1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for MARCH, 1965 237nessee Alpha; A. C. (Bub) Smith, Texas Beta;James Boyce, Jr., Texas Beta; all of the AmarUloAlumni Club. Also, Dewey Bryant, TexasEpsilon, City Manager of Canyon; Charles(Chuck) Nester, Texas Beta; T. Glen Cary,Texas Epsilon, President of Nu Province; HaroldK. Pridej Illinois <strong>Delta</strong>-Zeta, President of XiProvince; and the late James Tunnell, Past Presidentof Texas <strong>Delta</strong> and Field Secretary of theGeneral Fraternity.-Bob Haggard (W.T.S. '67).Kentucky ZetaThe Mystic Thirteen, a local fraternity locatedon the Kentucky Wesleyan College campusin Owensboro, Kentucky, became the 127thchapter of * A 9 following installation ceremoniesof Friday, January 8, and Saturday January9. Kentucky Zeta is proud to join the otherfive chapters in Eta Province, as well as theother chapters throughout the United Statesand Canada.The installation team was led by Jack E.Shepman (Cincinnati '47), President of the GeneralCouncil. Assisting him were Dr. Elden T.Smith (Ohio Wesleyan '32), Reporter of theGeneral Council; Frank E. Fawcett (Washbiurn'51), Assistant Secretary, and Dan M. King(Hanover '38), Advisor of the new chapter.They were aided by George J. Tankersley (Auburn'43), Garland Howard (Centre '56), JackOtt (Rollings '35), Qarence McCarroll (Kentucky'39), Thomas G. Bartlett (Kentucky '22),James A. Tapscott, Jr. (Kentucky '29), all ofthe Owensboro Alumni Club, and RonnieFount, a <strong>Phi</strong> Delt transfer from Centre College.The initiation ritual, which was very meaningful,was conducted at the Wesleyan HeightsMethodist Church in Owensboro on Friday.The initiation ceremony was preceded by anoon luncheon for the twenty undergraduatesand the six alumni who were to be initiated.The <strong>Phi</strong>s who were to conduct the initiation inthe early afternoon were special guests of theMystic Thirteen Fraternity at this luncheon. Dr.Harold P. Hamilton, President of KentuckyWesleyan College, and one. of the distinguishedalumni of the Mystic Thirteen Fraternity, presenteda short speech after the meal. Soon thereafterwe all departed for the Wesleyan HeightsMethodist Church not far from the campus.By the vote of the imdergraduate members,the much desired Bond <strong>No</strong>. 1, went to ForestCorbin. Brother Corbin will graduate in Januaryof '65, thus becoming the first charter memberto obtain alumni status. He is a man whohas put most of his effort toward the establishmentof Kentucky Zeta, and the man responsiblefor the success of the banquet and ball ofJanuary 9. The others initiated are: John Salyer,Middletown, President; H. Winston Wilkins,Owensboro; James Roraback, Jamestown, NewYork; John Chapman, Bristol, Tenn.; JamesFlanagan, Wethersfield, Conn.; Don Morris,Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; Tom Dixon, Louisville;Don Bradley, Shawneetown, 111.; Robert Hammond,Jr., Chicago, 111.; Paul Hurst, Hartford;Gary Johnston, Forest Hills, New York; JamesMeyer, Owensboro; Richard Sprouse, Chicago,111.; Don Smedley, Louisville; Joel Allen,Charleston, W.Va.; Edward Boyar, Massapequa,New York; Barry Bums, Owensboro; JoeMartin, Jr., Louisville; Tom Stewart, Bluefield,W.Va. These undergraduates have their namesKENTUCKY ZETACHAPTERFOLLOWINGINSTALLATIONCEREMONIES

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