1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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252 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965In appointing Brother Smith, the Nebraskachief executive is quoted in the World-Heraldof Omaha as saying, "I feel that Judge Smith'sappointment to the Supreme Court of the Stateof Nebraska will result in contributions to judicialliterature of this state and will have a lastingimpact in the form of quality of judicialexpression."If Judge Smith continues to develop thequality of his opinions, the bar and bench ofthe state should look forward to a very lastingand important contribution to the common lawof this nation."A native of DeSoto, Nebraska, Smith attendedelementary and secondary schools inOmaha and in 1940 received his bachelor's degreefrom S.M.U., with honor. He attended lawschool at the University of Texas and in 1947received his law degree from Creighton University.After practicing law in Omaha until 1961,Judge Smith was elected to the Douglas Countyjudgeship at the age of 43.Prior to attending law school served fouryears in the United States Navy and engagedin campaigns from Guadalcanal to Okinawa.George Banta, III, Named To HeadMenasha lWis.1 Printing ConcernAt the annual stockholders' meeting January20, George Banta, III (Lawrence '45) was namedpresident of the George Banta Company, Menasha,Wis., one of the country's largest printersof educational materials and home of THESCROLL for more than sixty years. His predecessor,John H. Wilterding (Lawrence '23),P.P.G.C, became vice-chairman of the board.BERT STRUBY, Mercer '38 (left) is congratulated byDouglas Bernard, Mercer '43, executive secretary to Gov.Carl Sanders, when Struby was honored for his serviceas chairman of the Georgia Citizens Committee of theNational Council on Crime and Delinquency.and George Banta, Jr. (Wabash '14) remainedas chairman.New positions were also given to Hayward S.Biggers (Lawrence '31), John F. Owen (Lawrence'28), L. C. Roeck (Lawrence '33), andAllan J. Williamson (<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota '53) in arealignment of officers. Biggers, a member ofthe current General Council and editor of THEScaioLL, formerly vice-president in charge ofsales, was made executive vice-president; Owen,a vice-president, will assume responsibility forresearch and development; Roeck, formerlytreasurer, was named vice-president in charge offinance and accounting, and Williamson waselevated from assistant secretary-treasurer to thepost of treasurer. Stanley E. Severson (Lawrence'34) retains his position as secretary of the company,and Kenneth W. Dean (Lawrence '30),manager of the firm's Chicago office, and DonaldS. Koskinen (Lawrence '50) were continuedas directors.Brother Banta, III, is a fourth generation<strong>Phi</strong>, great-grandson of Judge David D. Banta(Indiana 1885); grandson of George Banta, Sr.(Franklin-Indiana '76), first president of theGeneral Council and founder of the company;and son of George Banta, Jr. He started withthe company in 1940 and worked his waythrough many departments of the plants andoffice, his career being interrupted 1942-46while he served in the Infantry as a lieutenant.Bud, as he is known, was named to the company'sboard of directors in 1951 and became avice-president in 1961. He has been active in* A 9, having served two terms as a provincepresident, and in local community affairs. Currentlyhe is president of the Valley Council ofBoy Scouts, and was 1964 chairman of theNeenah-Menasha Community Chest campaign.Struby Receives State, NationalCitations for Work as NCCD HeadMembers of the Georgia Citizens Committeeof the National Council on Crime and Delinquencyhonored Bert Struby (Mercer '38),general manager of the Macon (Ga.) News andTelegraph, recently for his work as chairman ofthe group. He received a plaque for his threeyears' service as chairman from the Georgiagroup, and a certificate of recognition from theNational Council. The latter was presented byJames E. Fain, executive editor of the Dayton(Ohio) Daily News, who said he knew of noother citizens action committee that hasachieved the results of the Georgia committeein so short a time. "The prime mover in thissuccess has been Bert Struby," he said.

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