1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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Gov. Carl Sanders' executive secretary, DouglasBernard, Jr. (Mercer '43), spoke for thegovernor, saying, "With no exaggeration, I cansay that he (Struby) has a record of public serviceequalled by few other Georgians." Bernardsaid the success of the Georgia committee "is adirect result of Bert Struby's untiring diligenceand willingness to spend his time for the goodof the people."From Ice Cream Salesman ToMONY's "Man of the Year"After spending six depression years as an icecream salesman in Uniontown, Pa., Edward L.Sitder, Jr. (Brown '31) joined the Mutual ofNew York's Pittsburgh Agency in 1937. Twentysevenyears later, in 1964, he was namedMONY's "Man of the Year," having been selectedfor this honor from among the company's3,500 field representatives in the United Statesand Canada.He received the award from a brother <strong>Phi</strong>,J. McCaH Hughes (Brown '33), executive vicepresident of the insurance company. Two other<strong>Phi</strong>s, John B. Miller, Jr. (Penn State '54) andHarold N. Kress (Cincinnati '53), both fieldrepresentatives, joined in the congratulating.Three years after joining the MONY organization.Brother Sittler became a Chartered LifeUnderwriter, the industry's highest designation.After spending three and a half years in theEuropean Theatre during World War II, hereturned to Uniontown and established his ownoffice as a specialist in tax and estate planning.For the past eight years he has qualified forMONY's Summit Club and during the past twoyears earned membership in the President'sCouncil, MONY's highest honor group. During1963, Sittler ranked sixth among MONY's fieldforce in production results and was named vicepresident of the Eastern Region Field Club.A Hall of Famer since 1956, he is also a Lifeand Qualifying member of the Million DollarRound Table and an 11-year National QualityAward Winner.Unbelievable as it may seem, Brother Sittlerhas not devoted full time to his business. Hehas served as Mayor of Uniontown and was theRepresentative of his district in the 82ndCongress.A past president of both the Uniontown andPennsylvania State YMCA, he is currently amember of the Y's National Council and itsInternational Committee. In 1957, he interruptedhis business and other activities to travelsome 16,000 miles through Africa, the MiddleEast, and Europe in preparation for Pennsyl-ED SITTLER, Brown '31 (second from right) receivesMONY's "Man of the Year" award from J. M. Hughes,Brown '33, as J. B. Miller, Penn State '54 (left) andH. N. Kress, Cincinnati '53, look on.vania's share in the 18-month long Buildingsfor Brotherhood Campaign of the YMCA.Bataan Death March Survivor IsHonored by Alma Mater, "S.l."John Winterholler (Wyoming '40) was afeatured guest at the University of Wyoming'sHomecoming last fall. <strong>No</strong>w residing in Lafayette,California, Winterholler was awarded theDistinguished Alumnus Award for 1964 in thefield of the humanities at the annual HomecomingSing. He was a special guest of honor at the"W" Club reunion and the guest of honor at aJOHN WINTERHOLLER, Wyoming '40, as he receivedDistinguished Alumnus Award for 1964 from Art Delgamo(left), vice-president of the Wyoming AlumniAssociation.

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