.He is recognized as one of the South's outstandingfootball writers and has covered a number of bowlgames.A review of this book has already been made inan earlier edition of THE SCROLL, but the David D.Banta Memorial Library wishes to acknowledgewith grateful appreciation receipt of the book forits collection.EDWARD EGGLESTON by WilUam Randel(Denison '31); Twayne Publishers, New York.Professor Randel's publications include an editionof Bronson Alcott's Orphic Sayings, Starting withWhitman (selected poems), an earlier biographyof Eggleston, and numerous articles on variedtopics.The dean of the college of arts and sciences atUSD wrote the preface to Rube's autobiography.According to Hoy. The preface began like this; "Inthe long sweep of the prairies near Huron, SouthDakota C. B. Hoy was born. . He grew to youngmanhood in an atmosphere of horses and cattle,prairie grass and wheat, scarce money and hardwork."Rube went on from these beginnings to becomeone of the nation's most respected basketballcoaches and one of his native state's most respectedand beloved figures. He coached the USD Coyotesfrom 1927 to 1948, and again from 1951 to 1953.Rube is now athletic director emeritus at USD,and although he is now 71 years old. Rube still isactive in the activities of South Dakota Alpha.Rube acts as our advisor and never misses an opportunityto help out.Rube Hoy also has a weekly radio program onthe University Station, KUSD. The show is entitled"According to Hoy" and deals with a variety ofsubjects all gilded by the philosophy and commonsense of "Rube."Rube Hoy has gone through the ranks of # A Oin his college days, went on to distinguish himselfas a <strong>Phi</strong> that is a leader among men, and still remainsactive not only in the business of USD, butalso in the business of South Dakota Alpha.—PeteSuUivan (South Dakota Alpha).Sports ShortsBiU Austin (Oregon St.) quit his job as GreenBay Packer offensive line coach and transferred hisabilities to the Los Angeles Ram's. . . End DougMcDougal (Oregon St.), drafted a year ago by theDallas Cowljoys of the NFL, signed a pro contractwith that dub. . . Larry Zeno (UCLA), All-<strong>Phi</strong>quarterback, received a trophy at the condusion oftile season as the Bruins' "Most Valuable Player.". . Don Hoovler (Ohio U.), Little AU-<strong>Phi</strong> footballselection and three times All Mid-American Conferencechoice, signed a pfo contract with the NewYork Jets of the AFL. . Two <strong>Phi</strong> football playerswere selected on the National 1964 Academic All-American football team. On the second team at endwas Knox NunnaUy (Texas), and on the third team[257]was John Fridc (Ohio U.). . . Jim Maddox (Wichita),ex-All-Mo. Valley end and Wichita East highschool football coach, was recently named freshmancoach at Wichita U.BUly Cowan (Utah) of the Chicago Cubs, whowas voted the outstanding minor league player in1963, was traded recently by the Cubs to the NewYork Mets; Cowan is not a terrific hitter but hehad 19 home runs and 50 runs batted in in 139 gamesand stole 12 bases. Prydz Frithjof (Utah), who

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