1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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230 THE SCROLL-PaUadium Supplement-JANUARY, 1965Separations from the Fraternity•BY CHAPTER ACTION-EXPULSIONSArizona Beta—Gary Warren Shipley, <strong>No</strong>. 87; finances—Feb. 17, 1964.Colorado Gamma—Victor Andrew Hollar, <strong>No</strong>. 450, andGary Richard Sigler, <strong>No</strong>. 441; conduct—Oct. 7, 1963.Georgia Beta—Jack Stewart Boozer, Jr. <strong>No</strong>. 1331, RogerStephen Brown, <strong>No</strong>. 1324, and George Lee Mitchell,<strong>No</strong>. 1317; conduct-Oct. 27, 1964.Louisiana Alpha—Samuel Williamson Lancaster Pace,<strong>No</strong>. 722; conduct-Oct. 22, 1964.Louisiana.Beta—Michael Loring Madden, <strong>No</strong>. 247, andTravis Emile Melton, Jr., <strong>No</strong>. 260; finances—March14, 1962.Michigan Beta—Robert Charles Howard, <strong>No</strong>. 903; conduct-Apr.2, 1962.Ohio Alpha-Courtney Charles Wesley, <strong>No</strong>. 1302; conduct—May9, 1963.Ohio Gamma—Anthony Charles Zucco, <strong>No</strong>. 1265; finances-May 11, 1964.Oklahoma Beta—Bob Dale Barker, <strong>No</strong>. 292; finances—Feb. 24, 1964.Oregon Alpha—Mark Geiie Farah, <strong>No</strong>. 850, GeorgeMichael Monroe, <strong>No</strong>. 844, and Charles Brooks Waugh,<strong>No</strong>. 849; conduct—May 4, 1964.Oregon Beta—Frank Joseph Peters, <strong>No</strong>. 815, and JohnFrank Alto, <strong>No</strong>. 817; conduct-Jan. 10, 1964.South Dakota Alpha^Gerald Roy Montross, <strong>No</strong>. 754;finances-<strong>No</strong>v. 18, 1962.RESIGNATIONS AT REQUEST OF CHAPTERFlorida <strong>Delta</strong>—Hinton Ola Bradbury, <strong>No</strong>. 187; conduct-Dec. 1962.Kansas <strong>Delta</strong>—Michael T. Sheridan, <strong>No</strong>. 140; finances-May 4, 1964.Michigan Alpha—<strong>No</strong>rman Paul Hummon, <strong>No</strong>. 1101,Lawrence Wilbur Konopka, <strong>No</strong>. 1054, Jay RobleySaunders, <strong>No</strong>. 1106, and Joseph James Tigue, Jr., <strong>No</strong>.1099; finances—Jan. 20, 1964. Thomas Morgan Jones,<strong>No</strong>. 1079; conduct—Jan. 20, 1964.New York Beta—Herbert Richard Allen, <strong>No</strong>. 675, ElmoEdward Dunavin, <strong>No</strong>. 652, Stuart Searles Fasser, <strong>No</strong>.657, Kenneth Neill Gudernatch, <strong>No</strong>. 661; all for conduct.New York Zeta—Peter Haydn Eaton, <strong>No</strong>. 848, and PeterBoyce HilgendorfE, <strong>No</strong>. 853; finances-Feb. 26, 1964.<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota Alpha—Roger Dean Nelson, <strong>No</strong>. 880; finances-<strong>No</strong>v.23, 1964.Ohio Beta—Robert J. Alikonis, <strong>No</strong>. 1101; conduct—Feb, 3, 1964.Ohio Gamma—Donald John Morris, <strong>No</strong>. 1228; conduct-Dec. 4, 1962.Ohio Zeta-^Karl John Hagedorn, <strong>No</strong>. 1159; finances-Jan. 27, 1964, and Charles Arthur Layne, <strong>No</strong>. 1150;conduct—Sept. 27, 1964.Ohio <strong>Theta</strong>—James Melvin Campbell, <strong>No</strong>. 1074 andRobert William Link, Jn <strong>No</strong>. 1086; finances-Feb.5, 1963. Thomas James Sonneborn, <strong>No</strong> 1107; finances—Jan. 21, 1964, and William Joseph Waters, <strong>No</strong>.1124; finances-Feb. 4, 1964.Oklahoma Beta—Mike Edward Burnett, <strong>No</strong>. 253; conduct-May16, 1960.Rhode Island Alpha—Thomas McBride Mowery, <strong>No</strong>.902; finances—March 1964.tribution to the Province Presidents.32. It was the consensus of the General Council thatthe Executive Secretary should instruct the trustees ofthe <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> Educational Foundation to limitawards for the 1964-65 academic year to two $500.00scholarships.33. Subject to approval of the plans and programoutlined for a bi-province meeting of the chapters inAlpha and Beta Provinces, the Council agreed that arepresentative of the General Council would attend themeeting.34. The Council reviewed possible sites for the 1968Convention but deferred a final decision pending receiptof additional information.The meeting was recessed at 6:30 PM. to reconveneat 8 A.M. on Saturday, <strong>No</strong>vember 28.35. After carefuUy Considering all facets of an illegalinitiation conducted by the California Beta chapter, theCouncil voted unanimously to place the chapter onprobation for the remainder of the 1964-65 academicyear, in addition to which the chapter will be requiredto finance a trip to the General Headquarters for thebrother who was initiated prematurely in order thathe might visit the founding site and study Fraternityoperation in general. A chapter delinquency during theperiod of probation will result in an immediate fineof $250 and continued offenses will lead to the suspensionof the chapter.36. The Council reviewed a progress report submittedby the president of Florida Alpha and expresseda sincere hope for continued improvement.37. The report on the improvement submitted bjthe president of Pennsylvania Gamma was reviewed withinterest and the Council voted to commend the chapterand expressed the hope for continued improvement.38. The president of Wyoming Alpha submitted aprogress report on behalf of the chapter which was wellreceived by the General Council. In additional actionthe Council voted unanimously to employ Brother Ra)Hunkins to Continue in the position as proctor for SemesterII of the current academic year.39. The Council reviewed a questionable initiation performedby the Oregon Gamma chapter and directecthat a letter of warning be submitted to the chapter.40. The Council voted unanimously to support disciplinary action taken by the Ripon College administration against the Wisconsin Gamma chapter for

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