1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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PHIS OF ACHIEVEMENTin Winning Distinguished Honors for Themselves, OurBrothers Bring Glory and Credit to the FraternityUnited States Chamber of CommerceNames Harlow To Leadership TeamBryce N. Harlow (Oklahoma '37) was namedby the Chamber of Commerce of the UnitedStates as one of a small group of nationallyrecognized business leaders who staged a seriesof Leadership Forums in fifteen American citiescoast-to-coast during February and March.Guideposts for American businessmen to usein judging the merits of legislative proposalsbefore the <strong>89</strong>th Congress will be discussed bythis panel of experts.- The regional meetings,now in their ninth year, are always held earlyin the Congressional session. They consist ofone-day, give-and-take sessions between businessleaders from several states and the Chamberteam of recognized authorities on currenttrends and developments in government, businessand politics.Brother Harlow, director of governmental relationsfor the Procter Sc Gamble Co. of Cincinnati,whose offices are in Washington, D.C.handled the subject of packaging and labelingcontrols. He was a former White House aide toPresident Eisenhower.>\//egfien/ <strong>Phi</strong> Is Named PresidentOf Harpur College, BinghamtonDr. G. Bruce Dearing (Allegheny '39), currentlydean of the University of Delaware'sSchool of Arts and Sciences, has been namedpresident of Harpur College, the primary lileral arts college of the State University of Ne-York, located in Binghamton, New York.Following his graduation from AUegeny wita BA in English, cum laude, Brother Deariiicontinued his preparation at the State Univesity of Iowa and won both a master's degreand his doctorate in English. While teaching iSwarthmore College, he was awarded a Mastcof Arts degree in psychology.In addition to his teaching duties at Swartlmore. Dr. Dearing has also been a member cthe faculty at Iowa, Minnesota, and Cornell. Hhas long been active in the work of the CoUegEnglish Association and was president of thorganization in 1956. In 1962-1963 he Was charman of the Division of Arts and Sciences of thAssociation of Land-Grant Colleges and StalUniversities.Harpur College was founded in 1946 prircipally to accommodate the large number of veerans returning to the University of Syracuiof which it was a branch. At that time its namwas Triple Cities College because it serveBinghamton, Endicott, and Johnson City.Dr. Dearing is a member of <strong>Phi</strong> Beta Kapp;He is a native of Wattsburg, Pa. He was initated as a member of Pennsylvania <strong>Delta</strong>, Fel23, 1926. He has three brothers, also membe]of Pennsylvania <strong>Delta</strong>: John T. Dearing '4:Richard Bentley Dearing '50, and Burton 1Dearing '42.BROTHERS HARLOW, DEARING and IRVINE[250]

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