1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL-Palladium Supplement-JANUARY, 1965 227during the past year and commended the Staff, especiallythe Field Secretaries, on the comprehensive coverage atthe undergraduate level.26. The Council reviewed reports on an unfortunateinddent involving the pledges of the Alberta Alpha chapterwhich occurred in the spring of the past academicyear. The Council voted unanimously to endorse thedisciplinary measures taken by authorities at the locallevel. In addition, the chapter's convention delegate,John W. Stamm, was invited to appear before the Councilin Pasadena where the matter was again reviewedjnd the delegate was instructed that there was to be nohazing of pledges or members either in or out ot thechapter house.The meeting was recessed at 12:50 P.M. to reconveneat 2 P.M.27. A report charging that certain members of theOhio Kappa chapter were guilty of conduct unbecominga <strong>Phi</strong> was reviewed by the Council following which theExecutive Secretary was directed to make additional inquiryand report back to the Coundl. ,28. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Councilvoted to employ former Field Secretary, Raymond B.Hunkins, to serve as resident proctor for the WyomingAlpha chapter tor the first semester ot the 1964-65 academicyear in return for a scholarship ot $100 per month.29. The Coundl reviewed the results of its earlier decisionsto ban the existence of chapter auxiliary unitsknown as <strong>Phi</strong>delphias. President McKenzie reported avery cooperative attitude on the part of most chaptersconcerned, although he had not yet heard from the presidentof every chapter contacted. The Council reaffirmedits position in this connection and directed the FieldSecretaries to include this item on the check list forchapter visitation work.30. The Coundl reviewed the report of the committeewhich was appointed to study undergraduate leadershipconferences. The report was received with gratitude andthe committee was asked to prepare a cost estimate ofthe proposed plan for the <strong>No</strong>vember meeting ot theCouncil.SI. The Council expressed concern over the decreasein royalties remitted by the L. G. Balfour Companyduring the past year when compared to previous years.The Executive Secretary will make additional investigationand report in greater detail.32. It was the consensus of the Council members thatthey would not be interested in granting permission toR & K Jewelers of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to reproducethe symbols of * A 6.33. The Coundl reviewed a report on the currentstatus of the Buchroeder case and suggested that thismatter be put on the agenda for the <strong>No</strong>vember meetingot the new General Council.34. Suggested' changes to the General Statutes whichaffect the operation ot the Walter B. Palmer FoundationBjidowment Fund were reviewed by the Council andreferred to the proper convention committee.The meeting was recessed at 6:30 P.M. to reconvene onWednesday evening, September 2, at 9 P.M. in the Huntington-SheratonHotel, Pasadena, California.35. Having fijrst reviewed the condition ot the FloridaAlpha chapter at the San Frandsco meeting, the Coundlnow discussed the situation with Province President T. E.Triplett and chapter representatives, Michael Cole andLouis Stinson. Individual Coundl members voiced disappointmentin recent activities and, collectively, thehope was expressed that the current undergraduate membersof Florida Alpha would rededicate themselves tosound principles which will result in the improvementof the chapter.36. Together with Acting Province President H. L.Stuart and Pennsylvania Gamma chapter representativeJohn Cole, the Council discussed the recent sub-paroperation of the chapter at Washington & Jefferson College.The hope was expressed that the members of thischapter would rededicate themselves to the internal improvementwhich will be necessary it this chapter is tocontinue in existence.37. The Coundl met with Province Presidents WalterDraper and Tom Cartmel, as well as delegates from chaptersin Indiana, to discuss appeals which had been submittedby four chapters for relief from the fines whichwere assessed following the unofficial "State Day" whichwas held in Indianapolis in March. After careful deliberationduring which time all parties were heard, theCoundl refused the petitions. In additional action, however,the Council approved reimbursement of one-halfthe fine if, at the conclusion of the 1964-65 year, a chapterhas succeeded in earning a Gold or Silver StarAward.38. Province President Douglas M. <strong>Phi</strong>llips and theCalifornia Beta alternate delegate to the convention,Thomas Ewing, visited with the Council to discussnumerous internal problems which have been facing thatchapter. An early visit to this chapter by a member ofthe General Headquarters Staff has been scheduled and,in addition, staff members have been working with chapterofficers during the summer months. It was noted thatthe appearance of California Beta representatives beforethe General Coundl is becoming a biennial affair andthe members expressed the hope that this is a relationshipwhich would be better off discontinued. The Coundlempowered Stanley D. Brown to visit the chapterand take whatever steps are necessary for assured improvement.At this juncture, the Coundl constituted itself theBoard of Trustees to transact one itein of legal businesswhich remained on the agenda.39. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Boardof Trustees voted unanimously to set aside the appeal ofMr. M. Santord Austin for reinstatement as a member of$ A 9. It was noted that this decision would afford Mr.Austin the opportimity of resubmitting the appeal afterSeptember 2, 1965.All business on the agenda having been completed, thefinal meetings of the current Board of Trustees andGeneral Coundl were declared adjourned sine die.SAM PHILLIPS MCRENZEEPresident of the General CouncilROBERT J. MILLERExecutive SecretaryHuntiagton-Sheraton Hotel, Pasadena, CaliforniaSeptember 5, 1964The meeting was called to order at 1 P.M. by PresidentJack E. Shepman. Other persons in attendance includedCouncil members Stanley D. Brown, Elden T. Smith,Hayward S. Biggers, Howard E. Young, ExecutiveSecretary Robert J. Miller, and Assistant Secretary FrankE. Fawcett. Invocation was offered by Brother Biggers.1. Upon motion duly made and seconded. BrotherStanley D. Brown was named to serve as Treasurer otthe General Council for the next biennium.2. Upon motion duly made and seconded. BrotherElden T. Smith was named to serve as Reporter of theGeneral Council for the next biennium.3. Because of legislation adopted at the convention justended providing for the appointment of Province Presidentsduring the first Coundl meeting in the calendaryear following the convention, the Council dedded todefer the appointment of the majority of officers withthe exception of certain positions which needed to be

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