1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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228 THE SCROLL-PaUadium Supplement-JANUARY, 1965Mail Votes Taken by the General CouncilBetween Meetings in 1964April 21—Upon motion duly made and seconded, theGeneral Council voted unanimously to remove theKentucky Epsilon charter from escrow and return it tothe chapter in recognition of the improvement whichhas been made during the 19.63-64 academic year.May 7—Upon motion duly made and seconded, theGeneral Council voted unanimously to name GrantSwan, Oregon State '21, as Assistant President of PiSouth Province.May 21—Upon motion duly made and seconded, theBoard ot Trustees voted unanimously to expel MarsdenSanford Austin, Oklahoma Alpha, Bond #1038, forconduct unbecoming a <strong>Phi</strong>.July 28—Upon motion duly made and seconded, theCoundl voted unanimously to appoint Brother Tom O.Cartmel, Hanover '53, to the position of President otKappa Province, subject to the required approval ofthe chapters in the province.<strong>No</strong>vember 27—All provisions of Section 28 ot theConstitution having been satisfied, the General Councilvoted unanimously to approve the petitions for Waiverssubmitted by the following: California Alpha chapterat the University of California at Berkeley, CaliforniaGamma chapter at the University of California at LosAngeles, California <strong>Delta</strong> chapter at the University ofSouthern California, California Epsilon chapter at theUniversity of California at Davis, Colorado Alpha chapterat the University of Colorado, and Iowa Gammachapter at Iowa State University.filled immediately.4. By unanimous consent, it was agreed that the fallmeeting of the General Council would be held in theChicago area, beginning at 9 A.M. on Friday, <strong>No</strong>vember27, and continuing through Saturday, <strong>No</strong>vember 28.5. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Coundlvoted unanimously to reappoint Brother Lothar A.Vasholz to the chairmanship of the Community ServiceDay project.6. The General Council considered a report on certainobstacles which allegedly prohibit the granting ofscholarships through the # A 9 Educational Foundationto undergraduate <strong>Phi</strong>s in Canada. Discussion on thistopic was tabled pending receipt of an offidal ruling.7. The Council discussed briefly the preliminary planstor installation ot new chapters at General Motors Institute,West Texas State University, Kentucky WesleyanCollege, and Mankato State University, charters for whichwere granted at the 55th Biennial Convention. TheExecutive Secretary will contact representatives of all fourgroups and proceed with arrangements accordingly.8. The Council considered preliminary arrangementsfor the 1968 Biennial Convention and agreed that thismeeting should be held in the Midwest section of <strong>No</strong>rthAmerica. The IJcecutive Secretary was authorized to obtaindetailed information on several resort hotels in thatgeographical area.9. The Council reviewed the progress which has beenmade by the Committee on Undergraduate Officer Education.By unanimous agreement, Brother Jim C. Buffingtonwas named Chairman of this committee. Namedto serve with him were Brothers William C. Whitlow,Howard E. Young, and Glen Cary. This committee wasrequested to hold a meeting in Oxford, Ohio, within thenext thirty days.10. The Council reviewed legislation adopted by the55th Biennial Convention providing for the granting ola waiver from compliance with the membership clauseto any chapter whose charter was in jeopardy because oisaid clause. The Council directed the Executive Secretar)to process all petitions for a waiver according to thedirectives of the General Convention.11. After reviewing the progress made by the Committeeon Ritual, the Council appointed the followingbrothers to a committee for continued study: Chairman—Hayward S. Biggers, Frank E. Fawcett, and Tommy Miles,12. The Council reviewed comments submitted b)persons who viewed the premier showing ot the new <strong>Phi</strong><strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> movie and authorized Council MemberBrown to summarize these statements for reference tothe producer.13. Province President William C. Connell, Jr. visitedbriefly with the Council to make several suggestions forthe improvement of province administration.14. The Coundl regretfully accepted the resignation ofBrother William C. Connell, Jr. as President of <strong>Theta</strong>Province. By unanimous agreement. Brother Joseph M.Clark, Vanderbilt '16, was appointed to fill this vacancyfor the interim until new appointments become effectivein January, 1965.All business on the agenda having been completed, themeeting was adjourned sine die at 3:10 P.M.JACK E. SHEPMANPresident of the General CouncilROBERT J. MILLERExecutive SecretaryO'Hare Iim, Chicago, Illinois<strong>No</strong>vember 27, 28, 1964The meeting ot the General Council was called toorder by President Jack E. Shepman at 9 A.M. on Fridaymorning, <strong>No</strong>vember 27, 1964. Other persons in attendanceincluded Treasurer Stanley D. Brown, Members-at-Large Hayward S. Biggers and Howard E. Young, aswell as Executive Secretary Robert J. Miller, AssistantSecretary Frank E. Fawcett, ahd Alumni Secretary Ray E.Blackwell. Reporter Elden Smith arrived a short timeafter the meeting had started at which time he reviewedall Council action and added his approval to the topicswhich had been discussed.The meeting Was brought to order with a prayer byBrother Blackwell.1. The General Council reviewed a progress report onthe lawsuit involving the Buchroeder Company but noaction was indicated at this time.2. The General Council agreed to accept an anonymousgift which would be transmitted to the InterfratemityResearch and Advisory Council to defray the costof a lawsuit involving the protection of copyrightedfraternity symbols.3. The General Council authorized the ExecutiveSecretary to investigate sources of supply of fraternitycrests for presentation to Past Presidents of the GeneralCouncil.4. Treasurer Brown will investigate the availability o)appropriate certificates for presentation to ProvincePresidents in recognition of devoted service to the Fraternity.5. The Council voted to accept an award to be donated by Tommy Miles, Southwestern '46, in recognitiorof the devoted service of Judge Sam Stone, long time adviserto the Texas Gamma chapter. This award will bepresented annually to an outstanding chapter adviser tcbe selected hy a committee composed ot Province Presidents H. W. Emswiler, John E. Harding, Verlin PJenkins, Clyde Raynor, and the donor. Tommy Miles

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