1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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Recenf Additionsto theDAVID D. BANTA MEMORIAL LIBRARYThe David D. Banta Memorial Library acknowledgeswith grateful appreciation the following giftsof books:COTE SANS DESSEIN (A History) by Ovid Bell(Westminster '96). Given by Ovid BeU, Jr. (Davidson'39).NIGHT in BOMBAY by Louis Bromfield (Columbia'20). Given by R. E. Blackwell (Franklin'24).THE PYRAMID CLIMBERS by Vance Packard(Penn State '36), and MR. SMITH by Louis Bromfield(Columbia '20). Given by George S. Ward(Illinois '10), P.P.G.C.THE UNIVERSITY CLUB OF WASHINGTON:The First Fifty Years, 1904-1954 by Cecil J. Wilkinson,<strong>Phi</strong> Gamma <strong>Delta</strong>. Given by George Banta,Jr. (Wabash '14), P.P.G.C.The following titles were purchased by the Libraryto help complete existing collectionsTHE NATURAL HOUSE, THE LIVING CITY,A TESTAMENT, and ARCHITECTURE: Man inPossession of His Earth by Frank Lloyd Wright(Wisconsin '<strong>89</strong>).DENNIS THE MENACE: WHO ME? andDENNIS THE MENACE: Happy Half-Pint byHank Ketcham (Washington '41).FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: Architecture andSpace by Peter Blake (not a <strong>Phi</strong>).Brief ReviewsJAMES ANTHONY FROUDE (A Biography1857-1<strong>89</strong>4) by Waldo Hilary Dunn (Cincinnati '06);Oxford University Press, New York.The second volume of Mr. Dunn's biographycovers the last 38 years of Froude's life. It describeshis editorial and political work, his travels inAmerica, Australasia, the West Indies, and SouthAfrica, and his return to Oxford as Regius Professor, of Modem History. It tells of his familylife, his many important friendships, and how hefaced severe and unjust criticism. Like its predecessor,it is enriched by a wealth of hitherto unpublishedmaterial supplied by his daughter, Margaret.WILL SHAKESPEARE and HIS AMERICA byNancy Webb and Jean Frands Webb (Amherst '31);The Viking Press, New York.Nancy and Jean Webb have written what is undoubtedlythe most readable, as well as accurateaccount of the beginnings of the American stage inWill Shakespeare and His America. This accountof our American theatre has an irresistible appealto adults and younger readers alike. It is carefullyresearched and beautifully and delightfully writtenas well. It will have considerable appeal to libraries,both reference and circulating, as well as to theaverage reader. The Webbs' volume can be recommendedto anyone who would like to learn a good[256]By Frank Fawcett,Librariandeal more about our theatrical beginnings as wellas have a' good time in reading it.DIPLOMATIC and LITERARY QUESTS b>J. Rives Childs (Randolph-Macon '12); Whittet &Shepperson, Richmond, Va.The four lectures which compose this book,"Some Aspects of Diplomacy," "In Search of Truth:French <strong>No</strong>rth Africa, 1942," "American and FrenchTraits Compared," and "Chekhov the Man andWriter," were given at Randolph-Macon College bythe Honorable James Rives Childs in April andMay, 1963, as the first of the Walter Hines PageLibrary Visiting Lecturer series.VOICES ON THE RIVER: The Story of theMississippi Waterways by Walter Havighurst (Miami'23); The Macmillan Company, New York.This book surveys three centuries of transportationon the Mississippi system, from Indian canoesto the barge fleets that now dwarf the vanishedsteamboat traffic. It follows the frontier commerceup many rivers. It shows Indian tribes carried toexile; soldiers transported to army posts; artists,scientists and adventurers on their way to wildcountry; immigrants thronging riyer landings wherethe inland cities rose. Through changing channels,it follows the splash of paddle wheels and thethrob of diesel towboats.Here are tales of famous steamboats, from thepioneer New Orleans to the palatial /. M. White,and of the men, anonymous and famous, who ranthem. The book pictures roustabouts on the maindeck, passengers in plush cabins, pilots at work inshifting channels. It tells of steamboat records, racesand disasters, of the long struggle of men againstthe river and of the growing nation in the greatvalley.This book gathers the headlong memories of theMississippi as it pours its many rivers to the sea.ARE WE SLAVES OF SOME DEFUNCT ECON­OMISTS by Dexter M. Keezer (Amherst '18).Dr. Keezer has gained an enviable reputation foibeing able to explain complex economic forces inreadily understandable terms. The readers of ThiiWeek magazine have come to count on his timel)observations and helpful tips on financial affairs.Since 1945 Dr. Keezer has been with the McGraw-Hill Publishing Company and is now the firm'sEconomic Advisor. He is author of a number oJbooks.LIVING GOALS FOR EVERYONE by John AHannum (Case '31); Exposition Press, New YorkThe purpose of this book is to provide guidance in charting one's course in life in such imanner that its greatest potentials may be devel

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