1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL-PaUadium Supplement-JANUARY. 1965 225none of the requirements toward obtaining a waivercould be undertaken until it is determined that theproposed legislation is, in fact, ratified by the 55th biennialmeeting.35. The General Council discussed recent operations ofthe Ohio Beta chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University.where it appears that plans for; improvement are needed.Steps have been taken which, it is hoped, will result inthe needed improvement,36. The General Coundl reviewed reports from theOhio Iota chapter at Denison University. It was agreedthat Coundl member Shepman would visit with thischapter at an early date.The meeting was recessed at 1 P.M. to reconvene at2:15 P.M.37. By unanimous agreement, the Council will hold itsnext meeting at the Jack Tar Hotel in San Frandscobeginning at 9 A.M. on Friday, August 28, and continuingthrough Sunday, August 30, 1964.38. The Council authorized the Executive Secretary tohave several extra copies of the Convention Proceedingsprepared for distribution to interested parties. In lieu ofthe usual printed proceedings, the Editor will prepare amore detailed report for the pages of The <strong>Scroll</strong>.39. By unanimous vote, the Council authorized thepayment of five cents per mile round trip from the Siteof the chapter to the site of the General Convention foreach undergraduate delegate to the 55th Biennial Convention.40. After careful deliberation, the General Council approvedthe proposed budget for the 55th Biennial Conventionas prepared by the Executive Secretary.41. The Coundl approved a plan whereby the WalterB. Palmer Endowment Fund would be utilized to fundretirement payments for Fraternity employees and authorizedthe Executive Secretary to prepare a proposedchange to the Code in cooperation with Palmer FundChairman Minnich.42. After reviewing the proposed budget tor the 1964-65biennium prepared by the Executive Secretary, it wasapproved with certain alterations.43. The Coundl asked the Executive Secretary to preparea proposed draft of the amendment to the Codewhich would enable the Board of Trustees to grantspecial dispensation for the initiation of faculty membersunder extenuating circumstances.At 6 P.M., the Coundl went into Executive Sessionuntil 7:30 P.M. at which time the meeting was recessed.The Coundl again went into regular session at 8 A.M. ,on Saturday, March 21, 1964.44. At this juncture, the General Council again devotedseveral hours to the "Claypool incident" whichhad been discussed on the previous two days. This wasthe event which resulted in the General Fraternity, aswell as the fraternity system and the host institutions inIndiana where <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> has chapters, receivingadverse publicity from coast to coast via newspaper,radio, and television. After carefully considering all availableinformation, the Council adopted the followingmeasures:1. Two chapters have been suspended until the 1964General Convention in September because this inddentfollows previous and recent unsatisfactory chapteroperations.2. Four chapters whose members were arrested wereassessed fines ot f500 each. Three chapters whosemembers attended but against whom no charges wereplaced were assessed fines of $250 each.3. Each ot the seven chapters is being notified thatduring the remainder of the present academic year andthroughout the year 1964-65, any proven repetition otthis type of incident will be considered cause for immediatesuspension of the chapter involved.4. Each ot the seven chapters is instructed to takeimmediate disciplinary action against any of its memberswhose behavior at the function was of such a natureas to contribute to the unfortunate reports ot theparty and to make known such disdplinary actionwithin thirty days.5. <strong>No</strong>ne of the chapters involved will be eligible forany of the General Fraternity awards for the currentyear with the exception of awards based purely uponscholastic efforts.6. If the authorities of any institution whose chapterwas involved find evidence ot immorality deemed suffidentto justify disciplinary action against a chapter orany of its members, the General Council will cooperatefully.7. A resolution was adopted applicable to every chapterof <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> decreeing that any social activitiesheld by individual chapters, by two or more* A 6 chapters, or in collaboration with one or moreother fraternities, shall be held only if there are adequateprovisions for alumni, faculty, or other responsibleadult chaperones. Any proven violation of thispolicy shall furnish grounds tor severe disciplinaryaction against the chapter or chapters and/or individualmembers thereof. The General Council is recommendingthat this resolution be incorporated into theFraternity's statutes by the 1964 General Convention.At this juncture, the General Coundl constituted itselfthe Board of Trustees to transact such legal.business asappeared on the agenda.45. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Boardof Trustees granted dispensation to the Ohio <strong>Theta</strong>chapter at the University of Cincinnati tor the initiationof Byron J. Jennings who had successfully completed hispledgeship to the Fraternity but had not been initiatedtor financial reasons.46. The Board ot Trustees reviewed a request of theIdaho Alpha chapter at the University of Idaho tor dispensationto initiate a faculty member who had servedas adviser for the past several years. Although the Boardwas in sympathy with this request, there is currently noprovision in the Code which would enable affirmativeaction. The matter will be referred to the General Conventiontor possible solution.47. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Boardof Trustees voted to suspend the following members ofArizona Alpha for a period of one year for the reasonindicated: Robert Bayless, Bond #645—Scholastic deficiency;James T. Bohart, Bond #619—Financial andscholastic defidency; Thomas E. Bowles, Bond #672—Scholastic deficiency; William M. Davison, Bond #643—Scholastic defidency; Robert F. Joslin, Bond #663—Financial and scholastic deficiency; Oliver Michael Ray,Bond #666—Scholastic defidency; Richard A. Sipes, Bond#673—Scholastic defidency; Luther B. Smith, Bond #640—Scholastic deficiency; Brian J. Sturman, Bond #685—Finandal and scholastic defidency, and Dale L. Uhas,Bond #680—Scholastic deficiency.48. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Boardof Trustees voted to expel from membership in $ A 0tor conduct unbecoming a <strong>Phi</strong>, Stephen John EugeneSprague, Colorado Beta, Bond #679.49. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Boardof Trustees voted to dismiss from membership In * A 0,at his own request, Edward B. Nyquist, Illinois Beta,Bond #358.50. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Boardof Trustees voted to expel from membership in # A 9for conduct unbecoming a <strong>Phi</strong> Robert C. Douglas, Arizona

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