1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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IntroducingJACK SHEPMAN, CURRENT P.G.C,Though Young in Years, New Head of FraternityBrings Wide Experience To ffie PosfIF, upon being asked the question, "Who ispresident of * A 9's General Council?" onewould reply, "John Elmer Shepman," most <strong>Phi</strong>swould probably say, "we've never heard ofhim!" 'Interestingly enough, both statements wouldbe quite true for John Elmer Shepman (Cincinnati'47) is currently President of the GeneralCouncil but few there are who would recognizeany name but "Jack" Shepman when referringto him.At the age of 41, Jack is considered a "young"president of the General Council, although onthe basis of incomplete information as to birthdates,at least one-third of * A 9's presidentshave been younger than he-. In terms of knowledgeof various phases of a college fraternity'stotal program, gained through experience andleadership in those several areas of fraternityactivities, Jack is mature.During his 22 years of membership in * A 6,Jack has served as a chapter president, chapteradviser, member of a house holding corporation,alunini club president, province president(in two different provinces), member-at-largeand treasurer of the General Council. Withsuch a background of "aging" in * A 9, it is notsurprising that the delegates to the 1964 PasadenaConvention entrusted to him the reins ofleadership in fraternity affairs during the 1964-66 biennium.Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, September 29,1923, Jack is a product of that city's educationalsystem, elementary schools, then Withrow HighSchool, followed by the four year Bachelor ofScience in Education course at the Universityof Cincinnati from which he was graduated in1947.Like so many other men of his educationalera. Jack's university career was interrupted byWorld War II during which he served in theArmy for two and one-half years, of whicheighteen months were spent in the Europeantheatre.Jack's leadership in * A 9 has not been limitedto graduate activities for during his yearsin Ohio <strong>Theta</strong> he served as chaplain, rushchairman, assistant treasurer, steward, pledgetrainer, reporter, and president.It was natural that Jack's leadership ability[245]would bring him recognition not only in hischapter but among his fellow students of theUniversity of Cincinnati as well. He was namedpresident of his senior class and was honoredby membership in Omicron <strong>Delta</strong> Kappa, nationalleadership honorary.Upon graduation. Jack taught one year at theWithrow High School, then joined the CrosleyDivision of AVCO Manufacturing Corporationin his home community as director of personnel.He remained with AVCO for ten years, throughthe merger with Bendix, and at the time heleft the company he was manager of specialaccounts in the sales department. Since 1957,Shepman has been with the <strong>No</strong>rge Sales Corporation,a division of Borg-Warner Corporation,where he is director of sales training withoffices in the Merchandise Mart Building inChicago.After intensive service to his chapter andalumni club. Jack becarne active in general fraternityaffairs in 1950 when he was the CincinnatiAlumni Club delegate. Soon thereafter hewas appointed President of Zeta Province(southern Ohio) and served in this office fiveJACK E. SHEPMAN, Cincinnati '47President of the General Council

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