1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL-Palladium Supplement-JANUARY, 1965 231Island Alpha chapter of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> from the campus.It was agreed that President Shepman would makearrangements to visit on the campus at an early date.43. The Council reviewed an appeal received fromthe Michigan Beta chapter for relief from a fine whichhad been assessed for the delinquent submission ofbiographical data cards. The Council voted to reducethe fine by one-half with the understanding that theentire fine would be due immediately if a similar delinquencyoccurs during the remainder of the 1964-65academic year.44. Plans for future undergraduate officers conferenceswere reviewed in detail. Mr. George Renter ofthe George Renter Organization, Inc. related a detailedplan for the production of educational materials. Thefollowing decisions were reached by the Council:A. The officers conference for undergraduates will notbe held in 1965.B. The Province Presidents will be invited to a 1965conference to further explore a detailed program forfuture undergraduate conferences.C. An extra day will be added to the 1966 Conventionat which time an officers training conference will beheld.D. Following the 1966 Convention, Province Presidentswill be expected to hold regional or province conferencesfollowing the outline presented at the conventionconference.At this juncture, the General Council constituteditself the Board of Trustees to transact such legal businessas appeared on the agenda.45. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Boardof Trustees voted unanimously to grant dispensation forthe initiation of Carroll Burgess, Milton Moorer, andJames Partin, all of whom were members of the localfraternity which preceded Texas Eta at Stephen F.Austin State College.46. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Boardvoted unanimously to grant dispensation for the initiationof Thomas Stuhbs who had been a member ofthe local fraternity which preceded Ohio Kappa atBowling Green State University.47. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Boardof Trustees voted unanimously to expel from membershipin * A 6 for financial delinquency, Bijan Aghevla,Colorado Gamma, Bond #486.48. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Boardof Trustees voted unanimously to expel from membershipin ^ A 9 for financial delinquency, David Carney,Colorado Gamma, Bond #438.49- Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Boardof Trustees voted unanimously to expel from membershipin * A 0 for financial delinquency, Terry Huff,Colorado Gamma, Bond #443.50. The Board of Trustees directed the ExecutiveSecretary to contact two members of Ohio Kappa byregistered letter, return receipt requested, indicating thatthey are being considered for expulsion from the Fraternityfor conduct unbecoming a <strong>Phi</strong>. The Boardwished to give the individuals concerned an opportunityto state why such action should not be taken.All business on the agenda having been completed,the meeting was adjourned sine die at 4:10 P.M., <strong>No</strong>vember28, 1964.JACK E. SHEPMANPresident of the General CouncilROBERT J. MILLERExecutive SecretarySURVEY COMMISSION MINUTESPasadena, CaliforniaAugust 31-SepCember 2, 1964The meeting was called to order at 10:15 P.M. onMonday, August 31, in the Huntington-Sheraton Hotel,Pasadena, California, by Chairman Donald M. DuShane.Other Commissioners present included Emmett J. Junge,H. L. Stuart, Carl A. Scheid, and Robert J. Miller.Co'mmissioner John D. Millett was present for all Commissionbusiness beginning Monday evening.1. The Commission again reviewed all petitioninggroups which had been formally approved at earliermeetings. Recent reports indicate that the four groupsare in a healthy position and the Commission reiteratedits recommendation that charters be granted by theConvention to the following petitioners: The MysticThirteen at Kentucky Wesleyan College, Alpha <strong>Delta</strong>at General Motors Institute, Alpha Beta Mu at MankatoState College, and <strong>Phi</strong> Kappa <strong>Delta</strong> at West TexasState University.2. After very careful deliberation, the Commissionvoted unanimously to recommend to the 55th BiennialConvention that the charter of Pennsylvania Iota berevoked. This charter was suspended by the GeneralCouncil, upon the recommendation of local alumni, inMay, 1961.3. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Commissionvoted four to one in favor of recommendingthat the charter of Illinois <strong>Theta</strong> at Lake Forest Collegebe revoked by the 55th Biennial Convention.The meeting recessed at 11:15 P.M. to reconvene at10 A.M. on Tuesday, September 1.4. The Commission reviewed a list of chapters referredto it by the General Council upon recommendationof the Scholarship Commissioner which includedchapters that had ranked below the All Men's Averageand in the bottom third of all fraternities on theirrespective campuses for the past three years. The Commissionvoted to recommend the establishment of anad hoc committee for each chapter, composed of theScholarship Commissioner, a Field Secretary, the ProvincePresident, and a local alumni representative, toinvestigate each situation and develop a program forthe improvement of scholarship. Such a program mightinclude a higher grade point average for pledging and/or initiation and a very close compliance with theGeneral Statute requirements concerning scholarship. Itwas further recommended that when a chapter falls intothis category that the charter be placed in escrow withthe committee until the chapter grade point average ishigher than the All Men's Average or the chapter ranksin the upper two-thirds of fraternities on campus.The meeting was recessed at 11:20 A.M. to reconveneat 9:30 P.M.5. Under the terms of the constitution whereby "theGeneral Convention may by a three-fourths vote ofthose present who are entitled to vote empower theGeneral Council to grant a charter to petitioners forany institution approved by the Survey Commission asa college or university at which 4 A 6 should have a

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