1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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TEXAS THETA INSTALLING TEAM (left to right):Jack Shepman, P.G.C; Howard Young, M.G.C; TommyMiles, Secretary of the Austin Alumni Club; John E.Harding, President of Rho <strong>No</strong>rth Province; Robert J.Miller, Executive Secretary; Don Bozeman, AmarilloAlumni Club; Bill Dean, Chapter Adviser to TexasEpsilon; and Frank Heflin, Adviser to the new chapter.IN KEEPING with the mandate of the 1964Pasadena Convention, each of the four newchapters voted by that Convention has nowbeen installed, increasing the number of active(including two currently suspended) chaptersto 128, the highest number of chapters duringthe 114 year history of * A 9.The first of the four installations was that ofMinnesota Beta at Mankato State University inMankato, Minnesota, during the weekend of<strong>No</strong>vember 20-21. This installation was reportedin the January SCROLL.On December 11-12 at Canyon, Texas, thesecond of the new chapters, Texas <strong>Theta</strong>, wasinstalled on the campus of West Texas StateUniversity.A month later in Owensboro, Kentucky, thethird installation took place when KentuckyZeta replaced a long-established local fraternityon the campus of Kentucky Wesleyan College,The Mystic Thirteen, on January 8-9.The last of the formal installations took placein Flint, Michigan, on the weekend of February12-13, when a charter for Michigan <strong>Delta</strong>was given to the former local group, Alpha<strong>Delta</strong> at General Motors Institute.Credit for the sheparding of these four localgroups through the various difficult and complicatedsteps of achieving chapter status in* A 9 must be shared by a number of individuals,many of whom gave so willingly of theirmoney, time, and energies in recent years tothis important phase of the forward progress ofthe Fraternity. <strong>No</strong> attempt can be made to giveadequate credit to these various gentlemen,many of whom were alumni from other chaptersof * A 9.To four alumni, however, must go the thanksof the entire Fraternity for their day-by-day[234]TEXAS, MICHIGAN,KENTUCKY GREETNEW CHAPTERSRoll Is Increased to 128 as Charters ArePresented to Texas <strong>Theta</strong>, KentuckyZeta, and Michigan <strong>Delta</strong>guidance of these four local groups throughdays of uncertainties and disappointments andthrough the happier days of success, culminatingin the installation services. Reference ismade to the four brothers perhaps most closelyassociated with the petitioning groups: GeraldH. Cummings (Michigan '42), adviser for GeneralMotors Institute's Alpha <strong>Delta</strong> group;George Sugden (Iowa State '46); Mankato bankingexecutive, who gave close attention to AlphaBeta Mu, the petitioning group of MankatoState University; Dan M. King (Hanover '38),the adviser for Kentucky Wesleyan's MysticThirteen; and Frank Heflin (Franklin '44), adviserto West Texas State University's Kappa<strong>Delta</strong> local fraternity. Brothers Cummings,King, and Heflin were members of the facultyor administration of the institutions to whichthe charters were granted.The detailed accounts of the three installationsnot previously reported follow.Texas<strong>Theta</strong><strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> added its seventh Texaschapter to the roll as Texas <strong>Theta</strong> at WestTexas State University, Canyon, Texas, was installedin ceremonies held Friday and Saturday,December 11 and 12, 1964. Texas <strong>Theta</strong> is the152nd, chapter to be chartered by <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong><strong>Theta</strong> and brings the list of active chapters to126.Heading the installation team was Jack E.Shepman, President of the General Council. Hewas aided by Howard E. Young, Member-at-Large of the General Council; Robert J. Miller,Executive Secretary; John E. Harding, Presidentof Rho <strong>No</strong>rth Province; Tommy Miles,Secretary of the Austin Alumni Club; Bill Dean,chapter adviser of Texas Epsilon; Frank Heflin,chapter adviser of Texas <strong>Theta</strong>; and DonBozeman, Amarillo Alumni Club and associateadviser to <strong>Phi</strong> Kappa <strong>Delta</strong>, the local which wasinstalled as Texas <strong>Theta</strong>. Also aiding in the

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