1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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C B. NORRIS, Colorado '44 (right), president, and C L. NORRIS, Colorado '50, vice-president, standing in frontof their new ^'dream" Protexall plant in Galesburg, Illinois. (Photo courtesy of Galesburg "Register-Mail.")PHIS IN A UNIFORM BUSINESS<strong>No</strong>rris Brothers' Protexall, Inc., Galesburg, Illinois,Moves into U.S.'s "Most Modern Gai^ment Factory"THE SCROLL is grateful to Harold M. Holland(Knox-Dartmouth '99), long a faithful contributorto the magazine, for furnishing the materials forthis story. ED.'ftIT is a rare day that passes without a <strong>Phi</strong> seeingsome individual wearing an industrialuniform with the name of some firm or storeembroidered or imprinted upon it, but probablyonly a limited number of <strong>Phi</strong>s know thata large percentage of these uniforms are madein Galesburg, Illinois, by Protexall, Inc., ofwhich C. B. "Kip" <strong>No</strong>rris (Colorado '44) ispresident and C. L. "Kayo" <strong>No</strong>rris (Colorado'50) is vice-president.In 1937, Earl <strong>No</strong>rris, the father of "Kip" and"Kayo," opened a garment business in partnershipwith Fred B. Coakley. This business wasunique in the field because it was devoted exclusivelyto the manufacturing of uniforms[244]upon which appeared the customers' names.This original plant had eight employees.The business has grown and the number ofemployees has multiplied ten-fold since thecompany's pioneering days. In May, 1964, Protexall,Inc., moved into a new "dream" plant inGalesburg, said to be "probably the most moderngarment factory in the United States." Withina short time officials of the company predictthat a minimum of 130 workers will be needed.Size, however, is not the primary interest ofthe <strong>No</strong>rris Brothers. "We are not striving to bethe largest garment manufacturing company,but we are aiming at the best service and qualityavailable," one of the brothers declared.The name Protexall is a registered trademark,a unique identification of a pioneer onepiecegarment which protected a worker's entirebody—thus the name Protexall (Protects-All).(Continued on page 246)

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