1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL-Palladium Supplement-JANUARY, 1965 229In addition, a certificate of appreciation will be presented,upon retirement, to chapter advisers who haveserved a minimum of two years.6. By mutual consent, it was agreed that the GeneralOfficers attending the National Interfratemity Conferencein Cincinnati on December 3-5 would be authorized tovote on all issues involving proposed changes in NICpolicy.7. The members of the Council agreed that the nextmeeting would be held in Houston, Texas on March12, 13, 14, 1965.8. The Council requested the Alumni Secretary toschedule speaking engagements at Founders Day commemorationsin conjunction with the March GeneralCouncil meeting insofar as circumstances would permit.9. The Council reviewed a proposal submitted by theColorado Beta chapter at Colorado College calling forthe adoption of an international program of campusspeakers. It was the consensus that this was basically agood idea which should be pursued at the interfratemitylevel following detailed research into the possibilities ofsuch a program.10. The Council reviewed progress on the Fraternityhistory following which it was voted unanimously thatthe Historian would be given a deadline of January I,1966, for the completion of this project with the expectationthat tangible evidence of progress would be forthcomingin the interim.11. The 'Council authorized the Editor and ExecutiveSecretary to proceed with the editing and printing of theConvention Proceedings for the 55th biennial meeting.12. In a general discussion of plans for the installationof three new chapters, it was agreed that PresidentJack E. Shepman would be in attendance at each event.He will be assisted by Howard E. Young at the Texas<strong>Theta</strong> installation on December 11-12, Elden Smith at theKentucky Zeta installation on January 8-9, and HaywardS. Biggers at the Michigan <strong>Delta</strong> installation on February13-14.13. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Councilvoted unanimously to reappoint Harry Gerlach, Miami'30, to the position of Scholarship Commissioner.14. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Councilvoted unanimously to reappoint Brother George S. Ward,PPGC, Illinois '10, as the official <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> representativeto the NIC House of Delegates.15. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Councilvoted unanimously to reappoint Brother John S. Cosgrove,Penn State '05, to the position of Finance Commissioner.16. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Councilvoted unanimously to name Fred M. Bosworth, Case '21,to a six-year term on the Board of Trustees of the WalterB. Palmer Endowment Foundation.17. In selecting members to serve on the Survey Commission,rtie General Council made the following appointments:John D. Millett, DePauw '33, Chairman; H. L.Stuart, Penn State '20; Harold K. Pride, Knox '29; WadeWeatherford, <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina '44; Robert J. Behnke,Washington '43.18. The Council acted unanimously in reappointingall trustees of the Frank J. R. Mitchell <strong>Scroll</strong> EndowmentFund as follows: Richard S. Cutler, <strong>No</strong>rthwestern'20, two-year term; William O. Rice, Kansas "26, fouryearterm; William F. Murray, Illinois '34, six-year term.19. The Council acted unanimously in naming thefollowing brothers to serve three-year terms as trusteesof the <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> Educational Foundation; HenryL. Bowden, Emory '32, William C. Connell, Jr., Mississippi'50.The meeting was recessed at 1:00 P.M. to reconvene at2:15 P.M.20. Brother Russell Benson, Ohio Wesleyan '22, visitedwith the General Council to review the <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>movie which has been filmed to date. Following suggestionswhich were made by individual members of theCouncil, he was authorized to complete the project witha delivery date of the finished project scheduled forJanuary, 1965.21. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Councilvoted unanimously to name Harry Gerlach, Miami '30,as trustee of the Arthur R. Priest Foundation.22. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Councilvoted unanimously to appoint Harold A. Minnich, Akron'24, to a six-year term as trustee of the David D. BantaEndowment Fund.23. Upon individual motions duly made and seconded,the General Council named the following brothers toserve as Presidents of the several Provinces as indicated,all appointments subject to the approval of the chaptersin the respective provinces as provided by the Constitution:Alpha—Allen West Wood, Centre '51; Beta-James B. Carrte, Toronto '57; Gamma—Harry J. Mier,Jr., Maryland '43; <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>No</strong>rth—Carl A. Scheid, Chicago'32; <strong>Delta</strong> South—A. J. Newton, Jr., <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina '54;Epsilon <strong>No</strong>rth—G. Paul Jones, Jr., Georgia Tech '52;Epsilon South—T. E. Triplett, Florida '43; Zeta—H. W.Emswiler, Denison '16; <strong>Theta</strong>—Joseph M. Clark, Vanderbilt'16; Iota <strong>No</strong>rth—Donald S. Koskinen, Lawrence '50;Iota South—Walter Draper, Illinois '36; Kappa—^Tom O.Cartmel, Hanover '52; Lambda—Ted Maragos, <strong>No</strong>rthDakota '55; Mu West—Ed Love, Washburn '43; Mu East—W. C. Whitlow, Westminster '40; Nu—T. Glen Cary,Texas Tech '56; Omicron <strong>No</strong>rth—Douglas M. <strong>Phi</strong>llips,New Mexico '49; Omicron South—William Handy, UCLA'45; Pi <strong>No</strong>rth—Carl H. Neu, Washington '41; Pi South—Charles E. Wicks, Willamette '47; Asst., Grant Swan,Oregon State '21; Rho <strong>No</strong>rth—John E. Harding, TexasTech '37; Rho South-—George R. Bolin, Texas '56; Sigma-Verlin P. Jenkins. Akron '24; Tau—Clyde A. Raynor,Davidson '41; Psi—Jim C. Buffington, Missouri '51.24. By unanimous action, the Council voted to divideEta Province so that all chapters in Tennessee wouldcomprise Eta South Province with Homer B. Gibbs, Jr.,Vanderbilt '54, as Province President. The chapters inthe state of Kentucky would comprise Eta <strong>No</strong>rth Provinceand the Executive Secretary was authorized to report onpossible candidates to serve as President of the Province.25. The Council took action naming H. L. Stuart,PPGC, as interim President of Upsilon Province pendingthe selection of a permanent officer for that territory.26. The Executive Secreury was directed to consultwith Harold K. Pride concerning the selection of asuccessor for the Presidency of Xi Province.27. In reviewing a report on chapter progress in thearea of scholarship, the Council authorized the ScholarshipCommissioner to use discretion in the naming ofcommittees to consult with scholastically deficient chapters.28. The Council refused the appeal of Arizona Alpharegarding a decision to discourage the development ofundergraduate ladies' auxiliaries which have frequentlyappeared under the title of <strong>Phi</strong>delphias.29. In a policy decision, the General Council authorizedthe reimbursement of General Officers at commercialair fare rates for official business outside the provincein which they are located.30. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Councilauthorized prompt payment of expense vouchers offive Province Presidents for travel to the 55th BiennialConvention which had been challenged because of amisunderstanding of Fraternity policy.31. It was agreed that Reporter Elden Smith wouldprepare a summary of General Council action for dis-

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